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#初一# 导语】学习是快乐的,学习是幸福的,虽然在学习的道路上我们会遇到许多困难,但是只要努力解决这些困难后,你将会感觉到无比的轻松与快乐,所以我想让大家和我一起进入学习的海洋中,去共同享受快乐。©文档大全网搜集的《初一英语期末下册重点》,希望对同学们有帮助。


1.一 What are they doing?
—They’re listening to a CD.
2. That sounds good.
3. Not much,I'm just washing my clothes. What about you?
4. Do you want to join me for dinner? My parents aren't at home. We can eat out.
5. —Are you doing your homework.
—Yes, I am/No,I’m not. I'm cleaning my room.
6. —Are they using the computer?
—Yes, they are/No, they aren’t. They're exercising.
7. Why are Zhu Hui's family watching boat races and making zongzi.
8. So it’s like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family.
9. But there’s still “no place like home. ”
10. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom's delicious zongzi.


1、询问职业的特殊疑问词是what; 有三种主要句式
① What + is / are + sb? Eg. What is your mother?
② What + does/ do + sb + do? Eg. What does his brother do?
③ What + is/ are + 名词所有格/ 形容词性物主代词 + job? Eg . what is your job?
2、eople give me their money or get their money from me.
3、 Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night.
4 、I like talking to people.
5、 I work late. I’m very busy when people go out to dinners.
6、 Where does your sister work?
7、 then we have a job for you as a waiter.
8、 Do you want to work for a magazine? Then come and work for us as a reporter.
9 、Do you like to work evenings and weekends?
10、 We are an international school for children of 5-12.


1. table tennis 乒乓球
2. play the piano 弹钢琴
3. play table tennis 打乒乓球
4. ride a bike 骑自行车
5. speak Chinese 说汉语
6. would like to do sth. 想要做某事
7. worry about 担心
8. play football 踢足球
9. the Music Club 音乐俱乐部
10. get on well with sb. 与某人相处融洽
11. in the school team 在校队
12. work very hard 学习非常努力
13. be sure 确信的
14. be ready to do sth. 准备做某事
15. make our classroom beautiful 使我们的教室漂亮
16. be good at sth. 擅长做某事
17. fly a kite 放风筝
18. swim well 游泳游的好
19.make a poster 制作海报
1. The new clubs for this term are on the board. 本学期新的俱乐部已经在布告板上.。
2. I’d like to join the Music Club. 我想加入音乐俱乐部。
3. Can you cook, Daming? 大明,你会做饭吗?
4. I can cook eggs, but that’s all. 我会炒鸡蛋,但是而已。
5. Which club can she join? 她能加入哪个俱乐部?
6. I think she’d like to join the Dancing Club because she can dance really well. 我认为他愿意加入舞蹈俱乐部因为她跳舞跳的真的很好。
7. How about you? 你呢?
8. I can’t speak Chinese very well. 我说汉语说得不好。
9. Don’t worry about Chinese. 不要担心汉语。
10. We can teach you Chinese! 我能教你汉语!
11. It’s the start of the new term and we’re choosing our new monitors. 现在是新学期的开端,我们正在选新的班干部。
12. I’d like to be the class monitor. 我想成为班长。
13. I get on well with everyone, classmates and teachers. 我与每个人,老师和同学们相处的好。
14. I’m kind and I’m always ready to help others. 我很友好并且我总是乐于帮助别人。
15. Choose me as your class monitor and I promise to help you! 选我做班长,我保证帮助你们!
16. I want to be the PE monitor. 我想成为体育委员。
17. I can run really fast. I’m really fit and healthy. 我能跑得很快。我真得很健康。
18. I usually get the best score in every match. 每次比赛我通常都得分。
19. Choose me for the PE monitor and you can get the best score too! 选我做体育委员,你们也能得分。
20. I often help my mother do cleaning at home. 我经常在家帮我妈妈打扫卫生。
21. I’m sure everybody would like a clean classroom, just like home. 我确信每个人都想要一个像家一样干净的教室。
22. Choose me and we can make our classroom beautiful. 选我吧,我们能使我们的教室变得漂亮。


1.do one’s homework 做某人的作业 do housework 做家务
2.talk on the phone 在电话里交谈, talk about……谈论…… talk to(with)sb 和某人交谈
3.write a letter 写信 write a letter to sb 给某人写信
4.play with…… 和……一起玩
5.watch TV 看电视 TV show 电视节目
6.wait for sb/sth 等待某人/某物
7.some of…… ……中的一些
8.in the first photo 在第一张照片里(介词用in,序数词前面有the)
in the last photo 在最后一张照片里 a photo of one’s family  某人的家庭照片
9.at the mall 在购物街 at/in the library 在图书室 at/in the pool 在游泳池
10.read a book = read books = do some reading看书\阅读
11.thanks for = thank you for   为某事而感谢(后接动词要用v-ing)
1. 他正在干什么? What is he doing? 他正在吃饭。He is eating dinner.
他正在哪里吃饭?Where is he eating dinner他正在家里吃饭。He is eating dinner at home.
2. 你想什么时候去?When do you want to go? 让我们六点钟去吧。Let’s go at six o’clock.
3. 他正在等什么? What is he waiting for? 他正在等公交车。 He is waiting for a bus.
4. 他们正在和谁说话? Who are they talking with?
他们正在和Miss Wu说话。They are talking with Miss Wu.
5. 你们正在谈论什么? What are you talking about?
我们正在谈论天气。We are talking about the weather.
6. 他们都正在去上学。They are all going to school.
7.这儿是一些我的照片。Here are some of my photos.
这儿是一些肉。 Here is some of meat. (some of meat不可数,故用is)
8.谢谢你帮我买这本书。 Thank you for helping me buy this book.
9.family 家;家庭。强调“整体”,是单数;强调“成员”时,是复数。
His family has a shower. 他们家有一个淋浴。
His family are watching TV. 他全家在看电视。


1. across from …… 在……的对面 across from the bank 在银行的对面
2. next to…… 紧靠…… next to the supermarket 紧靠超市
3. between……and…… 在……和……之间
between the park and the zoo 在公园和动物园之间
among 表示位于三者或三者以上之间
4. in front of…… 在……前面 There is a tree in front of the classroom. 课室前面有棵树。
in the front of…… 在……(内)的前部 There is a desk in the front of the classroom.课室内的前部有张桌子。
5. behind…… 在……后面 behind my house 在我家后面
6. turn left/ right 向左/右拐
on the left/right of……在某物的左/右边 on the left of our school 在我们学校的左边
on one’s left/right 在某人的左/右边 on my left在我左边
7. go straight 一直走
8. down /along……沿着……(街道 down/along Center Street 沿着中央街
9. in the neighborhood=near here 在附近
10 welcome to…… 欢迎来到……
11. take /have a walk 散步
12. the beginning of…… ……的开始,前端
at the beginning of…… 在……的开始,前端 in the beginning 起初,一开始
13. have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself 玩得开心,过得愉快
14. have a good trip 旅途愉快
15. take a taxi 坐出租车
16. 到达:get to +地方 get here/ there/ home 到这/那/家 arrive in +大地方 I arrive in Beijing. arrive at +小地方I arrive at the bank. reach +地方
17.go across 从物体表面横过 go across the street横过马路
go through 从空间穿过 go through the forest穿过树林
18.on + 街道的名称。 Eg: on Center Street
at + 具体门牌号+街道的名称 Eg: at 6 Center Street

