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【#英语口语# 导语】旅游可以缓解工作和生活方面的压力,使精神得到彻底放松。旅游还可以开阔眼界,增长见识和见闻。以下是©文档大全网整理的关于旅游的英语句子,欢迎阅读!


1.关于旅游的英语句子 篇一

  1、Find the freedom to walk on a journey!

  2、Between me and Tibet, just across a train ticket!

  3、A backpack, a few books, all the favorite songs, a single ticket, a smart heart.

  4、Sometimes, in travel, you will encounter a lifetime of good friends, there is no relationship between the two people, it is so simple to come together.

  5、The best travel life, you are in a strange place, found a long time moving.

  6、Every time I travel, I can go by myself and take care of myself.

  7、Travel is to leave, travel is a breakout of the daily life.

  8、What forever, what will never change until death. Are only the icing on the cake excuse.

  9、Either reading or traveling, the soul and the body must be on the way.

  10、A trip to the gray, Ptend to be cool, come back.

2.关于旅游的英语句子 篇二

  1、Travel is, even if it is the same world, you find the world is not the same.

  2、A person traveling, do not care about the complex trivial, free, to experience a city, a story, leaving a laugh.

  3、For me, it makes me believe. A belief in life, regardless of success, at least not confused.

  4、Time still before loading the line, and you and I have Ling Bo.

  5、Life is like a running river, never return. Take advantage of the young, a trip to say go.

  6、Two impulse when young, one is regardless of personal danger love, the other is a go to travel.

  7、The trip, perhaps, will be in prison for life.

  8、Some things do not do now, will not do for a lifetime. Every time you think of this, carrying the bag on the left.

  9、I have thought about going to have a walk on the trip, but unfortunately, the reality has been tortured by the shape of the.

  10、Also said that the horse to a horse to go on the trip, after work, even a say go off work will not work.

3.关于旅游的英语句子 篇三

  1、The essence of travel, not a sport, but bring your soul to find the life of spring.

  2、Life is like a journey, or we may have something on our way, but we can't take it away!

  3、Only a person in the travel, to hear his voice, it will tell you, this world is wider than the imagination.

  4、The flow of time, have become a beautiful embellishment, mingtu see days, watching the snow, quietly, the scenery is utter not a single word.

  5、One day, I will leave all my tiredness and ideals, with my camera and computer, away from the busy, toward the open.

  6、We keep the distance pull into the acacia. Gentle with each other's words.

  7、Could we have a Japanese speaking guide?

  8、Carrying a backpack on the road, seen a lot of people, heard a lot of stories, seen travel scenery, so, slowly learned to grow up.

  9、Life can not be said to be a walk away, but the people who harbor, must always do the Pparation for the time to go!

  10、July Italy breeze cool, into the sleeping bag, do not feel cold. Looking up at the sky, the bright Milky way, is the most warm quilt.

4.关于旅游的英语句子 篇四

  Travel is from a place to stay with their own, and to another place to stay tired of others, feel unfamiliar environment, unfamiliar with their own.

  Life is a game of traveling alone, perhaps it has been in the middle way, but eventually each separated. This is the time for us to answer.

  A lot of things are like traveling, and when you make a decision and take the first step, the most difficult part is already done.

  Loving a person has not become a simple matter, it must be because of emotional depth is not enough.

  Travel is a kind of disease, when you put the people around me are contagious, and you don't want to let out of the.

  What kind of tours do you have?

  What kind of tours are available?

  What kind of tours do you offer?

  What kind of tours are there?

5.关于旅游的英语句子 篇五

  Please show me the way.

  Are they open on Saturdays?

  Is there a sightseeing bus tour?

  Do you have any sightseeing bus tours?

  Are there any sightseeing bus tours?

  I'd like a tour by taxi.

  I'd like a guide.

  I'd like a Japanese-speaking guide, please.
