
时间:2023-05-03 01:20:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂……”。每年到了这个节日,很多人都会在心里默默地吟诵这首唐代诗人杜牧写的诗句,来表达我们对先人的思念之情。以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  During the Qingming Festival, there was a lot of rain. Pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls. They asked where the restaurant was. The shepherd boy pointed to "Xinghua village" and talked. The Qingming Festival quietly came to me, so that our family could have an annual spring outing.

  The breeze is blowing, and the warm sunshine is particularly bright. Look, the peach blossoms nearby are open, and the petals are flying all over the sky, high and low. Their bodies are so light that I can turn over more than 20 somersaults with a gentle blow. No matter where the peach blossoms fly, it must be a beautiful place. Look, the grass is scrambling to get out of the ground, Small flowers vie for brilliance, small trees pull out young leaves, clouds leisurely walk, clusters of rape flowers are beautiful and golden, and pieces of wheat fields can't see the edge. Ha, swallows who travel only to the south are in groups After flying back, the birds fly freely in the sky and sing heartily. " That one looks like a horse and this one looks like a man. "I looked at the direction of my brother's finger. Oh, it was a white cloud. Let alone that white cloud, it was really like a horse galloping in the vast sky. Everything was beautiful in spring. How magical nature is. It put a spring carpet on the earth and let us play carefree games. Spring is beautiful. Spring is happy, spring is magical, and unknowingly it arrived in the afternoon, The white clouds are bigger, just like pressing on my head. The sun is redder and dyed half the sky red. After a while, my mother calls us home. A red sun hangs in the sky and slowly falls to the West. The white clouds are no longer white. They become red clouds and surround Taiyang like a vortex.

  The plan of a year lies in spring. In this season of birds crowing and flowers blooming, we should study hard and make progress every day.


  It is said that it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, but this year's Qingming Festival has a clear sky.

  It was a beautiful spring day, but I got up late and slept until nine o'clock. I'm very excited because I'm going to visit the grave this afternoon. It is reasonable to say that tomb sweeping is a heavy heart, but I am still a little excited at the thought of curved mountain roads, lush weeds and firecrackers to be lit when I climb the "peak of victory".

  In the afternoon, I didn't see firecrackers and felt a little unhappy. So I went to ask my father. My father said earnestly, "setting off firecrackers is a bad habit. There are many opinions on whether to set off firecrackers on Qingming Festival on the Internet these days, but most people insist on it." I bowed my head and fell into meditation. I also thought of teacher Wu, the head teacher, who told us before the holiday: if you can't set off firecrackers, don't set off firecrackers. I looked up and saw the blue sky, which relieved me a lot.

  Before leaving, my father told me, "find a stick. There are many grass on the mountain. I'm afraid of snakes!" I didn't feel afraid, because even if I met a snake, I caught it. After careful selection, I finally found the legendary "snake beating stick".

  In this way, he went on his way. Along the way, I took the "snake beating stick" to cut through thorns and thorns. But I didn't touch the "poor snake". I think I must be frightened by the "divine thing" in my hand. Unconsciously, we came to grandma's grave.

  When I was six years old, grandma broke free from the torture of cancer and went to heaven. We are very sad. At this time, we say hello to grandma and pray to her that she may bless us in heaven.


  During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians encounter broken souls on the road. Asking where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance. The Qingming Festival holiday is not only a rest, but also a sacrifice with a heavy heart.

  I have only been to the place of sacrifice once, and only once. Mom, they're afraid of me. After that, he won't let me go. I only remember the day when people were holding paper money everywhere on the road. It was between 8:00 and 8:30. The canteens are already bustling, and not all the people inside are people who buy snacks. Naturally, there are people who buy paper money. 70% of people buy paper money and 30% buy snacks. So on this day, no matter which adult will go to sacrifice. This kind of scene really corresponds to a sentence in the poem "Qingming", although the people on the road are not as exaggerated as those in the poem. Just carrying a lot of things on the road, but not happy.

  Year by year Qingming, year by year care, time by time miss, minute by minute memory. Will not forget, will not leave, for the side, leave, work hard, cherish the side you love, and the people who love you, don't wait until the people are gone to think of regret. In the Qingming Festival, willows and willows depend on each other. They can laugh at tomorrow as well as miss their old friends. Today is painful, and tomorrow will still be better. Every Qingming Festival heart will have pain. This pain has never disappeared, but will only be more real when there is no one.

  There will always be some flowers in the Qingming Festival. The mellow and sorrowful flowers in the image world will shed tears as soon as they open their eyes and close their horizons; Maybe this rain is just a catharsis of my endless sadness. After venting, everything is fine.


  Qingming Festival is a festival for sacrificing dead relatives. The purpose of commemorating and remembering relatives is to inherit their excellent quality. But while remembering the past, we should also face a promising future. We should cherish life and make our life more meaningful!

  In the morning, standing in the yard breathing fresh air, I looked at the opposite mountain shrouded in a thin layer of gauze, far and near in the misty clouds. There are three evergreen trees in the yard, stretching their tender green branches and leaves to all sides, sucking the morning dew.

  Grandma said that the children rarely come back and want to wrap steamed stuffed buns for us. I'm very happy! I can finally learn to make steamed stuffed buns. My grandmother and I came to the kitchen to prepare flour, baking powder and meat. We first put the flour and baking powder together, then add water to knead them soft, put them aside for fermentation, and then cut the meat into meat stuffing. After the flour is fermented and expanded, cut the flour into many small pieces, knead these small pieces into a circle, and finally flatten them with force. Mother took a cake, put a spoonful of meat stuffing in the middle, held the cake in one hand, lifted the side of the cake in the other hand, rotated it clockwise, and finally squeezed the mouth of the steamed stuffed bun, so as to make a small and exquisite steamed stuffed bun.

  I also made one like my mother. My mother said I didn't look good and didn't pinch the steamed stuffed bun. My grandmother said it didn't matter. Just make a few more. Practice makes perfect!


  Today is the Qingming Festival. Normally, we should have prepared to go to the grave and burn paper for our dead relatives in our hometown, but we didn't do so because we went back last week, so now that we have a holiday, we should have a good time.

  Our destination is Hengdian film and Television City in Dongyang, Zhejiang Province - "the picture of the river during the Qingming Festival", which is said to be reconstructed from the handed down work of the great painter Zhang Zeduan of the Song Dynasty, "the picture of the river during the Qingming Festival". Many crew came here to take materials for filming, but unfortunately, we didn't see any crew filming. The aunt commentator said that the crew usually filming in the morning, And we didn't come until noon.

  We quietly enjoy the scenes around us. Although these places are magnificent and beautiful from the TV screen, from a normal perspective, we find that they are not so big or even small. After entering a building, I found that it was interlinked with another building. When I walked in, I saw a little disappointed. Except for the buildings, I thought there was nothing. It was not as prosperous as what I saw on the TV screen. On the contrary, it looked empty and deserted. The land was not peony and peony, but a few green seedlings, which added some vitality to the gray buildings.

  A few funny birds in the tree are chirping and singing clear and beautiful spring songs, which makes people relax and feel leisurely in the irritable hot sun.

  This time, I didn't play very well in "Qingming River map", but I also gained a lot from it.

