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【#英语资源# 导语】在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Childhood is like a picture with beautiful scenery, precious friendship and unforgettable memories.

  I remember swimming with my friends the most. It was a hot summer vacation. Some of our friends, especially me, were very afraid of the heat. In the hot summer, we were like ants on a hot pot. So I came up with a way to solve this problem - go swimming in the stream under the bridge!

  We are riding bicycles, galloping along the road, just like an arrow, we rush down the bridge and park our bicycles on the beach. They can't wait to take off their clothes one by one and throw them on the bank. Then they climb up the high trees on the bank one by one and jump down from the trees and "plop plop" straight under the water. Because I can't swim, I have to walk around the shallow water.

  My heart itched to see my friends swimming around so smartly, so I decided to learn to swim. Seeing me rowing in the shallow water, my companions deliberately satirized me: "it's no use just swimming in the shallow water there. You have to swim here to make some progress."

  I saw their elated appearance, patted their chest and said: "the past is the past, what dare not!" Even though I said that, I was scared and went over. When my friends saw the slow, they just swam over and pulled me. I was dragged by them and stepped on the soft sand. I went to a deeper water, bravely lay down, the body sank, but also "Gulu Gulu" drink a few water, choked me cough up, "swim! Push your hands hard and push your feet back! " I started to swim according to my partner's words. It's strange that I didn't sink any more. I really could swim for a while. I gasped for breath, and then I continued to swim. I swam to the shallow water. I was happy and laughed. My friends applauded and congratulated me. I rushed into the water and practiced swimming again. I really made great progress.

  From then on, I often went swimming in the stream with my friends. How happy!


  I have many firsts, such as the first time I joined the team and the first time I competed, but I feel different every time. Among these firsts, the first time I went swimming is still fresh in my memory. The scene at that time is still firmly engraved in my mind.

  It was the summer vacation in the third grade when my mother asked me to learn swimming. Although there are 1000 and 10000 people in my heart who are not willing to, I still have to obey orders and follow orders.

  In the swimming pool, many children of my age also come to learn swimming.

  First of all, the coach asked us to reach into the water in the shallow area, hold the edge of the swimming pool with both hands, and head into the water to learn to hold our breath. When it's my turn to look at the pool of water, I have a sense of fear, as if there are many creepy things in the water, heart rate, hands and feet constantly shaking. I was very afraid, afraid of falling into the water, so I put out all my arms to hold the edge, but the coach saw me and said angrily, "put your arms into the water, you can only hold them with both hands." I was afraid, but the coach didn't feel soft. He grabbed my hands and let them loose. I fell into the water and drank a lot of water. The water was bitter and astringent. It was really bad. Soon the coach pulled me out of the water. After a while, the coach came to me and said, "learning to swim must learn to be brave, because you are afraid of water. How can you learn to swim? Man, be brave. As long as you overcome your fear of water, it won't be so difficult to learn to swim. " I nodded and tried again and again. I finally overcame my fear of water and learned to hold my breath.

  It's hard and tiring to learn swimming for the first time, but it makes me learn to be brave. This first time will always be remembered in my heart.


  Wow, so many people! This is my first impression of the swimming pool when I was five years old. When I watched the whole swimming pool, my father was already in the water.

  Dad swam back and forth in the swimming pool. He breathed when he saw him in a back and forth. But Dad breathed when he had a back and forth in the widest part of the swimming pool.

  I asked Dad, "Dad! Can I ride on your shoulders and not swim? " Dad said, "yes." So young and ignorant I was cheated into the water.

  I put on my goggles and stepped on my father's back carefully for fear that I would fall into the water. On my father's back, I said, "swim to the opposite side."“ All right Dad said, Dad slowly swim up, I think this is the most wonderful feeling in the world.

  All of a sudden, I felt that I was sinking rapidly. When I opened my eyes, I saw not the familiar sky, nor the noisy crowd, but the water all over the world. I yelled "Mom, mom." but all the words I said turned into countless bubbles, and then I suddenly took a mouthful of water. I was so scared that I couldn't breathe. Now I need air, Panic aroused my instinct and made me scratch around. Inadvertently, I touched a person's shoulder and I wanted to catch a straw.

  "Wow! I came out of the water, and it was Dad's shoulder in my hand. "

