1、The love of their country is with them only a mode of flattering its master; as soon as they think that master can no longer hear, they speak of everything with a frankness which is the more startling because those who listen to it become responsible. ——Marquis De Custine 对他们来说,爱国不过是谄媚统治者的一种方式;只要他们认为统治者再也听不到,他们所说的一切马上就惊人地诚恳,因为那些听他们说话的人是可靠的。——卡斯汀侯爵 2、The love of one's country is a splendid thing —— but why should love stop at the border? ——Pablo Casals 对一个人的国家的爱是美好的事情——但为什么爱要止于国界。——帕布鲁·凯瑟尔斯 3、Patriotism: Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name. ——Ambrose Bierce 爱国主义。一堆随时可以被任何野心家所点燃,去照亮他的名字的易燃垃圾。——安卜罗斯·皮尔斯 4、You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it. ——Malcolm X 不能允许你用爱国主义蒙蔽双眼而不能面对现实。错就是错,不管是谁说的。——马尔科姆·X 5、True patriotism doesn't exclude an understanding of the patriotism of others.——Queen Elizabeth II 真正的爱国主义不排斥对于其他人的爱国主义的理解。——伊丽莎白女王二世 6、Patriotism, when it wants to make itself felt in the domain of learning, is a dirty fellow who should be thrown out of doors. ——Arthur Schopenhauer 爱国主义,当它涉入认知领域时,是一个应该被扔出门外的混小子。——阿瑟·舒本华 7、Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. ——Samuel Johnson 爱国主义是无赖最后的避难所。——塞缪尔·约翰逊 8、I realize that patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone.——Edith Cavell 我认识到,爱国主义是不够的,我还必须不对任何人心怀仇恨与抱怨。——艾迪斯·卡维尔 9、Patriotism is a pernicious, psychopathic form of idiocy. ——George Bernard Shaw 爱国主义是一种有害的、精神错乱的白痴形式。——乔治·肖伯纳 10、Patriotism is a arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles.——George Jean Nathan 爱国主义是超越于原则之上的对于不动产的一种专横的崇拜。——乔治·简·纳森 11、Patriotism must be founded on great principals and supported by great virtue. ——Henry Bolingbroke 爱国主义必须建立在伟大的原则之上并以伟大的美德作为后盾。——亨利·柏林布鲁克 12、I think patriotism is like charity —— it begins at home. ——Henry James 我认为爱国主义就如慈善——它是从家庭里开始的。——亨利·詹姆斯 13、Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons. ——Bertrand Russell 爱国主义就是积极地为了微不足道的原因杀人并被杀。——勃特兰·罗素 14、You will never have a quiet world until you knock the patriotism out of the human race. ——George Bernard Shaw 除非你把爱国主义从人类中驱逐出去,你将永远不会拥有一个宁静的世界。——乔治·肖伯纳 15、Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his country, it is a sign that he expects to be paid for it. ——H. L. Mencken 任何时候当你听到一个人说他爱他的国家,这是一个信号,表明他在期待为此获得报偿。——门肯 16、God and Country are an unbeatable team; they break all records for oppression and bloodshed. ——Luis Bunuel 上帝和国家构成了一支不可战胜的队伍;他们打破了所有压迫和流血的纪录。——路易斯·巴纳尔 17、To make us love our country, our country ought to be lovely. ——Edmund Burke 要让我们爱我们的国家,我们的国家应该可爱才行。——爱德蒙·柏克 18、The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it NOW deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. ——Thomas Paine 风华正茂的军人、光彩照人的爱国者,在这样的危机中,也会怯于为他的国家服务;但是至今还能经受住考验的人,理应受到人们的感激与爱戴。——托马斯·潘恩 19、Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it. ——George Bernard Shaw 爱国主义就是你确信:这个国家比所有其他的国家都要出色,只因为你生于斯。——乔治·肖伯纳