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  【#二年级# 导语】在中国,英语是一门主要的课程,与语文数学并列,是求学者永远离不开必学的一门课程。中国不是英语发源国家,也缺少语言环境,所以就要求孩子们在自身打好了汉语基础上,早一些接触和学习英语,自主地学、多形式地学和练、充满兴趣地去学,从小就学,因为英语是门语言,语言一定要靠积累和运用。而面对应试教育,考试也是离不开的话题。学习好英语可以从容面对英语考试,而英语试卷也对孩子学习英语有一定辅助作用,俩者彼此有用。以下是©文档大全网为学子们准备的相关资料,希望可以帮助到您。

Unit 1-4

  一 Write(正确写出下列单词的英文或中文意思.)

  1. 苹果 2. 15 3. 猫

  4.headmaster 5. teddy bear 6.picture book

  ———— ————— ________

  二. Read and circle(圈出于例词同类的单词。)

  1. fifty ( five fine for )

  2. fly ( book blue bee )

  3. pen ( ruler bus cat )

  4. bread ( pizza milk water )

  5. red ( purple play pig )

  6. swim ( rabbit fox sleep )

  三. Read and circle the correct word(看图,勾出正确的单词.)


  seventy seventeen

  panda bear

四. Read and circle the correct sentences(看图,勾出正确的句子.)


  (  ) I’ve got a Barbie doll .

  (  ) I’ve got a picture book.


  ( ) Give me the bones..

  ( ) Give me the chicken.


  ( ) It’s twenty-five eleven.

  ( ) It’s eleven twenty-five.


  ( ) It’s in the bag.

  ( ) It’s on the bag.


  ( ) Let’s go skating.

  ( ) Let’s go cycling.


  ( ) Tell me your name, please.

  ( ) Write your name here.

  五. Read and choose.(根据问题,选择正确的答案)

  ( ) 1 What time is it? _____

  A I’m nine. B It’s seven thirty.

  ( ) 2 How much is twenty plus one? _____

  A Nineteen. B Twenty-one.

  ( ) 3 Give me an apple, please. _______

  A Thank you. B O.k. Here you are.

  ( ) 4 Is she your class teacher? _______

  A Yes, she is. B Yes, he is.

  ( ) 5 Where are you from? ______

  A I love Pudong. B I’m from Pudong.

  ( ) 6 A: Let’s take a walk. B: _________.

  A Great B Bye-bye.

  ( ) 7 May I speak _____ your mother?

  A on B to

六. Read and choose. (阅读下列短文,选择正确的答案)

  This is Tom. He is my friend. He is tall. He is fat. He is nine years old.

  He can draw and write. He likes apples.

  ( ) 1Tom is my _________.

  A. father B. friend C. mother

  ( ) 2 Tom is a __________.

  A. boy B. girl C. teacher ww w.x kb1.com

  ( ) 3 Tom is ___________.

  A. short and fat B. tall and thin C. tall and fat

  ( ) 4 Tom can __________.

  A. draw B. dance C. sing

  ( ) 5 He likes to eat __________.

  A. apples B. lemons C. oranges

Unit 5-6

  一 Write(正确写出下列单词的英文或中文意思.)

  1. 面包 2. 40 3. 点

  4.hamburger 5. sandwich 6.class teacher

  ———— ————— ________

  二. Read and circle(圈出不同类的单词。)

  1. cat dog bird hat

  2. jigsaw book doll transformer

  3. jelly biscuit hamburger eat

  4. lemon melon orange Coke

  5. draw door sing look

  6. two to three four

  三. Read and circle the correct word(看图,勾出正确的单词.)


  forty-eight fifty-eight

四. Read and circle the correct sentences(看图,勾出正确的句子.)


  (  ) May I have an ice-cream, please?

  (  ) May I have an apple, please?


  ( ) I want some sandwiches.

  ( ) I want three hamburgers.


  ( ) I need a heart.

  ( ) I need a star.


  ( ) It’s under the table.

  ( ) It’s on the table.


  ( ) Plant the flowers.

  ( ) Plant the trees.


  ( ) Sharpen your pencil.

  ( ) Trace the letters.

  五. Read and choose.(根据问题,选择正确的答案)

  ( ) 1 I need two _____.

  A triangles. B a triangle.

  ( ) 2 How much is forty minus ten? _____

  A Thirteen. B Thirty.

  ( ) 3 What colour is the apple? _______

  A It’s red. B It’s blue.

  ( ) 4 Is that your mother? _______

  A Yes, she is. B Yes, he is.

  ( ) 5 This is ______ice-cream.

