

时间:2022-01-31 00:00:25 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#成人英语三级# 导语】有时候,你必须一个人走,这不是孤独,而是选择。我们时时刻刻都在选择,你选择过什么样的生活就需要付出什么样的代价。®文档大全网整理了“学位英语完成对话练习试题一”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  A: Hello. Can I be of service to you?

  B: I'm just window shopping.

  A: You are always welcome. (1) .

  B: They look very interesting, especially the yellow gowns.

  A: They are imperial gowns. Ancient Chinese Emperors wear them. Yellow is a noble color to Chinese people. The imperial laws forbade the ordinary people to wear yellow.

  B: Did they? But (2) .

  A: Cultures differ from country to country. Why not try them on?

  B: How much should I pay you for trying it on?

  A: Free of charge.

  B: That's fine. Is this yellow too bright for me?

  A: It's a very bright yellow, but it looks terrific on you.

  B: Does it? What size is it?

  A: It's size 8.

  B: But l wear size 10.

  A: Here is another gown. It's size 10. Try it on. (3)____.Why not take one as a souvenir? It's cheap. Only 100 Yuan.

  B: That's a good idea. I'll take it.

  A. You look so smart in the imperial gown.

  B. in my country purple is associated with being noble.

  C. We sell all kinds of things used in ancient Chinese Imperial Palaces.


  【解析】根据B的回答“看起来真有意思,尤其是这些黄 色的长袍”,黄袍为皇宫里的服饰,据此可知,A专卖古代皇宫里的用品,所以“我们这里销售中国古代皇宫的各种用品”符合文意,选C。





  A: Here are our tickets and passports. We're flying to Amsterdam today.

  B: Welcome to Youth. Let's see...yes, your passports are still valid and your tickets are in order. (1) .

  A: Just these two.

  B: Please put them on the scales. Any carry-on baggage?

  A: Yes, two pieces. Oh, and this camera.

  B: It's better to put these identification tags on them. (2) .

  A: Non-smoking, please. And could we have one window seat, please?

  B: Let me see. Oh, here are two left. All right. You're all set. I've stapled your two baggage claim stubs to your return tickets.

  A: These two?

  B: Yes. And here are your boarding passes. You have seats 20A and 20B. Your flight is on time, and it's leaving from Gate 12. Don't forget to pay the airport tax before you board. (3) .

  A: Thanks a lot.

  A. Do you want smoking or non-smoking seats?

  B. Have a pleasant flight.

  C. How many pieces do you want to check in?







