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【#英语资源# 导语】小学生英语表达是一门重要的课程,作为第二语言文章的写作也是至关重要的,以下便是©文档大全网为大家整理的小学生英语作文带翻译【通用版】,欢迎阅读参考。

【篇一】妈妈生气了 Mother was angry

  When it comes to my headache, my mother is angry. She was furious, and I could only listen, alas.


  One day, I made a lot of mistakes in math. My mother changed from "my fair lady" to "a woman man" in the blink of an eye. And there are a few more wrinkles on the gentle face that can't be erased. I'm stunned. My mother's eyes were wide open, and her chilling look showed me the seriousness of the matter. My head bit by bit down, and my mother was originally V-shaped eyebrows, but also gradually loose down. Maybe she forgives me when she sees that I have begun to regret.


  But it didn't last long. After a few days, I let my mother nag because of carelessness. I really don't understand! This time, my mother's face is red like a big red date, and the original gentle tone has become terrifying. It's not so easy this time. I always said how I was wrong, how wrong, I tried my best to apologize to her, but she just ignored me. At the same time, I also found that every time I did something wrong, she was more severe. Finally, my mother accepted my apology and forgave me.


  Although my mother is always angry with me, she is for my good. I love you, mom!


【篇二】画画小能人 Painting talent

  Mingjie in our class is a 100% painting talent. Why? Because these things can be reflected.


  In his art book, you can never find a good, all excellent, every painting is clear, vigorous and powerful, the color looks very ordinary, but he painted the color very beautiful.


  I also like painting. I used my mind to draw. At that time, Mingjie was sitting behind me, and he came to help me draw. What he drew was more beautiful than mine. When I showed it to others, they said, "this is what you drew? It's true.


  Do you think Mingjie in our class is a good painter!


【篇三】夸夸我的班主任 Boast about my head teacher

  My teacher in charge is Liang Xiaoyue. She has big bright eyes. She smiles like she can speak. She is very beautiful. She also had a hot, explosive head, like instant noodles. Every day, Mr. Liang dresses up beautifully, especially in fashion.


  Mr. Bao's personality is very gentle. She will ask us if we can after each lecture. If one of the students can't, the teacher will tell us repeatedly until the whole class can. She never lost her temper with us, she was very patient with us.


  I remember one time, Xu Zi of my class vomited all over. Mr. Liang saw it and rushed to wipe his clothes over and over again. He didn't dislike it. Mr. Liang often said to us, "I am your mother.". Every time I heard the teacher's words, I was moved to tears. Mr. Liang loves us and cares for us just like his mother


  This is our teacher in charge, Miss Liang. She burns herself like a candle and lights us up! I feel happy that I can have such a good teacher.


【篇四】妈妈对不起 Mom, I'm sorry

  Mom, now I want to say to you, "you have suffered a lot for me alone. You are lucky. I will never talk back to you again."


  That afternoon, I came home and saw you sleeping in bed. I thought you were just tired, but I didn't think you were ill. It's almost 7 o'clock, but you haven't woken up yet. My "dinner bell" has already rang. I can't wait to wake you up. At this time, I see you are different, but I still don't think much. You slowly get up on the punch, come to the kitchen, endure a headache, cook for me, and then sleep in the bed.


  In the evening, because you really have no energy, you asked me to go to the pot Xi, and at this time I was immersed in the animation, then said impatiently: "no!" Now that you have endured for a long time, you tell me the truth, saying that I don't understand. At this time, I didn't answer back. Knowing that you still have a headache, I almost cried,


  Immediately ran to the kitchen and washed the pot.


  Mom, please forgive me for my naughtiness and my ignorance. I hate myself for noticing your abnormality, and I can't think of your headache. After that, I'll never talk back to you again. I won't let you suffer any more.


【篇五】做个坚强的男孩子 Be a strong boy

  Everyone has something to fear. For me, I'm afraid of standing up high. So when we went on a trip, my friends stood at the top and looked around the scenery, but I had to step back and didn't dare to look down. It makes me feel like I'm going to fall. I want to get rid of this feelings and be a strong boy. I believe I can do it.

  每个人都有害怕的事情,对我来说, 我害怕站在高处。所以当我们去旅行时,我的朋友们站在顶端, 环顾四周的风景。然而我只能往后退,不敢往下看。高处让我感觉自己要掉下去。我想摆脱这种感觉,做一个坚强的男孩子。我相信,我能行。

