【#英语资源# 导语】想必有很多小伙伴会经常找一些英语相关的文章来看以加强英语的提升,®文档大全网整理了高中学生英语话题作文3篇,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!
Many years ago, when I saw a movie, I was very impressed by the words that spoken by the protagonist. He asked the guy what was the most precious thing in the 21th century, the guy had no idea and he told him that the talent was needed. It is true that talents are welcomed everywhere, because they can meet the value that a company needs. So in the job market, they are always popular. The meaning of a talent is the creativity. To be creative, we need to scan overall information, so as to sort out the new point. What's more, we need to take care of the things around us. Someday the idea will come without preparation. If we are equipped with enough information and skills, success comes at hand.
There is a very classic situation happens in the job market. Graduates come to the employers and they will also ask the graduates about their expectation of the job. As the freshman in the job market, one factor is always paid low, so the first expectation is to raise the salary. Sadly, this is hard to negotiate, because the employers need to see the value you create in the work firstly. So when we ask for the things we want, we need to think about what we can do to others. Life is fair, as the saying that no pain, no gain. Just like if we want to make a difference in the world, we need to make some efforts, fighting for the goal. When we become excellent, we have the right to negotiate and take charge of life.
Nowadays, for the young generation, they like to use computer to watch TV shows, so the online TV shows industry develops very fast. According to the research, it has been reported that there were more than 100 TV shows put online last year, which was much more than the TV stations. One the one hand, young people like to watch shows online, because it is convenient and they can control the time, but on the TV, there are so many commercial ads. Most people don't want to waste the time on watching these ads. On the other hand, the topic of the online shows are much open. Young people trend to watch the shows that tell about criminal cases. They like the suspense films. Internet is the main future way for people to work and to amuse.