

时间:2024-01-02 20:33:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

be free from 没有……的,不受……影响
  be identified as …被认为是…
  be known as 被称做……,以……著称
  be known to 为……所熟知
  be popular with… 受……欢迎
  be prepared for 对……做好准备
  be regarded as 被认为是…,被当做是…
  be satisfied with 对……满意,满足于…
  be second to… 次于…
  be sick of… 对…感到厌倦
  be used as… 被用做…
  be used to… 习惯于…
  get used to… 习惯于…
  all of a sudden 突然
  all the time 一直,始终
  as a rule 通常,照例
  as far as ...be concerned 就...而言
  as to … 至于…,关于…
  at best 充其量,至多
  before long 不久以后
  beyond question 毫无疑问
  by all means 尽一切办法,务必
  every now and then 时而,偶尔
  in itself 本质上,就其本身而言
  sooner or later 迟早,早晚
  abide by… 遵守…,信守…
  agree with 与…相一致同意…
  be beneficial to… 有利于…,有益于…
  turn a blind eye to… 对…视而不见
  by leaps and bounds 飞速地,突飞猛进地
  when it comes to 一谈到…,就…而论
  disagree with… 与…意见不一致不同意…
  give an opinion on… 对…发表意见
  adapt oneself to…=adjust oneself to… 使自己适应于…
  attribute…to… 把…归因于…,认为…是…的结果
  comment on… 评论…
  concentrate on/upon… 集中注意力于…
  on the contrary 与之相反
  convince somebody of something 使某人确信某事
  deprive somebody of something 剥夺某人某物
  in detail 详细地
  be equipped with… 装备有…
  in essence 本质上

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