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【#英语资源# 导语】《丑小鸭》是由格林兄弟创作的,因为格林童话里有很多童话,《丑小鸭》是丹麦作家安徒生创作的童话,首次出版于1843年。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  Today, I read the article "The Ugly Duckling". The ugly duckling was hatched from an extra large egg by the mother duck. It is very ugly. No one likes it and is often bullied by ducks and animals. Even his mother didn't want it and advised him to go further. The ugly duckling was discriminated against. It is very self abased. He thinks he is nothing. In desperation, he left his mother and lived alone. During this period, he suffered from violent storms, fierce tigers and hounds. But it was not afraid, and finally it flew up through its own efforts and became a white swan that everyone praised.

  I want to learn its spirit of fighting for dreams. When realizing the dream, there are many difficulties. It did not give up, but overcame all the difficulties. Finally, it changed from an ugly duckling to a beautiful white swan.


  The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen must have been read by everyone. It is also a fairy tale known to women and children all over the world. After reading it, people may just laugh and pass, but I understand a truth of life from it.

  The Ugly Duckling mainly tells that the ugly duckling was born, because it is ugly, people and animals do not like it. In the cold winter, it suffered a lot in the forest. Later, it survived by its own efforts. Finally, it flew up and became a beautiful swan. The ugly duckling turned into a swan by its own efforts.

  After reading the story of The Ugly Duckling, I understand a truth: no matter what you do, don't be afraid of being stupid, as long as you do it with your heart, you will succeed. Parents and teachers, please let go and let us learn to do everything! I believe that as long as we are like the ugly duckling, we will "fly to the blue sky" one day with our own hands.

  I have many ideals. Maybe I will be a doctor and cure countless patients; Maybe I will be an inventor, inventing clothes that can clean themselves; Maybe I will be a space engineer and go to the moon to build a beautiful paradise... Whatever I do, as long as I have the spirit of an ugly duckling, I will be able to do it.


  Today, I read the story "The Ugly Duckling". The story tells the story that the ugly duckling was laughed at and bullied everywhere in the farmyard, among the reeds, bushes and marshes, and finally grew a swan because of his ugliness.

  But I think the ugly duckling is a kind, intelligent and strong duckling. He was discouraged because he was not laughed at. He fought tirelessly and finally flew to his beautiful future on his powerful wings, becoming a beautiful swan.

  Through reading this story, I learned that I can't judge people by their appearance or laugh at others. I should also learn the spirit of perseverance and optimism.


  I read the fairy tale The Ugly Duckling.

  When the ugly duckling was born, many elder brothers and sisters bullied him because she was ugly and he himself was very inferiority complex. One day, he found white feathers and beautiful posture by the river. It could not believe that the swan in the beautiful water was its own reflection. This ugly duckling is so happy! From then on, he raised his head confidently. Finally, he became a white swan by his own efforts!

  I think when you are not very good, you should say to yourself: I am not like this, I should be great! Although I am lagging behind others now, it is temporary and I will continue to work hard. And I will grow up, I will change, even if it is not very good now, I believe that one day, I will do better! I also want to become a "white swan".


  Today, I read "The Ugly Duckling".

  The ugly duckling was born. People and animals don't like it because of Zhang Dechou. Wherever he goes, he gets cynicism. In the cold winter, it suffered a lot in the forest. In spite of this, the ugly duckling did not give up his pursuit of freedom and beauty. With his strong belief and constant efforts, the ugly duckling finally changed his destiny and became a beautiful, beautiful and pleasing white swan.

  The ugly duckling became a white swan because of its great courage to withstand the pressure of survival, challenge the destiny and finally win the favor of the God of Destiny.

  After reading the story "The Ugly Duckling", I understand a truth: the destiny is in your own hands, and growth will not be smooth. As long as you have strong faith, set lofty ideals, and keep working towards your goals, you will have a bright future, just like the ugly duckling becomes a white swan.


  Today, I read the article "The Ugly Duckling", and I feel very much.

  The ugly duckling was born, because it is ugly, people and animals do not like it. In the cold winter, it suffered a lot in the forest. Later, with its own efforts, it finally flew up and became a beautiful white swan that could fly freely in the blue sky!

  The ugly duckling turned into a white swan entirely by his own efforts.

  After reading the story of "The Ugly Duckling", I understand a truth: no matter what you do, don't be afraid of your own stupidity. As long as you study hard and work hard, you will succeed as long as you stick to it.

  Father, mother and teacher, please let me do everything independently! I believe that I will, like the ugly duckling, rely on my own efforts, keep learning and perseverance, and one day I will fly.


  Whenever I encounter difficulties, I always think of an article in Andersen's Fairy Tales - The Ugly Duckling.

  An old hen hatched a group of chicks, but in this group of chicks there is a different kind of ugly duckling. The ugly duckling was often bullied and laughed at by other chickens, and went through many hardships, but finally overcame them all and became a beautiful white swan.

  After reading this article, I thought to myself: Every time I meet difficulties, I will quit, and the ugly duckling will quit every time, shouldn't I feel guilty? In fact, the ugly duckling refers to Andersen. Andersen was often ridiculed when he was young, but he did not take ridicule seriously, and finally became a great writer.

  The article "The Ugly Duckling" made me understand that everyone should not shrink from difficulties and should face them bravely.


  I read the book "The Ugly Duckling" in the winter vacation. It said that the Ugly Duckling was born. Because it was not beautiful, its partners did not like it and did not play with her. In the cold winter, the ugly duckling suffered a lot in the forest, and finally it flew up with its own efforts and became a beautiful white swan flying freely in the sky!

  After reading the story of "The Ugly Duckling", I understand a truth: no matter what you do, you are not afraid of being stupid. As long as you do it with your heart, you will succeed. I think the ugly duckling turned into a swan by his own efforts. As long as we persevere and never give up, we will become strong and brave.

  I am still young, and I have a lot to learn. Although I am very slow in reading, I can still read Pinyin when I encounter unknown characters, but I am very happy. I want to cheer myself up and be confident! I also want to be like the ugly duckling and get good results by my own efforts!


  Today, my mother and I read the story "The Ugly Duckling", which tells the story of an ugly duckling who finally became a beautiful white swan through difficulties and hardships.

  From this story, I learned that people should not feel inferior, give up, or be discouraged. Gold always shines. Even when we were born poor, it doesn't matter. As long as we don't give up the opportunity easily, the final victory belongs to us.

  Parents: By reading this story with my child, I kept telling him that everyone has a love for beauty. As long as the soul is beautiful, everything will become beautiful. In fact, the difficulties are not terrible. The terrible thing is that we gave up without trying to win. The ugly duckling became a swan. All this comes from the eternal dream in his heart. As long as everyone works hard, he can become a swan flying.


  The Ugly Duckling is a well-known fairy tale written by Andersen. I read it in kindergarten. The ugly duckling was bullied, laughed at and ignored by everyone because of its ugly appearance. But she did not and began her adventure. Along the way, the ugly duckling has experienced many hardships, but it has always kept a beautiful and pure mind and finally turned into a beautiful white swan.

  I remember when I was just learning the piano, ten fingers were pounding "dang, dang, dang" on the keyboard, without any melody and dull. When I heard the beautiful melody played by others, I made up my mind to study hard. Finally, I can also fluently play such famous Chinese and foreign music as Cradman's "Wedding in a Dream", "Childhood", etc. Now I am also a beautiful "white swan".

  This story has taught me that as long as we persevere in pursuing good ideals and bravely overcome difficulties, we will be able to achieve success.
