

时间:2024-04-22 04:15:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】如果你理想中的公司能够提供给你一个非常好的职位,那么你一定会立刻接受这份工作。但如果不是呢?有很多经理都愿意同有前途的员工谈论薪资及福利的问题,他们甚至更希望以每月有限的支出换回长期的利润。这里有一些方法可以帮助你用英语谈论薪资的问题。以下内容由®文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!

  1 Thank you for your offer。

  No matter whatyour decision and what the package, make sure you give your thanks.You may also

  want to offerphrases such as, "I appreciate your consideration" and "I amhonored that you have selected me."


  I appreciate your consideration 以及 I am honoredthat you have selected me。


  It's oftendifficult to negotiate an offer once you've shown extreme interestin the job and satisfaction in the salary,so it's best to start at the beginning. Instead of saying,"OK", whenyou hear the salary figure, say "Hmmm..." This lets the hiring manager know you aren't quite satisfied and can leadto immediate negotiations。


  3 Basedon my current salary

  Give a reasonfor your higher expectations. Maybe it's based on your currentsalary, other job offers or statistics you'verecently read about your field. Finish up the sentence with, "I had something a little higher inmind" or "I was expecting something within the 5 to 7,000range."

  说出你为何期望薪资高一点的理由。可能是因为你目前的薪资水平,或是其他工作能给你多少报酬,再或是你了解到最近同行业的薪资水平。你可以说这些句子:Ihad something a little higher in mind 或 I was expecting something withinthe 5 to 7,000 range。

  4 CanI let you know my final decision on Monday?

  Hiringmanagers have been known to put the squeeze on, especially if theyreally want you, but don't rush into decisions.Request at least several days to think through the decision. Youcan add,"I'm very interested in your company, but this will give me sometime to make a more informed decision."


  I'm veryinterested in your company, but this will give me some time to make amore informed decision。

  5 I'lltake it!

  When it comes down to the final decision, this is afun and friendly way to accept an offer. If you had something more formalin mind, say "I'd like to formally accept your offer." If, onthe otherhand, you don't want the job, say, "After much consideration, I'mafraid I won't be able to accept your offer." Besure to always give an answer, and to always be polite!

  当做出决定的最终时刻来临时,你要表现出乐于并且友善地去接受公司对你的聘用。如果你已经有一些头绪了,你就可以这么说:I'dlike to formally accept your offer。相反,如果你不想接受这份工作,你可以說:After muchconsideration, I'm afraid I won't be able toaccept youroffer。要确定地给出答案并且一定要有礼貌!