  A a B an.

  ( ) 6 A: I need a square. B: _________.

  A Here you are. B Bye-bye.

  ( ) 7 The bus is coming(来了).Let’s get _____ the bus.

  A on B to

六. Read and choose. (阅读下列短文,选择正确的答案)

  This is a book. It’s a rectangle. This is a rubber. It’s a star. This is a ball. It’s a circle. This is a bag. It’s a heart. This is a desk. It’s a square.

  rectangle star heart square circle






Unit 7-10

  一 Write ( 正确写出下列单词的中文意思 。)

  1.take an umbrella 2. no smoking 3.speak English

  二.Copy the sentences. (正确抄写下列句子。)

  1.Excuse me ,sir. 2. May I have an apple, please?

  三. Read and circle ( 圈出不同类的单词。)

  1. Sunday Sue Monday Tuesday

  2. five fine beautiful tall

  3. he you she must

  4. rabbit yo-yo dog cat

  5. spell copy clean classroom

  6. pear eat orange banana

  四.Read and circle the correct word.( 圈出正确的单词.)

  1. ( Sllep, Spell, Lspel) the word , please.

  2. Don’t (shout, shotu, shtou ) in the classroom.

  3.I have a (ingr, ginr, ring ). It’s nice.

  3. There are (eighteen, eihtgeen, eighteen ) boys in my class.

  4. Today is (Thusrdya, Thrusday, Thursday ). We are at school.

  5. Here we are. Let’s get off the (bsu, sub, bus ).

五. Read and choose.(根据问题,选择正确的答案)

  ( ) 1 I need two _____.

  A .circles B a circle

  ( ) 2 How much is thirty minus ten? _____

  A Twelve. B Twenty.

  ( ) 3 Don’t smoking here, please. _______

  A I’m sorry. B Thank you.

  ( ) 4 Is that your aunt? _______

  A Yes, she is. B Yes, he is.

  ( ) 5 It’s seven. I must go ____ school.

  A on B to

  ( ) 6 A: Come on, Hong Wei. B: _________.

  A O.K. B Bye-bye.

  ( ) 7 This is ____ umbrella.

  A. a B. an

  六.True or false. (阅读下列短文,用T, F表示。)

  I’m Sam. I’m a boy. I can jump and climb the tree. I have a big bag. It’s blue. I have a friend. It’s Spotty. It’s a dog. It’s white and black. It can jump and run.

  ( ) 1. Sam and Spotty are friends.

  ( ) 2. Sam has a red bag.

  ( ) 3. Spotty can climb the tree.

  ( ) 4. Spotty is black.

  ( ) 5. Sam can dance.

Unit 11-12

  一 Write ( 正确写出下列单词的中文意思 。)

  1. school uniform 2. come on 3.Turn on the light, please.

  二.Copy the sentences. (正确抄写下列句子。)7%

  1.Let us have a race. 2. What are these?

  三.Read and circle ( 圈出不同类的单词。)

  1. take go dirty look

  2. mouth eye milk nose

  3. five ten green forty

  4. dogs hats book cakes

  5. desk cat rooster duck

  6. square dot vest circle

  四.Read and circle the correct word.( 圈出正确的单词.)

  1. ( Tunr, Turn, trnu) the tap , please.

  2. ( This, Hist, Thsi ) is our classroom.

  3.I have a (lemon, melon, nelom ). It’s sweet.

  6. There are (fourty, forty, fouty ) boys in my class.

  7. Today is ( Sundsy,Sandy,Sunday ). We have no school.

  8. Clean the ( classoomr, roomclass, classroom).

  五.Read and choose.(根据问题,选择正确的答案)

  ( ) 1. These ____ snakes.

  A . are B. is

  ( ) 2. What’s this? It is _____.

  A. books B. a book

  ( ) 3. Go and take ____ bath.

  A. a B. the

  ( ) 4. Can your aunt dance? _______

  A Yes, she can. B Yes, he can.

  ( ) 5 It’s seven. I must go ____ school.

  A on B to

  ( ) 6 A: How are you? B: _________.

  A. Fine, thank you. B. Five, thank you.

六.True or false. (阅读下列短文,用T, F表示。)

  Today is Sunday. We have no school. We are in the park. Look! The monkey is little and brown. Look at the tiger. It’s yellow and black. Look at the bear. It’s big and brown. I like the panda. It’s white and black.

  ( ) 1. Today is Sunday.

  ( ) 2. We are in the classroom.

  ( ) 3. The big tiger is white.

  ( ) 4. The bear is yellow and black.

  ( ) 5. I like the panda.

