

时间:2021-08-02 01:29:35 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】乌塔,一个14岁的德国女孩,独自游历欧洲。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Reading the article "Wuta" reminds me of the difference between Chinese children and foreign children. This difference is not whose parents love more, but their love is the same! It's just that the way of love is different, some are doting, some are doting, the right thing is bold love.

  Uta is a little German girl, only 14 years old, went to France, Switzerland, Austria and other countries in Europe alone. When I think of myself, I'm afraid to spend the night alone; There is always a sense of dependence when some things can be done by themselves.

  After reading this article, I want to say to all adults: "we have grown up, some things can be done by ourselves, can't always rely on you to be your parasites. We will gradually learn to be independent and self reliant. "


  You must be curious to see the topic of UTA! You must think that UTA is a tall and dark tower, but actually UTA is just the name of a girl.

  Utta, a 14-year-old German girl, travels alone in Europe. Her parents would be relieved that UTA was traveling alone, and she was filial to her parents. She would call her parents or give gifts every place. It's much better than our Chinese children. And UTA has the ability to live and self-reliance.

  When I read, "the world light knows from television and books is always imperfect“ I agree with it because the views I see in the books are quite different from those I went to. Because the picture in the book is not so perfect.

  This text tells us to learn from the little girl, Wuta, who is just as self-sufficient and reasonable to arrange the time. Don't always rely on your parents.

  I remember one time, I didn't check my bag at night. So the next day came to school, the first class found that forgot to wear eraser, had to borrow from classmates, I will not always rely on parents.


  Reading the text "UTA", this article mainly tells a 14-year-old German girl named UTA who travels alone in Europe. I was impressed by her ability to live alone.

  I compared myself with UTA, thinking: I am nine years old. Although my parents work in other places, I haven't left my grandparents. Once, I wanted to go back to the stone bow with my friends. Grandma said, "that's not OK. You are all children. What if you meet a trafficker?" No matter what I say, grandma didn't agree with me, and my heart was very sad.

  It is this way in grandma's pampered, my ability to live alone is very poor. For example: grandma should have a good meal and chopsticks. Every day, grandma should remind me not to forget to bring necessary supplies in my schoolbag. When she is ill, she should take good medicine and pour tea. She doesn't know how to add clothes when it is cold

  I feel very ashamed compared with UTA. Although I would dress myself and stack my quilt, I was far from UTA.

  I must learn from UTA, like she is independent, and when I grow up, I must go outside to make a breakthrough. But I hope my family will not spoil me any more, give me some opportunities to exercise my independence ability, and make me an independent person like UTA.


  A few days ago, we learned the text "Wuta". This text is about the German girl UTA I met by chance. Listening to UTA talk about her traveling around Europe alone, I feel very much.

  After reading this text, I feel a lot. In China, are children as old as Wuta so capable of taking care of themselves? Dare you travel around the world? The answer, of course, is not. Even if there are, they are in the minority. Speaking of this, I am also deeply ashamed. My self-care ability is very poor. I always ask my mother to help me with my homework. Every time I do a hand copied newspaper, my mother helps me select materials and draw pictures. Don't talk about traveling. Even if you cross the road, you have to hold hands.

  In China, children are "Little Emperors" who wear clothes and eat food. This is not the case in Germany. German law stipulates that children over 13 years old must help their parents buy beer and do all the housework they can. In contrast, we can see that German children are much better than Chinese children in self-care ability. Besides, we can use our brains when we start to help our parents with their work and housework. We can use our brains and develop our intelligence, and increase a lot of knowledge that we can't learn from books.

  Let's take active action to do more housework for parents and cultivate our self-care ability! Don't be a flower in a greenhouse, but grow in a storm.

