
时间:2022-12-21 23:27:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】冬季,太阳光热能将进入一年中最少的时节,北半球由于得不到充足的光热能,高纬地区的空气就会被大量冷却下沉进行堆积,最终形成寒潮倾泻南下。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。

1.冬天英语日记 篇一

  When winter came, the withered cotton poles along the road were dotted with some leftover cotton. The golden wild chrysanthemums began to wither, and the mountains stood out clearly against the blue sky.

  Since the beginning of winter, it has been warm in the daytime and cold at night. Dew condensed into white frost like goose feather. On the glass window, there was a layer of steaming fog. The air in the teacher was also warm. Before dawn, the snow kept falling.

  On the road and on the fields, there was a thick layer of snow. Although the sky was not yet clear, the road was still vaguely visible against the snow. The wind blew on people's faces like a knife, and the cold wind was piercing the bones.

  Every night, it is ice and snow, and heavy snow is falling in succession. It seems that the posture is to cover the whole land before giving up.

  On that day, the weather was particularly sunny, the air was pure with ice and snow, the snow piled up in the ditch was dry and rustling, the wind blew and fluttered, like thousands of silver powder on the straight road, the sun light sprayed from the mountain tip, and in an instant, on the flat road, it flashed fragmented, dazzling luster, as if it were paved with silver.

  The north wind was blowing, and the cold current in the sky caused the poplar and weeping willow to lose all their leaves. The dead branches were swept by the wind and floated in the air, falling under the corner of the wall, rotating like wind wheels, shua, shua. It seems to tell people that winter is coming.

2.冬天英语日记 篇二

  "Huh!" When winter comes, everyone should close the doors and windows to avoid catching cold. Most people don't like winter, because winter is like a beast. As long as you go out and don't wear warm clothes, you will be severely bitten by it when you come back, and you will be ill in bed and can't get up!

  Winter is a very cold season, and many vulnerable people often get sick. In addition, when it rains heavily, the weather will become very humid, causing mold to grow in many places. When the ground is wet, I will accidentally fall all over the sky, causing me pain. When the cold current comes, it will cause the fish in the water to freeze to death, making the people in the fish farm unable to earn money, and the price of fish will become very high, making many people unable to eat delicious fish, resulting in malnutrition.

  In winter, in addition to sleeping in bed, you can also do some activities and games. It's just like experiencing the fun of rubbing tangyuan at home, so you can not only know how to make tangyuan before, but also eat handmade tangyuan without adding preservatives. It's really killing one stone with one stone! In winter, you can enjoy the snow as white as paper while having a snowball fight and playing. It will also make you very happy and forget to leave. You will always remember this happy time!

  As long as you enjoy each season carefully, in fact, there are interesting places in each season. But if the global warming, will never see winter again, is a very sad thing!

3.冬天英语日记 篇三

  When winter comes, there are all kinds of leaves falling along the road, including yellow, brown, and half green, half withered and charred leaves. Leaves spread on the road. The road was like a carpet. The "carpet" was printed with different patterns, some like small crabs, some like kelp strips, and some like turtle shells.

  When winter comes, some animals are hibernating. Some of them hide in tree holes, some hide in the soil and sleep soundly. They can't wake up at all. Even if there is a pile of delicious food beside them, they also sleep soundly and don't eat at all. Some animals are still very lively, such as sparrows and magpies. They can be heard singing in the early morning, and they seem not afraid of cold.

  When winter comes, the cold air comes very quickly. That day, when I said it was cold air, I dressed like a chubby bear. The students at the school wore very little. In the afternoon, I was sweating, while others were just like in the morning. The students said it was very hot. Did they know that cold air would leave in the afternoon?

  Winter is coming. I really hope snow will come with winter.

4.冬天英语日记 篇四

  Miss Qiu left, and Grandpa Dong came quietly. A north wind blew, like a lion roaring. The leaves were gone, the bare branches were shaking in the cold wind, and the withered and yellow grass bent down cold. Only Chimonanthus praecox, green bamboos and green pines are still alive. People wore thick cotton padded clothes and trousers, and the water in the river also formed a thick layer of ice. It's true that drops of water turn into ice. The ground is freezing and the weather is cold.

  Where did the little animals go? It turns out that the wild geese have flown back to the south, the pythons and hedgehogs have hibernated, and the ants and squirrels have stored a lot of food to hide in warm caves for the winter.

  The goose feather heavy snow fell down from the sky, the whole earth became silver white, and the wheat seedlings in the fields were also covered with a thick quilt, which was really "snow augurs good years". At this time, some children ski, some make snowmen, and some have snowball fights. They have fun.

  I like winter, because winter brings a lot of laughter to children.

5.冬天英语日记 篇五

  Grandpa Winter hurriedly took over the class of Miss Qiu and came to us. It brought the cold wind, the cold sight of withered branches, and our expectations.

  When winter comes, the wind baby starts to make trouble. It blew the leaves all over the sky, blew the flowers too hard to show their smiling faces, and blew our children's faces red.

  When winter comes, the grass in the park has withered and turned yellow, as if it had spread a yellow carpet on the earth; The leaves of the small trees by the river have also fallen out, standing up quietly; Only the tenacious pine trees ignored the coming of winter and were still green.

  When winter comes, the brook flows slowly. It doesn't sing as loudly as it does in summer. Even the shady place has a thin layer of ice; There is a layer of mist on the road from time to time, and the vision is not as clear as before. Sometimes it even affects people's travel!

  When winter comes, we often dream of a heavy snow, running, playing, snowball fights, making snowmen

  Ah! Grandpa Dong, you really look like a magician!
