【#二年级# 导语】如今,英语已经成为了世界语,渗透在全世界的每一个角落,政治、经济、文化、娱乐,可以说,我们每天的生活,以及生活的每个方面,都在这种语言的影响之下。所以,从小教育孩子学习英语,是为了将来更好融入社会而刻不容缓的事情!以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您!
D. what Zip's first present was made
A. the dog likes keeping things C. he doesn't know the dog's name sheep" well
B. the dog likes playing with shoes D. he can't pronounce the word "
细节转换:3.What made the shoe strange was ______. A. its colour B. its smell C. its size D. that it was a silk one
推测题:4.The word "keep"in the last sentence means "_____" A. keeping things for itself C. not letting it run about B. bringing things for other to keep D. taking care of a small child
概括题:5.We can know from the reading that the dog _____. A. likes to give presents to people home C. has brought some trouble B. has been kept in at the writer's
D. likes to be called "the keep dog"
2、1:An old lady in a plane had a blanket(毯子)over her head and2: she did not want to take it off .3:The air hostess spoke to her, but the old lady said, “I have never been in a plane before , and I am frightened. I am going to keep this blanket over my head until we are back on the ground again !” Then the captain came. He said, “Madam, I am the captain of this plane. The weather is fine, there are no clouds in the sky, and everything is going very well. ”But she continued to hide. So the captain turned and started to go back. Then the old lady looked out from under the blanket with one eye and said, 4.“I am sorry, young man, but I don’t like planes and I am never going to fly again. But I’ll say one thing, ”She continued kindly, “You and your wife keep your plane very clean!” 细节转换 1. An old lady had _________ . A. glasses B. a blanket over her head C. a coat D. a basket
细节转换 2. A. She didn’t want to ________ . A. take it off B. turn it off C. get on D. talk about it
细节转换 3. _________ spoke to her . A. The air hostess friends B. The man next to her C. her husband D. one of her
细节转换 4. The old lady had never been _________ before . A. abroad B. home C. in a plane D. in hospital
细节转换 5. The woman didn’t like planes and she was never going ________ . A. to fly again B. to travel C. to go abroad D. to go home
一、要注意养成良好的阅读心理,阅读时要去掉杂念,心绪要安定,精神要 专一,要形成一种惬意的顺向心理。
二、 要提高视读的速度, 考阅读理解, 从另一个方面来说, 考的是考试速度。
三、对文章的评价分析,一定要坚持“词不离句,句不离篇”,要理解文 章作者的原意,而不能按你自己的意愿去想当然。切记:一想当然,就会出错。