
时间:2023-03-08 01:07:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】万物复苏,阳春三月,我们又迎来了一年一度的植树节。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《愉快的植树节英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.愉快的植树节英语作文 篇一

  The annual Arbor Day is approaching, and we begin to protect trees and trees in succession. More than half of the people think that trees and trees should be protected only on Arbor Day, but in my opinion, on the contrary, we should not only protect trees and trees on Arbor Day, but also protect them all the time.

  Hundreds of millions of years ago, when the earth was owned by animals, plants flourished and were full of green everywhere. However, after the emergence of human beings with far higher IQ than other animals, plants decreased sharply as if by magic. That is because humans cut down trees to build houses. Some are due to commercial needs, and a large number of trees have been cut down to leave space for building. Because many people cut down trees and trees without authorization, nature is destroyed.

  There are many disadvantages of cutting down trees. We all know that trees can recycle carbon dioxide. If trees are cut down in large quantities, the number of trees will decrease sharply, and the carbon dioxide we exhale cannot be recycled. Dense trees can prevent sandstorms. Beijing was hit by sandstorms two years ago, and the whole city was covered by sand, which was also caused by the lack of tree protection.

  Everyone knows the Central Plains Liangwan City! In the past, there was dilapidated. The tiles of those bungalows were a hole in the east and a hole in the west. The door was made of a piece of wood. The streets were full of garbage and dirty. At present, apartments and buildings have been built in Zhongyuan Liangwan City. The river is clear and the willows are swaying gently with the breeze. This is why people realize the importance of respecting nature and protecting the environment.

  I hope that everyone can protect the trees and trees, and make urban life a little green!

2.愉快的植树节英语作文 篇二

  Today, March 12 is Tree Planting Day. Our fourth grade students went to Nansha to plant trees. In the morning, my father and I went back to school and saw many classmates and teachers, as well as our guide: Brother Xiaoqiang.

  Today, there are many airport express buses. My classmates and I took the No. 6 bus to Nansha. On the way, brother Xiaoqiang sent thumbs wish cards to each of us, and taught us to use ropes to make villains. It's interesting!

  When I arrived at the destination, I saw more children from other schools and more buses. There were also students in our class performing cheering exercises on the stage. It was great!

  After the tree planting ceremony, my father, Zhou Ying and her mother went to plant seedlings together. My father brought the seedlings and shovel, and Zhou Ying's mother brought three sticks. We first put the saplings in the tree pit and straightened them. Then Zhou Ying and I used a shovel to shovel the soil into the tree pit, and then spread the flower fertilizer on it. The two families worked together, and a strong young tree was soon planted!

  Zhou Ying and I hung a wish card on the small tree. My wish card said: The small tree grows with me. We took a group photo next to the small tree planted by ourselves. Later, Mr. Gu came to take a group photo with us.

  Small saplings grow up quickly, grow with me, meet again in the next day, and I will become a talent when the trees grow!

3.愉快的植树节英语作文 篇三

  In March, spring returns to the earth, everything recovers, the soil wakes up, the grass sprouts, the willow branches are yellow, the bright spring is coming, and the Arbor Day is coming.

  On the day of Tree Planting Day, I got up early, washed and ate breakfast diligently. In the warm sunshine, I came to the tree planting site with other children.

  Row by row, the distance between the trees has already been fixed. After a while, the saplings arrived, and everyone began to plant trees according to the distance. I dug a small foundation for the small tree, and then loosen the soil around it. After a few minutes, the new house of the small tree was built. I dressed the small tree and tied a wish card on it.

  I gently moved it into the new house, and then shoveled a few shovels of earth, covered the quilt with a small tree, and fed it with water, Say to the little tree, "Eat and drink enough, and the warm quilt will grow up quickly! Don't be lonely. There are many of your little friends around you. They are new and will grow as well as you. If I have time, the little tree will take time to see you, fertilize you, water you, and grow healthily!" Look up at the small trees, They seem to be whispering: "Don't worry, I will try to grow into a towering tree." A spring breeze blows through, and wastelands turn into forests.

  With joy, we finished work, and I couldn't help looking at the trees. Here we plant not only small trees, but also dreams and hopes.

4.愉快的植树节英语作文 篇四

  On Sunday morning, our love team of Class 1, Grade 4, embarked on a tree-planting trip to the Red Leaf Valley scenic spot. We talked and laughed on the bus and arrived at the scenic spot in a blink of an eye.

  We got off the bus. There were a lot of people here, planting trees. Dad carried the saplings, bucket and shovel. Now start to find a suitable place to plant trees. I looked around and saw a big tree. There was a fertile land beside it. Ha ha, just look for the "home" of the young tree!

  Next, my father and I began to dig holes. My father stepped on the shovel with his foot and pushed the shovel deeply into the soil. I quickly dug out the soil bit by bit. In a short time, a deep hole was dug. At this time, my mother was busy recording to us. I said, "Mom, stop recording." My mother said, "You dig your hole, I'm here to make soy sauce!" Her words made me and my father laugh.

  The pit was dug, my father held the sapling, and I was responsible for filling the soil. At this time, I am very excited, because there will be more green trees on the earth, even if it is so small, that is also my little contribution to nature! Thinking of this makes me work harder. I struggled to bring a bucket of water, "clattering", and the small water spray irrigated the green saplings that symbolized hope, and let them grow up and grow up

  How unforgettable this day is! Because if we plant a tree, nature can give us a blue sky!

5.愉快的植树节英语作文 篇五

  The Arbor Day is coming. It's a sunny day, with white clouds floating in the sky. It's very beautiful! Xiao Ming, Xiao Hai and Xiao Hua came to the suburbs to plant trees together.

  Xiaoming brushed up his sleeve, took the shovel, and said happily, "I will shovel the soil first and dig a tree hole. Xiaohai, you can plant the saplings after I dig the soil." Xiaohai said, "OK!" Xiaohua smiled and said, "You work hard, I will go to the river to fetch water now, and then you can sprinkle water on the saplings."

  Xiaoming scooped up quickly. When Xiaoming dug the hole, Xiaohai carefully planted the tender saplings. At this time, Xiaohua also brought a full bucket of water and sprinkled water on the saplings. The sapling seems to be full of food and drink and more energetic. It seems to be smiling and saying thanks to them.

  Three good friends said, "When the saplings grow up, we can enjoy the cool under the tree." The bird seemed to be saying, "When you grow up, I can make a nest on the branches, and I can dance!" The little white rabbits seemed to say, "When you grow up, we can play games under the tree!"

  Everyone laughed knowingly! The little tree seems to be saying, "OK, I welcome you to visit."
