

时间:2021-08-01 05:48:48 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】随着社会的发展,人们越来越重视开口说话的能力,如要竞争哪一个工作岗位,准备好你的职位竞聘演讲稿是必须的。©文档大全网为大家准备了《职位竞聘英语演讲稿范文》,供大家参考阅读。


  Dear leaders, colleagues

  How do you do!

  First of all, I would like to thank all the leaders for their support and help, and also to all colleagues for their concern. Because of your trust and support, I have the opportunity to stand on the stage. I sincerely say to you: Thank you!

  Today, I am competing for the position of XX manager. I feel very excited and stressed that I can stand there and compete with so many excellent talents. Excited because I have the honor to compete with you, and prove that my ability has been recognized by all; The pressure comes from the future, because whether I compete for a job or not, this experience will be the criterion of my future work, which will motivate me to keep going and do better.

  Since I was in the post for three years, I have been engaged in XX front desk teller. This job enriches my life experience, and also allows me to exercise constantly in my daily work, and also makes me accumulate enough work experience. I believe that these work experience will point out the direction for my future work, and will help me to fly freely in my work and contribute to the development of the bank.

  Everyone has an optimistic upward heart, I am no exception, even if the current position can let me improve, but when there is an opportunity to climb up, I will not let the opportunity in my side to lose. Customer manager has always been my dream position, I have enough confidence to do this job better, because I think the advantages of self-adapting to this position have three points: first, high sense of responsibility; Second, high self-confidence; Third, highly careful!

  If I succeed in the competition, I will do the following better in my new position:

  First, better for customers to solve problems, to provide them with more warm services. As the saying goes, customers are God, and our parents, and with their support, we have grown stronger. Therefore, when I go to this long-awaited post, I will urge myself to serve customers more warmly, warmth and more attentively, help them solve business problems and communicate with them, To spread the service spirit and professionalism of our bank with the power of customers.

  Second, cooperate with the superior work, take the instructions of the superior leaders as the standard, and strive to complete the tasks assigned by the superior, overcome difficulties and add to the development of our bank.

  Third, we should keep learning, ask questions and improve constantly. Our work is of service nature, and we need to constantly improve ourselves to meet the new development requirements of the bank. Therefore, when I move to this position, I will urge myself to continue to learn, learn the advantages of colleagues, learn the pragmatic work style of leaders, learn the service spirit of the bank, and let us improve ourselves.

  Fourth, when I get to this position, it means that I will shoulder higher responsibilities and will bear more pressure. Although I am not the top of all the competitors, I have enough confidence to do the job well and understand all the challenges of the job.

  Of course, if this competition is not successful, I will also be calm to deal with it, because this shows that there is room for self to rise, and I need to improve myself and improve myself. So, even if I don't compete for a successful job, I will never be discouraged. Instead, I will do my job well with more energetic work.

  Finally, I have a word with you to encourage: failure is not terrible, terrible is that you no longer forward, let us raise confidence sail, in the work of free flying!

  Thank you very much for my speech!


  Dear leaders and colleagues

  hello everyone!

  If you don't experience the wind and rain, how can you see the rainbow. I think for myself, "wind and rain" is to undergo a variety of tests and exercises, including this competition. Today, I am honored to stand on the challenging speech platform, feeling very excited and feeling thousands of emotions. First of all, we sincerely thank leaders and comrades for their training, trust and help as always for many years, and participate in the competition. It is not only an opportunity, a challenge, but also an opportunity to report to leaders and comrades and express their wishes.

  My name is XX, XX, undergraduate culture, XXX member. After XX years of experience, I gradually grew up from a new soldier to a responsible business backbone, and I have been in the positions of monitor, chief of the chief of the chief of the Ministry, accountant, director of the office and Deputy Corps. In XX, he was transferred to county XX in X, and he was deputy investigator of XX in XX in XX, mainly responsible for comprehensive financial work of the Department and XX accountant. He has been honored as an excellent XX member for twice.

  No matter what position I am in, I do my duty well, do one line, love one line, drill one line, and do well. I feel that I have the conditions and the ability to serve as deputy director. In comprehensive analysis, I think I have the following advantages:

  1、 Pursue excellence and have the confidence to bear the heavy burden bravely

Self help can help. Today, I can muster up the courage to participate in this competition, not to be ambitious or to take chances, but to cherish the opportunity to advance actively, and to pursue the true embodiment of progress. Under the long-term training of the army, the company has possessed the excellent qualities of strong and resolute soldiers, hard work, decent style and strong conduct. We will adhere to high standards and strict requirements to carry out all work. Adhere to the principles, be pragmatic and willing to do, dare to fight first, be good at thinking, brave to bear the burden, and devote their own light and heat to the construction of the unit.

  2、 Study hard and have good moral cultivation

The old saying goes, "virtue is the source of water, and it is the wave of water.". In terms of personal learning and moral conduct, we should pay attention to learning, and can persist in political business learning for a long time, learn scientific development concept, study post business, enrich and arm ourselves with rich knowledge structure. In terms of moral conduct, we should adhere to the principle of "people-oriented, moral first", firmly establish the concept of sincere service for cadres and staff, speak politics, integrity, efficiency, broad mind, hardworking, good at studying and work style of seeking truth and practicality.

