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【#英语资源# 导语】演讲的作用很广,对于演讲者而言,它更是一项非凡地本领,演讲非常讲究技巧,掌握了技巧,能让你的演讲更打动人心,让听众印象深刻。以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Dear teachers and students,

  Everybody is good!

  I am XXX from Class one, five years of XX primary school. Today, the topic of my speech is: let civilization spread over every corner of the society.

  As we all know, our motherland is an ancient civilization with a long history of 5020XX years. Since ancient times, China has always advocated civilization. Confucius once said, "If people are rude, they will not be born; if things are rude, they will not be born; if the country is rude, they will not be kept." Xunzi also said: "courtesy, humanity is also extremely." It illustrates the importance of civilization. It has been well said that "true civilization is the result of all men planting happiness." Civilization is the water we need for these flowers, civilization is the healthy growth of children in life and learning arm. Civilization is the footprint of our growth, civilization is the pure land of our growth.

  Kong Rong let pear story we also heard it. Kong Rong was a writer in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. When he was four years old, his neighbor brought a basket of delicious pears to him. Kong Rong's father asked his seven sons to eat by themselves, and each of his brothers chose a big pear. Kong Rong ranked sixth, and he chose a small pear to eat. The father was surprised and asked, "Why didn't you pick the big ones?" Kong Rong said: "I am young, I should eat the small, let my brothers eat the big one." Ah! This is the civilized virtue that a litterateur develops since childhood. Told us between brother and sister, between friends to mutual comity, help each other, unity and love this truth. Is it not common sense that is necessary for civilized ceremony?

  However, in real life, we also regret to find some very uncivilized bad habits. Take our beautiful West Lake Park for example. In the park, it is common to see people spitting, or throwing cigarette butts, paper scraps, and some people trample on the lawn. Cast a black shadow over the beautiful West Lake Park.

  Talk more about our school and family! We lack civilized education. At home, we do not understand the hard work of parents busy, do not cherish money, only take not dedication. In the school, some people do not listen to the teachers' regrets, say bad words, do not study carefully, make loud noise, throw rubbish, and make a mess of the school's image. In fact, civilization is just like a small alarm clock, reminding us that there are many people around us who say civilization is worth learning from. We should start from small things, develop good habits, such as: speak civilized language, do not spit, do not spit gum, do not litter and so on, become a good student speak civilization.

  Civilization is not only a matter of individual quality, but also a reflection of individual morality. Civility is the foundation of morality, respect and friendship. Meng Ke said: "love, people always love; He who respects others will always be respected." Want to let others respect you, want you to respect a person, if be full of civilized atmosphere on the society, people can live in beautiful environment.

  Let us all carry forward civilized etiquette, let our society become more beautiful!

  That's all for my speech, thank you!


  Once upon a time, there was a rich man who was born stupid and did not want to study, but he was so conceited and proud that he often did things that made people laugh and laugh.

  When he was once a guest in another rich man's house, he found it three stories high, stately, spacious, and magnificent, and it was wonderful to stand on the third floor and have a fine view of the distance. He could not help feeling envious and thought, If only I had a three-story house like this! I can also stand on my third floor, drinking tea and looking at the view, as comfortable as I want!

  If you want to build a building, you will have money. When he returned home, he immediately sent for a mason and said, "Build me a three-story house as soon as possible."

  So the masons immediately began to lay the foundation, mud, bricks and began to build the first floor of the building.

  The rich man went to the construction site every day to see the foundation laid in the first few days. A few more days passed, and several layers of bricks were laid. After a few days, the brick is a little higher. The rich man was crazy about buildings. Now, after all these days, there was no sign of his building. He was impatient to wait, so he went to the mason and asked, "What kind of house are you building? The mason replied, "Is it not as you ordered? That's the first layer." The rich man then asked, "So you still need to build the second story?"

  Surprised, the mason replied, "Sure, what's the problem?"

  The rich man was furious and became angry. "Stupid thing, what I see is the third layer, and what I asked you to fix is the third layer. I have the first layer and the second layer.

  The rich man was really exasperating and ridiculous. Without the first and second stories, where could he get the third story? Do things to be solid, lay a solid foundation, otherwise our dream is just like the rich man's castle in the air, always illusory things.


  Dear teachers, dear students,

  Everybody is good! Today, I tell the story of the title is "mother love".

  This is a true story that happened more than ten years ago.

  A village was hit by a flood. The raging flood rampaged across the village, sweeping away countless farming homes and leaving many people struggling in the flood waters. A rope was pulled between a tree more than 20 meters offshore and trees on the shore, forming a rope dam to intercept people and things rushing down from the upstream. At this time, I saw a mother and daughter embracing the upstream was washed down the flood, the mother is more than 50 years old, white hair in the yellow flood disappear, very eye-catching. Their daughter is in her 20s, and they struggled through the floodwaters. Seeing this, many people on the shore kept raising their hands and Shouting for the mother and daughter in the flood to move towards the dam. They heard Shouting from the shore and struggled towards the dam. But the floodwater was raging, and the mother and daughter were still some way from the rope dam, just about to brush past the tree tied to the rope dam. In a flash, the mother struggled to push her daughter to the rope dam, her daughter conveniently embraced the tree, saved. But in the flood mother was pushed when the inertia of recoil into the river, struggling in the flood a few times, disappeared in the pentium of the river. Rescued daughter burst into tears, the shore residents also shed tears.

