

时间:2022-03-30 09:43:39 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

#英语资源# 导语】英语美文的阅读有助于我们对英语知识的学习,提升我们的英语能力,以下“初中英语作文:早起的好处”由©文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  【篇一】早起的好处 The Good Sides of Waking Up Early

Today, most young people wake up so late, because they like to have parties at night and hang out with their friends, they like to join the activities and sleep very late. For the young people, they have to work in the daytime, so they will find some fun at night, in the long run, their lifestyle is very different from the old generation. I like to wake up early in the morning, I will go out and breathe some fresh air. The city is so quiet, it looks beautiful in the morning, the old people are dancing and jogging, they are so leisure. When I see this, I feel life is easy and leisure. 今天,大部分年轻人很晚才起床,因为他们喜欢在晚上参加派对,和朋友们出去玩,他们喜欢参加各种各样的活动,很晚才休息。对于年轻人来说,他们白天要工作,所以他们会在晚上找点乐子,长期下来,他们的生活方式和老一代人很不一样。我喜欢一大早起来,我会走出去,呼吸新鲜的空气。这个城市很安静,在早上看起来很美,老人家们在跳舞和慢跑,很休闲。当我看到这些的时候,我觉得生活很轻松和休闲。

  【篇二】美国学生的午餐 American Students‘ Lunch

Today, when I read the newspaper, I saw an interesting news, it is said that the first lady in American Michelle Obama, was so worried about American people’s health, she thought it was the unhealthy diet that made the people have healthy issue, so she tried hard to improve the healthy diet. Now the students’ lunch meal has changed, students show their food to the media and say thank you to Michelle. But the fact is that they are unsatisfied with the policy, the food they show looks terrible and hard to eat. Chinese students play the joke that they said even the prisoners’ food is better than American students’ lunch. 今天,当我看新闻的时候,我看到了一则有趣的新闻,据说,美国的第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马很担忧美国人民的健康,她认为正是不健康的饮食才让人们有健康问题,因此她努力尝试着去改善健康的饮食。如今学生的午餐已经改变了,学生们纷纷向媒体展示他们的食物,并向米歇尔表达了感谢。但是实际上,他们对于这样的政策很不满意,他们展示的食物看起来很糟糕,难以下咽。中国的学生开玩笑说,囚犯的食物都比美国学生的午餐好。

  【篇三】柠檬茶 Lemon Tea

Last week, when I went to visit my friend, she brought me a cup of a tea, it was so different from the tea I used to drink, I saw a piece of lemon in the water, I could smell the light favor, it was so comfortable for me. I was so curious and could not wait to have tasted it, it tasted so good, I asked my friend what it was, she said it was lemon tea, I asked how to make it, she told me her recipe. She said she would put some honey in the lemon and then put the lemon into the bottle, after a week, I could take out a piece of lemon in the cup and mixed with some water. I fall in love with lemon tea now, it also makes me healthy. 上周,当我去看望朋友的时候,她拿给我一杯茶,这和我之前喝过的很不同,我看到水中有一片柠檬,我能闻到淡淡的香味,我觉得很舒服。我很好奇,迫不及待想要尝尝,那喝起来确实不错,我问朋友那是什么,她说是柠檬茶,我问她如何弄的,她告诉了我她的秘方。她说她把蜂蜜放在柠檬上,然后把柠檬放在一个瓶子里,一周以后,我就可以拿出一片柠檬,放在被子中,冲着水。我现在爱上了柠檬茶,那也让我保持健康。

