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【#四六级考试# 导语】多做英语四级阅读可以让你在做阅读理解的过程中,掌握正确的阅读方法和阅读技巧,阅读速度大大提升。为了让大家能更好的备考,®文档大全网四六级频道特别整理了《2018年6月英语四级阅读习题:欲望之都—新加坡》,详情如下:

 Sex And The City-state

  On a small downtown stage, two men kiss passionately. Visitors to a nearby museum look at provocative nudes on the wall, while readers scour local magazines for the best place to buy sex toys. Think you're in New York? Guess again. This is Singapore, the famously uptight city-state better known for banning films like Eyes Wide Shut and Lolita, 2 not to mention magazines like Playboy3.

  There's not exactly a free -love revolution going on, but Singapore has in recent years loosened its restrictions on sex in the arts. And more freedom is on the horizon: this month the government's Censorship Review Committee ( CRC) is expected to issue a report further easing the guidelines governing what Singaporeans read, watch and listen to. That means it may not be long before Singaporeans can enjoy Cosmopolitan magazine, and maybe even racy TV shows like HBO's Sex and the City.

  The new rules are part of Singapore 's efforts to bolster its art scene . In 2002, it opened a world-class performing-arts center, the Esplanade -Theatres on the Bay, which has quickly become a visual icon and is tackling ambitious programs like the 19-hour opera The Peony Pavilion4 .

  Singapore still has a long way to go to become a true bastion of artistic freedom. Sexually explicit scenes were recently cut from Chicago to give it a PG rating5. Certain topics remain very sensitive .

  In the end, the CRC is expected to recommend relatively small changes: loosening controls on pay-per-view TV6 and clarifying the rating system for films and plays so viewers know exactly what to expect. Such incremental change seems to be in step with public tastes. Indeed, a recent survey by the CRC found that most people favored remaining true to existing Asian values. So don't expect to see Penthouse on newsstands any time soon.


  Ⅰ. True or False:

  1. Singapore has been famous for its conservative attitude towards its sex.

  2. There is exactly a free -love revolution in the city.

  3. The new report means that Singaporeans can enjoy Cosmopolitan magazine at once .

  Ⅱ. Questions:

  1. Why the CRC issues new rules to ease the guidelines governing what Singaporeans read and watch?

  2. Is there artistic freedom in Singapore? What is the present situation?

  3. What is the CRC expected to do?


  Ⅰ. 1. T 2. F 3 . F

  Ⅱ. 1 . To bolster its arts scene.

  2 . Yes, there is. It still has a long way to go to become a true bastion artistic freedom.

  3 . It is expected to issue report further easing the guidelines governing what Singaporeans read, watch and listen to.



  在市区一个小台阶上, 两名男子正在热吻。到附近的博物馆参观的游客们看着贴在墙上的煽情的*像, 读者则在浏览当地杂志搜索购买性玩具的地点。以为你身在纽约?

  再猜猜。这里是新加坡, 一个闻名遐迩的保守城市, 曾禁查过《大开眼界》、《洛丽塔》之类的电影, 更不用提像《花花 公子》那样的杂志。

  虽然没有发生性解放运动, 但近几年来, 新加坡放宽了对艺术中“ 性”的限制。而且将有更多的自由: 预计这个月新加坡制度审核委员会将发布一个报告, 进一步放宽管理新加坡人民的书籍、电视、广播的规定。那将意味着, 不久新加坡人也能阅读《大都市》杂志, 甚至收看到像美国有线电视频道播放的《欲望城市》那样有失体统的电视节目。

  这些新规则是新加坡为支持本国艺术发展所作努力的一部分。2002 年, 新加坡一家的表演艺术中心——— 滨海艺术中心开放了, 它迅速成为一个视觉图标, 长达19 个小时的歌剧《牡丹亭》也在此隆重上演。

  新加坡要成为一个真正的艺术自由的堡垒, 仍有很长一段路要走。电影《芝加哥》中的大胆赤*场景都被剪切成为适合儿童观看级别的电影。某些话题仍十分敏感。最后, 新加坡制度审核委员会预计将会做出相对小的变化: 放宽对按次收费电视的管制, 明确电影、电视剧级别的划分, 使观众对节目有所预期。这些渐进式的变化看来与民众 味步调一致。的确, 制度审核委员会新近的一次调查显示: 大多数人都喜欢保持现存的亚洲价值观。因此, 别期望不久会在报亭看到《阁楼》杂志。

