【#英语资源# 导语】你会被噪音干扰到吗?一些学生会因为环境噪音干扰注意力,从而在课堂上或其他学习地点难以专注。背景噪音对不同的人有不同的影响。有几个因素可以确定噪声干扰对你是否是一个问题。欢迎阅读©文档大全网为大家精心整理的减轻噪音影响的方法!欢迎阅读学习!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!
Noise Distraction and Learning Styles 噪声干扰和学习模式
Three of the most commonly recognized learning styles are visual learning, tactile learning, and auditory learning. It is important to discover your own prominent learning style to determine how to study most effectively, but it's also important to know your learning style in order to recognize potential problems.
Studies have shown that auditory learners are most distracted by background noise. But how will you know if your are an auditory learner?
Move their lips while reading 在阅读时会进行唇读
Are better at speaking than writing 和写作相比,更擅长口语
Spell better out loud 拼读时更大声
Have difficulty visualizing things 不擅长肉眼观察事物
Can't follow conversations when the TV is on 看电视时跟不上电视中的谈话
Can mimic songs and tunes well 可以很好地模仿歌曲和旋律
If you feel that these traits describe your personality, you may need to pay special attention to your study habits and the location of your study space.
Noise Distraction and Personality Type 噪音干扰和性格类型
Two personality types that you may recognize are introversion and extraversion.Some students are deep thinkers who tend to talk less than others. These are common traits of introverted students.
One study has shown that noise distraction can be more harmful to introverted students than to extroverted students when it comes to study time. Introverted students can experience more difficulty understanding what they are reading in a noisy environment.
Like to work independently 喜欢独立工作
Are confident about their own opinions 对自己的想法较为自信
Think deeply about things 对事物思考较深
Reflect and analyze more before acting on something 在行动之前先思考和分析事物
Can focus on one thing for a long time 可以专注于一件事很长时间
Enjoy reading 喜爱阅读
Are happy in their "own little world" 享受“自我的世界”
If these traits sound familiar to you,you may discover that you need to adjust your study habits to cut down on the potential for noise distraction.
Avoiding Noise Distraction 避免噪音干扰
Sometimes we don't realize how much background noise can affect our performance. If you suspect that noise interference is affecting your grades, you should consider the following recommendations.
Turn off the mp3 and other music when you study. You may love your music, but it's not good for you when you're reading.
Stay away from the TV when doing homework. Television shows contain plots and conversations that can trick your brain into distraction when you don't even realize it! If your family watches TV on one end of the house during homework time, try to move to the other end.
Buy earplugs. Small, expanding foam earplugs are available at large retail stores and auto stores. They're great for blocking out noise.