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【#英语资源# 导语】以下是©文档大全网整理的《5个最易错语法精析》,一起来看看吧!

1. “SHOULD I SAY ‘IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION’ OR ‘IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS’?” “应该说‘IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION’还是‘IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS’?” “If you have any questions” is correct, because the word “question” is a countable noun. “If you have any questions”正确,因为“question”这个名词可数。 When a noun is countable, we always use the plural form after “some” and “any”: “some”和“any”后通常接可数名词的复数形式: I bought some flowers. 我买了一些花。 We don’t have any questions. 我们没有任何问题。 We only use the singular form after “some” and “any” when a noun is uncountable: “some”和“any”后接不可数名词才用单数形式: I bought some sugar. 我买了一些糖。 We don’t have any advice. 我们没有任何建议。 2. “WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HAVE BEEN + -ING AND HAVE BEEN + PAST PARTICIPLE?” “HAVE BEEN + -ING和HAVE BEEN + 过去分词之间有什么区别?” Have been + ING form is the present perfect continuous. Have been + ING形式是现在完成进行时。 It means an action that has started in the past and continues until the present. 意思是一个过去开始并持续到现在的动作。 I’ve been cleaning the house for the past hour. 我已经清洁屋一个小时了。 (I started cleaning 1 hour ago, and I’m still cleaning now) (一小时前我开始清洁,现在我还在清洁) Have been + past participle is the present perfect passive. Have been + 过去分词是现在完成时的被动语态。 It means something was done to the subject of the sentence sometime in the past. 意思是过去某个时候句子主语经受了某些动作。 These machines have been cleaned. 这些机器已经被清洁好了。 (The sentence doesn’t say who cleaned them, just that they have been cleaned already) (句子中没有说明谁清洁了机器,只是机器已经被清洁了) 3. “WHEN SHOULD I USE FEW VS. A FEW?” “什么时候用FEW,什么时候用A FEW?” A few usually has a positive connotation, and few usually has a negative connotation. A few通常有正面意思,而few一般有负面含义。 Let’s say I’m moving to a new city, and I say “I have a few friends there.” – that’s a good thing; I know some people so I will have a good time in the new city. 比如我搬到了一座新的城市,然后我说“I have a few friends there”,就是一件好事,说明我认识一些人,所以我会在这个新的城市过得开心。 Now let’s say my son is not very popular in school. I would say, “He has few friends.” – that’s a bad thing; he has only 2-3 friends, and it would be better for him to have more friends. 现在我们假设我的儿子在学校不太受欢迎。我会说“He has few friends”,就是一件坏事,说明他只有两三个朋友,而有更多朋友会更好。 4. “WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN I’VE GOT AND I’VE GOTTEN?” “I’VE GOT和I’VE GOTTEN有什么区别?” I’ve got = I have; I possess I’ve got = 我拥有 I’ve got a dog. 我有一只狗。 I’ve got a car. 我有一辆车。 I’ve got to = I must; I need to I’ve got to = 我必须,我需要 (often pronounced as “I’ve gotta”) (经常发音作“I’ve gotta”) I’ve got to leave now. 我必须要走了。 I’ve got to pay rent on the 1st of the month. 我不得不在每个月的一号交房租。 I’ve gotten = I have obtained/received I’ve gotten = 我应得/获得了 I’ve gotten = I have become I’ve gotten = 我变成了 I’ve gotten a dog. 我买了一只狗。 (I didn’t have one before, but recently I adopted or bought a dog) (以前我不养狗,但最近我领养或买了一条狗) I’ve gotten a good grade on the test. 我考试考得不错。 (I received a good grade on the test) (我考试得了个不错的分数) I’ve gotten divorced. 我离婚了。 (I have become divorced) (我成了离婚了的) I’ve gotten better at English. 我英语进步了。 (I have become better at English) (我英语变得更好了) 5. “DO NEITHER & NONE USE SINGULAR OR PLURAL VERBS?” “NEITHER和NONE后谓语用第三人称单数吗?” Neither is used for two things. Neither的谓语既用单数也用原型。 Neither of my parents is retired. 我父母都没有退休。 None is used for three or more things. None用于三个及以上事物。 None of the kids in the class failed the test. 班上的三个孩子考试都通过了。 About singular or plural, this depends. 用不用第三人称单数,要分不同情况。 Technically, after neither, we should always use the singular, as in the example above 理论上讲,neither之后必须用第三人称单数,像上面那个例子(Neither of my parents is retired / Neither my mom nor my dad is retired.) However, some people do use the plural 不过,一些人也用原型: Neither of my parents are retired; Neither of the athletes were injured. 我父母都没有退休;这两个运动员都没有受伤。 After none, use the plural if the object is countable: None后面接的宾语如果可数,用原型: None of the facts are correct. 这些都不是事实。 Use the singular if the object is uncountable: None后面接的宾语如果不可数,用第三人称单数: None of the information is correct. 这些信息都不正确。

