【#英语资源# 导语】如果你在今后几个月里找到了新的工作,离职前向现任老板发顿牢*或许听起来很诱人。但是你辞职的方式可能会对你的事业产生长远影响。以下就如何在辞职之际与公司保持良好关系给出了几点建议。快和®文档大全网一起来看看吧!
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As talk of a thaw in hiring freezes rises above awhisper, many people are already planning to look for a new position when the job market picks up.
Some 60% of workers say they intend to leave theirjobs when the economy improves, according to asurvey by Right Management, a talent andcareermanagement consulting firm in Philadelphia. Itmight be tempting to give the boss an earful if youland a new job in the coming months. But the wayyou quit can have a long term impact on your career. How to resign on good terms:
费城人才及职业管理咨询公司Right Management的一项调查显示,有大概60%的员工表示,他们打算等到经济形势改善后辞掉当前的工作。如果你在今后几个月里找到了新的工作,离职前向现任老板发顿牢*或许听起来很诱人。但是你辞职的方式可能会对你的事业产生长远影响。以下就如何在辞职之际与公司保持良好关系给出了几点建议:
Be prepared. Review your employee handbook or employment contract before announcingyour decision, so you know what company policy is regarding resignations, severance, thereturn of company property and pay for unused vacation time. Also, find out the company'sreference policy to see what information will be disclosed to a prospective employer. If youhave another job lined up, be sure to have your offer in writing before you resign.
Use it or lose it. If you haven't used your vacation time and will lose it if you quit, you mightwant to use your time before leaving or link it to your resignation date. States like Californiaconsider accrued vacation time to be part of wages and must be paid upon resignation ortermination says employment attorney Michael J. Goldfarb, president of Northridge Calif.basedHolman HR. But if you don't want to burn any bridges, don't take vacation and announce yourdeparture just after you return.
带薪假怎么办?如果你还有带薪假未休完,且如果你辞职的话带薪假会作废,那么你*好在离职前休完假或将未休带薪假与辞职日期挂钩。职业问题律师、位于加州Northridge的人力资源公司Holman HR总裁戈德法布(Michael J. Goldfarb)表示,加州等州将应计带薪假时间视为工资的一部分,在员工辞职或雇佣关系终止时,雇主必须将员工未休的带薪假折合成工资发给员工。但如果你不想过河拆桥,就不要在休完假返回公司后立即宣布辞职。
Make an appointment. 'Be formal and make an appointment with your boss,' recommendsTanya Maslach, a San Diego, Calif., career expert who specializes in relationship managementissues. 'Prepare what you want to say. Be direct and engagingand be transparent,' Ms.Maslach says. She also recommends offering to help make the transition easier; ask your bosshow you can best do that. After the discussion, put your resignation in a hardcopy letter thatincludes your last day and any transitional help you've offered. Keep a copy. Two weeksadvance notice is still standard but experts recommend offering more time if you've worked atthe company for more than five years. You also need to be prepared to leave right awaysomecompanies require it.
和老板约个时间谈辞职问题。加州 迭戈职业专家、专门研究关系管理问题的马斯拉奇(Tanya Maslach)建议,要正式,和老板约个时间。马斯拉奇说,准备好你想说的话,要直截了当、诚恳、透明。她还建议辞职员工为交接过程提供帮助;问问你的老板你能帮什么忙。谈完后,以纸质书面形式提交你的辞职信,信中要写明你在公司工作的*后一天,以及你提出要为交接过程提供的帮助。保留一份复印件。提前两周通知仍是标准做法,但专家们建议,如果你在公司工作超过五年,通知时间还需再提前。你还要有立即走人的思想准备,有些公司有这样的要求。
Don't take the stapler. 'It's not worth it,' says Mr. Goldfarb. 'If there are security cameras orcoworkers with a grudge, stealing from the company doesn't look good.' In some cases, youcould also end up getting billed for the missing equipmentor even taken to court, he says.
Scrub your digital footprint. Clear your browser cache, remove passwords to Web sites youuse from work, such as your personal email or online bank account and delete any personal fileson your work computer that aren't relevant to work. Don't delete anything work related ifyou're required to keep it.
Be honest but remain positive. Be helpful during the exit interview but keep responses simpleand professional. Don't use the session to lay blame or rant about coworkers, bosses or theworkplace. 'Whatever you do, don't confess about how much you disliked working there,' saysMs. Maslach. 'If you want to leave a helpful bit of advice or opinion, consider offering yourexpertise to your soontobe exboss ... offer to be available to them for advice when they getin a rut.'
Stay close. Consider joining an employee alumni association, which often serves as anetworking group for former employees. It can be a good way to keep up with changes in thecompany and industryand find leads to new jobs down the road. Keep in touch with coworkersyou worked closely with; they may end up in management roles.