【#英语资源# 导语】Michael Jackson在《Bad》里唱到:You know I'm bad, I'm bad, come on, you know,歌词里的bad就不是糟糕的意思,而表示性感火辣哦。所以说可不要小瞧这些简单词哦,他们可有大作用。今天®文档大全网就来讲讲bad的同义词们。
1. Terrible 1. 糟糕的;可怕的;严重的;低劣的 We have just received some terrible news. 我们刚刚收到了一些可怕的消息。 2. Poor 2. 粗劣的,蹩脚的;不好的 Last year's exam results were fairly poor. 去年的考试成绩相当差。 3. Unacceptable 3. 不能接受的;不受欢迎的 I cannot believe that you thought this was okay – it is unacceptable! 我不相信你觉得行得通-这简直无法接受! 4. Inadequate 4. 不够好的,劣质的 This work is woefully (= extremely) inadequate - you'll have to do it again. 这活儿做得非常糟糕——你必须返工。 5. Defective 5. 有缺陷的,有毛病的,有问题的 I think that theory is defective. 我认为那种理论有缺陷。 6. Unfortunate 6. 不幸的;糟糕的 This is unfortunate but this has happened. 这是令人遗憾的事情,但事情确实发生了。 7. Inappropriate 7. 不适合的;不恰当的 Sally's inappropriate behavior landed her without a job. 莎莉不当的行为让她丢了工作。
8. Unpleasant 8. 令人不快的,使人讨厌的 The vacuum has an unpleasant smell. 这个真空吸尘器有股难闻的气味。 9. Serious 9. 严重的;糟糕的 The new tax regulations have landed some of the smaller companies in serious trouble. 新的纳税规定使一些较小的公司陷入了严重的困境。 10. Harmful 10. 有害的 This group of chemicals is known to be harmful to people with asthma. 已知这类化学品对哮喘病患者有害。 11. Critical 11. 严重的;危急的,危险的 The German authorities are considering an airlift if the situation becomes critical. 德国*正在考虑如果形势危急时进行空运。 12. Severe 12. 非常严重的;剧烈的;惨重的 The strong hurricane caused severe damage to the entire coast of the country. 强烈飓风给整个海岸带来了严重破坏。 13. Deleterious 13. 有害的,造成危害的 Reading novels is not deleterious for children; in fact, it can help them relieve stress and stimulate their creativity. 读小说对孩子并没有伤害;事实上,它可以缓解压力激发儿童的创造力。 14. Grievous 14. 极严重的,剧烈的;使人痛苦的,令人悲伤的 Blaine's grievous mistake cost him thousands of dollars and five years of hard work. 布莱恩的重大失误让他损失了数千美金,五年的努力也白费了。
15. Immoral 15.不道德的,道德败坏的 Sometimes, the line between what is moral and what is immoral is not clear. 有时候,正义与*的分界线没那么明显。 16. Evil 16. 道德败坏的;*的,恶毒的;讨厌的 The evil villain of the movie really makes the viewers hate him. *里的反派让观众非常厌恶。 17. Wicked 17. *的;坏的;缺德的 Of course, in the end, the wicked witch gets killed. 当然,最后*的巫婆被杀掉了。 18. Nefarious 18.(尤指活动)*的,不道德的 The company's CEO seems to have been involved in some nefarious practices/activities. 公司主管看来曾牵涉一些罪恶勾当。 19. Dirty 19. 不公平的;欺骗的;卑鄙的 That's a dirty lie! 那是卑鄙的谎言! 20. Corrupt 20. 堕落的,道德败坏的 a corrupt society 道德败坏的社会 21. Dishonest 21.不诚实的,不正直的 The dishonest politician made all of his voters angry when he was elected and started to do exactly the opposite of everything that he had promised. 这个*诈的政客让他的选民无比愤怒,一当选就与自己曾许诺的背道而驰。
bad也有悔过之意,比如feel bad就表示“感到羞愧;感到抱歉”。
22. Guilty 22. 有过失的,犯了罪的,有罪责的 Many may be keeping it a guilty secret. 许多人可能将它作为一个罪恶的秘密保守着。 23. Remorseful 23. 懊悔的; 悔恨的 Even though he was clearly guilty, he got a shorter sentence because he was remorseful – 5 years instead of 10. 他尽管罪有应得,但因为表现悔意就由10年减刑到5年。 24. Regretful 24. 懊悔的;遗憾的;惋惜的 a regretful goodbye/glance/smile 遗憾的告别/怅然的一瞥/充满歉意的微笑 25. Ashamed 25. 羞耻的,羞愧的;不好意思的,难为情的 Feeling ashamed is often an unproductive feeling, so it is best to avoid it as much as possible. 后悔是徒劳的,所以要尽可能地避免这种感觉。 26. Contrite 26. 悔罪的;悔恨的 His contrite attitude helped his brother forgive him for his actions. 他悔恨的态度使得他哥哥原谅了他的所作所为。 27. Sorry 27. 抱歉的,对不起的 I am sorry to hear that you were let go from your job. 我很抱歉听说你被解雇了。 28. Responsible 28. 负有责任的 I feel responsible for causing us to miss the train, so I will buy us all new tickets for the next available train. 错过火车是我的责任,所以下趟车我来买我们两个人的车票。