  3、 One-sided and versatile, strong working ability

With the work experience and learning charging in these years, my work experience is becoming richer and my theoretical knowledge is more and more solid. I have also served as a financial supervisor and a chief military chief in the army. After returning to the local area, he worked in such comprehensive offices as XX and XX, not only familiar with the financial work, but also familiar with the various affairs of the unit, and also knew the work of the Department. It can be said that his own work experience and management experience are rich, communication and coordination ability is strong, and has a good writing level. During the army, the papers written are often published in XX major magazines and won awards many times. The quality of the report, situation summary, report materials, typical speeches, management system and implementation plan, etc. is relatively good for the future work.

  4、 Good at coordination and strong sense of overall situation

"If there is no skin, what will Mao attach to", I respect the leadership, unite colleagues, adhere to the overall situation, have a high sense of collective honor, be able to adhere to the principle without losing flexibility, clear thinking and clear mind. Last year, taking the opportunity of establishing the normal operation fund guarantee mechanism, with the support of the leaders and all of us, we have conducted coordination and communication with the provincial finance department for many times, followed up the effectiveness, and obtained XX public funds to the limit; With the brothers and offices, the budget of business office funds has been increased, the contradiction between supply and demand has been alleviated and the Department has provided strong financial support for the better work of our department.

  5、 Be careful with words and deeds, and have a good sense of self-discipline

"Walking by the river is not wet shoes". For many years, I have worked in a large part of my work experience and engaged in logistics service and logistics management. For many years, I have always regarded the patience as my own criterion, which is plain and unknown; We should always strengthen the consciousness of public servants and service as the basis of all work; In terms of honest administration, we should strive to achieve "self-respect, self-examination, self-warning and self-reliance". Take care of your own people, look after their doors, be honest and loyal to their duties and be good at example.

  Leaders and colleagues, ancient Greek philosophers said, "give me a support point, I will support a planet", which is self-confidence in life; And I want to say now, "give me a chance, I will do my wonderful", which is my love for life and endless pursuit of career. No matter what the result of this competition, in the future, I will do my job as always. I hope that all leaders and colleagues will give me a chance to practice, and I will make every effort to give you a surprise!

  Thank you!


  Dear leaders and colleagues

  hello everyone!

  I am xxx, and my position in competition is manager XX. I formally took the position of customer manager last year. During the work of X years and months, I have always kept in mind the warning of the company leaders, insisted on the purpose of "being honest and honest, doing things honestly and honestly", taking the interests of the company as the starting point, I devoted myself to the work wholeheartedly, and worked hard after unremitting exploration and adjustment, We have walked out a new way suitable for regional sales habits and achieved certain achievements. XX sales volume and sales volume of promotion brands have been innovatively high, ranking first in each line; The sales level control is basically set. The percentage of the top x% of customers in the sales ranking from X to X in this year is below x%, which has met the requirements of the company ahead of time.

  1、 Some understanding of XX manager position

  1. The marketing manager must have good personality and management ability. Personality quality includes active dedication, good communication, outstanding skills, extensive knowledge and mental health. The management ability mainly reflects in the foreseeing ability, planning ability, diagnosis ability, praise ability and cooperation ability.

  2. Responsibilities of marketing manager. According to the overall planning and marketing objectives of the company, the market opportunities are analyzed correctly and the target market is determined; Set sales target reasonably, make sales plan and sales strategy; The main job and task of marketing manager is to play a coach and baton role in the marketing team. He must teach and lead the front-line marketing personnel to achieve the marketing objectives of the company through a series of marketing activities.

  2、 Some ideas on XX manager's post work

  1. Persuasive, participatory work style is adopted in marketing team instead of simple and rough command and irresponsible authorization. We will carry out fair, fair and open work on index assessment, distribution of cigarettes, error checking and error correction, so as to serve people rationally and to improve the rules and regulations of managers.

  2. Improve the regular meeting system of daily work, and strengthen horizontal and vertical communication. In view of the fact that the lines are scattered and all customer managers cannot concentrate on a daily basis, it is planned to set up a regular meeting platform on the computer platform, which will guide and arrange the work of the day, and give unified comments on the work of the previous working day, praise the advanced and encourage the backward progress. The customer manager and the sales visitors shall communicate and communicate at least once a month to improve the work quality and efficiency.

  3. Strengthen the collection and analysis of market information. In the past, the most basic and important work of customer manager is the collection and analysis of market information, which is scattered and disordered. Some information is even worthless. The main reason is that the customer manager lacks directivity in information collection and analysis, and it is necessary to collect and collect all kinds of information, so the result can be imagined.

  4. During the work, I will communicate with the team members without reservation and open-minded with some experience accumulated by myself and other excellent customer managers in the cigarette marketing line, and improve the team's overall ability, brain, fighting ability, execution ability and cohesion in the form of "transmission, help and belt", and strive to create a "come as you go and come to fight.", A team that wins.

  If I succeed in my job, I will never be proud. I will face a new challenge to my life diligently and conscientiously, and strive to make achievements and make great achievements in new jobs!

  If I fail to finish my job, I will not be discouraged. I will actively seek for the gap, narrow the gap, surpass the gap, and return to the original job. I believe that I am still an excellent XX manager!

  Thank you!

