

时间:2021-08-07 20:50:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】今年第6号台风“烟花”中心早晨5点位于浙江温岭东南方大约700公里的西北太平洋,中心附近风力14级。台风来了会引发严重的灾害。小编在此也提醒大家做好防台措施,减少损失。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  In the evening, the only white in the sky slowly began to disappear. Finally, it was completely swallowed up by dark clouds. The branches beat the windows powerlessly. The flowers were bent down by the dull weather. The wind and rain came, and the pedestrians on the road gradually decreased.

  At more than eight o'clock, the typhoon really landed. The wind ravaged everything on the ground it could attack. It is like a devil falling from the sky, slaughtering all the creatures in the world. Flowers and trees are so fragile in front of the devil, at his mercy.

  The wind roared and the rain roared. They seemed to show off how powerful they were to all living creatures“ With a bang, the typhoon removed the billboard under the wall of the high-rise building. It seems to tell all living creatures that your weak lives will be in my hands, the wind and rain will stay in the world forever, and the brilliant sunshine will never come back.

  The trees along the road bravely resisted the pressure of the typhoon, but in front of the powerful typhoon, it was so small. Some trees were shaken left and right by the typhoon, while some trees had already been uprooted by the typhoon. There were dead branches and rotten leaves everywhere on the road. At this time, the typhoon sent out a roar through the sky, which was so low, It has a strong deterrent force.

  With this roar, all the creatures looked at it, their eyes showed fear and fear, and they gave up their struggle. The flowers broke their backs in the wind, and the grass lowered their heads sadly. People lay in bed and prayed to leave quickly this night. In this way, the typhoon blew all night.

  The next morning, the wind gradually decreased and the rain disappeared, but the sky was still overcast and seemed to be shrouded in the shadow of the departed devil. After this night's disaster, the city has completely changed. It is devastated. There are residual flowers and fallen leaves everywhere on the ground. There are big trees blown down by the typhoon not far away. There is muddy ponding everywhere on the road

  Nature is very magical. Sometimes it is like a loving mother, nurturing us humans, and sometimes it is like a crazy devil, destroying the whole world. Therefore, we should be kind to nature and protect nature.


  Typhoon is a strong tropical cyclone generated on the tropical ocean. China is affected by typhoons above level 12 as many as 15 times a year. These typhoons often cause huge waves, excessive concentrated rainfall, floods, storms and building damage. It has brought huge economic losses to people. So, how did the typhoon come into being?

  The formation of typhoon requires four conditions: first, a broad atmosphere of high temperature and high humidity; Second, there is an initial disturbance in which the lower atmosphere converges to the center and the upper atmosphere diffuses outward; Third: the wind speed in the vertical direction shall not vary too much; Fourth: there should be enough ground deflection force. Under these conditions, due to the rise of sea surface temperature caused by sunlight, water is easy to evaporate into water vapor and spread in the air. Therefore, the air on the tropical ocean has high temperature and humidity. This air expands due to high temperature, resulting in reduced density and reduced mass. However, the wind near the equator is weak, so it is easy to rise and convective effect occurs. At the same time, the surrounding cooler air flows in and replenishes, Then it rises and circulates continuously, so that the whole air column will eventually be air with higher temperature, lighter weight and lower density, which forms the so-called tropical depression. The air circulation increases continuously, and the diameter is even several kilometers. Due to the earth's high speed from west to East, the airflow column has friction with the earth's surface. The closer it is to the equator, the stronger the friction force, which leads the airflow column to rotate counterclockwise. (the clockwise rotation in the southern hemisphere forms a sensory westbound because the earth's self speed is fast and the airflow column can't keep up with the earth's self speed, which forms the typhoon we call now. So simply put, a large amount of air flow rises, cyclones are generated due to the earth's bias force, and the atmospheric flow forms a vortex flow, so the typhoon is on a large scale.

  Although typhoon is only wind, it still has amazing destructive power. Destructive typhoons can be divided into: strong tropical wind, typhoon, strong typhoon and super typhoon. They often cause strong winds, rainstorms and storm surges.

  As Southeast China is an economically prosperous area, but it is also affected by typhoons, it is very important to prevent typhoons. Two or three days before the arrival of a typhoon, there are generally signs such as high clouds, sudden stop of thunderstorms, excellent visibility, long waves, roaring of the sea, change of wind direction and reduction of air pressure. When these signs are found, be sure to move the flowerpot on the balcony indoors and check the tightness of doors and windows. In addition, always pay attention to local news. Typhoon signal is very important. It is used to inform local residents and civil defense organizations to take appropriate defense or evacuation measures. These warnings involve possible disasters within the warning range, rather than simply repeating the predicted path and intensity of tropical cyclones, which is particularly important to protect human life and property safety. For example, in Shenzhen, when a typhoon comes, local stations often broadcast typhoon warning signals. When the yellow warning signal is issued, the operating vessels must return to the harbor for shelter, and the classes of primary and secondary schools shall be suspended. At this time, outdoor activities should be avoided as far as possible. Stay indoors and close the doors and windows. If you suddenly encounter a typhoon outdoors, you should take shelter in large buildings.

  In addition to bringing severe disasters such as storms to the landing area, typhoons are also good for alleviating the drought. According to statistics, typhoon rainfall accounts for more than 1 / 4 of the total rainfall in Southeast Asian countries and the United States, including China. Therefore, without typhoon, the agricultural plight of these countries is unimaginable.


  Typhoon is a terrible word. Every August, typhoons loot the mainland, and coastal areas are even more painful.

  Yuhuan people, who experienced typhoon lichma last year, were terrified and thought it was a once-in-a-century event. The "haigebi" typhoon was no big deal. Just like our family, we didn't take haigebi seriously at all. As a result, we didn't store water in advance and block the window with a towel, so we couldn't take a bath at night. There was water in the window in the middle of the night. What's more, we couldn't cook. We had to queue up in the hotel for an hour before eating.

  In the evening, I lay quietly in bed with my brother. He slept soundly, but I listened to the typhoon with my eyes open. The raindrops hit the windows and made a "snap" sound. The wind blew to the small balcony and made a "boom" sound from the glass door. From time to time, there were several thunders in the distance, mixed with lightning, and a short bright attack from time to time, The night was shrouded in horror.

  While I was listening to the loud noise, my mother came in. She took some rags and put them on the window sill dripping with water. Because there were too many drops of water, we had to turn on the lights to deal with the accumulated water. I opened the curtains a little and found that the rain under the lights had surged into "big waves" on the road at 2 a.m. The branches and leaves of the trees were blown about by the strong wind, several electric cars were blown down, and the wooden frames and crops in the fields had already fallen in the same direction, which made me feel that the power of the typhoon should not be underestimated. The sound of wind, rain and sound came to my ears. In this way, I spent a night in a daze.

  The next day, I was woken up by the heat. It turned out that there was a power outage and water outage at home. On the way out to buy vegetables, I saw the town in a mess“ "Runli Hotel" has become "Li Hotel" and "Huanya cinema" has become "Buya cinema". Even the tarpaulin on the canopy next to the road has been blown away by the wind, leaving only a naked frame. The fields are flooded, and the roads are full of blue iron sheets and branches and leaves of trees... The beautiful and tidy home in the past has been riddled with holes and beyond recognition after the invasion of "Hagrid" overnight. The disaster brought by typhoon to people is really great!

  After checking the news, I learned that the largest typhoon in Yuhuan was force 17, which was equal to lichma last time. I have learned that the power of nature cannot be underestimated. Maintain ecological balance and follow the laws of nature, otherwise we will be punished by nature.