  Students, we live in a flower-like world, perhaps not experienced the story of the mother's love between life and death, but the mother's love is also like a trickle, into our hearts. In the morning, when we hurry out of bed, who has cooked delicious breakfast for us? In the rainy day, who is waiting anxiously at the school gate with an umbrella? When we are sick, who takes care of us day and night? Who on earth gives us so much and never asks for anything in return? Is our selfless noble mother! It is the mother who cares about us all the time, caring for us in every possible way. What can we do for our mother? A hand-made greeting card, a cup of warm tea, a pot of steaming water for washing feet, and a bright and sweet smile will make mother feel happy. Let us use a small progress, grow up sensible day by day, again and again excellent results to repay the mother, because, mother will always have is our pillar, we will always be mother care thank you!


  Dear judges,

  Good afternoon! The story I bring to you today is Mother's Gift. My mother told me that WHEN I was a child, I was timid and always cried before going to bed at night, refusing to sleep. My mother tried many, many ways to coax me. Finally, my mother told me a story and I fell asleep. Since then, my mother always before I fall asleep

  Vivid to tell the story, such as the kindness of the mermaid, the evil of the bad queen, Donald Duck's humor, can be more. One day, I asked my mother curiously, "Mom, mom, where did all the stories you told me come from?" My mother smiled and told me, "Honey, the answer is in the books on the shelf!" I listened, quickly rushed to the study, opened a beautiful book - "little Red Riding Hood". I was attracted by the beautiful pictures in the book and began to enjoy the fun the book brought to me. From then on, books like a magnet deeply attracted me.

  Go to school, I know the word more and more, the books at home are all for me to read. My mother asked me what gift I wanted for my birthday this year. I blurted out, "Books! Book! I want to book!"

  Mother promised. On the birthday, mother moved back a big black monster and put it in the study. Mom said, "This is your new book." I don't believe it! Mom opened the monster, clicked it lightly, and tapped on the keyboard a few more times. A copy of Pinocchio appeared on the screen. I was so surprised that I asked my mother how to do it. My mother told me the detailed operation method, and I soon fell in love with the big book. But he has to have a name, right? Mom said, this is the computer. I had an Epiphany!

  Since the computer this big book, I often sit in front of the computer is an hour, sometimes even forget to eat, forget to rest. Now, I will read the story from the book to my mother every day, my mother listened to it can be happy. That's my story, thank you!


  Dear teachers and students,

  Everybody is good! The topic of our speech today is: The Affection of Green leaves to Roots

  There is a feeling, make people heart to heart; There is a feeling, people worry about; There is a feeling that binds people together... Such affection is the affection of green leaves and roots.

  The green leaf is us, the root is our motherland. We grew up under the protection of roots, sucking sweet milk, taste the taste of love. Now we have grown into a towering tree, and the elderly mother, who needs to protect it? Is us, we want to in the name of the Chinese people to prop up this big eastern country! Study hard and develop yourself into a useful man of the motherland and society! When we are young, is the motherland feeding us thrive, and we grew up, hard wings, can spread wings gao Xiang, can we forget the kindness of our mother? No, he who does this is despicable and ungrateful. We have to prove this feeling with our actions, so that this emotion from generation to generation.

  We have been relying on traditional agriculture with you for 2000 years, and in the last 20 years of the 20th century, we finally started the process of modernization with you. The speed of 20 is incomparable to that of 2000. Your great changes let the world sit up and take notice, the World Bank "2020 China ---- new Century development challenges" research report so kua you said that "China only a generation of time, on the achievement of other countries with several centuries to achieve!"

  Today in history, people around the world have witnessed your success, pride and confidence. The return of Hong Kong and Macao marked the complete end of western colonial rule in Asia. The "Green Olympics" in 2008 reflects your economic strength and international status.

  In the 21st century, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, we "study ink" for you, "dip pen", you splash ink and down, take advantage of the prosperity, in the world between the pen such as clouds, the front like dragon, writing forever tomorrow.

  Root leaves with infinite vitality, leaves with youthful vitality, leaves with selfless care...... Until I devote my life selflessly to ye! This is the dedication of the root to the leaf! How noble this love is! How great is this love! "Sixty years later, in a snap." We are the pillars of the country, we will bear the responsibility of building the motherland! Let us act together, to serve the country as own duty, to carry forward the glorious tradition as the belief, set up lofty ideals from childhood, so that China is no longer the sick man of East Asia, but the giant of the East! Students, let's work hard together!

  Thank you!

