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Questions 8-12
·Read the text below about work uniforms.
·Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.
·For each gap 8-12, mark one letter A-I on your Answer Sheet.

Altered Images
  We have teamed up with The Career and Workwear Show to find the best-dressed organization. Two hotel groups and a management center have made it to the shortlist.
  Uniforms project an instant image about a business, as well as creating a team spirit among staff. Choose the wrong workwear and you risk upsetting your customers and employees.
  Three entrants have been shortlisted in the competition to find the best-dressed business: Country Hotel Group, Goring Residential Management College and Major Hotels. (example) ----------.
  A detailed entry form set out to discover the thought processes the entrants had used before they selected their new uniforms. (8) ____. In addition to price and style the judges wanted to know how the organisation introduced the new look and what lessons it had learnt.
  The Country Hotel Group was looking for a uniform that was comfortable to wear and presented a relaxed country image to guests. The firm admits to placing a great emphasis on the clothing and appearance of its staff. (9) ____. A brief was issued to a number of companies who then had to present their ideas in a fashion show format to 50 employees. After the design was chosen, one hotel tried out the uniform for three months. (10) ____
  The aim of the new uniform at Goring Residential Management College was to make staff instantly recognisable to course participants. The chosen design from Classy Rags established a clear corporate image at the college. There were many different outfits but only three fabrics had been used throughout the range and therefore the uniform was easily recognisable. One of the judges in the competition, fashion journalist Sally Bain, was also impressed with the value for money aspect of the uniforms. (11) ____
  At Major Hotels a new uniform was needed to replace the old one which was considered to be ‘old-fashioned and unattractive.’ The new design was well received by the reception staff of the hotel chain. (12) ____. The new bottle-green uniforms were selected from Rayner Corporate Clothing. It was felt that it was a functional choice of colour and made a pleasant change from the more traditional black.
  Do not use any letter more than once.
A. Feedback was then collected from staff at the hotel and minor changes were made before the uniform was introduced across all hotels.
B. The award will be presented to the competition winners at The Career and Workwear Show which will be held at Business Design Centre in London.
C. They all believe that its introduction has led to a modern, more professional corporate image and greater confidence among them.
D. One entry predicted that uniform fabrics would incorporate security aids which are read by sensors on doors and only allow access to authorised personnel.
E. In her opinion this had been achieved at half the cost of the other entries, with the average cost per person being £201,and each uniform being expected to last two years.
F. It asked why the uniform was introduced, who it was designed to be worn by, and how the firm went about selecting a supplier.
G. She felt that the head receptionist at the hotel should be asked to put forward the views and preferences of the team.
H. In its entry it said:‘Substantial investment has been made in this uniform because uniforms are seen as a very important area.’
I. One reason for this is that all three proved to the judges that they had thoroughly researched their choice of new uniforms.

2、Questions 8 - 12
·Read this advertisement about business book reviews.
·Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.
·For each gap 8 - 12, mark one letter A - I on your Answer Sheet.
·Do not mark any letter twice.

A) These introductory texts are the most important books and using them can pay big dividends.
B) Discover practical tips and techniques you can apply without delay.
C) In order to avoid this problem, we select for you only the truly worthwhile titles and reject the rest.
D) According to studies published in psychology journals, you retain the content of a summary better than a book.
E) He or she would take the most important ideas from each one, and compile them into a neat executive summary.
F) With the breadth and depth of knowledge gained from books, it is less likely that you'll be caught off guard.
G) Each contains all the key points in the original book, but instead of 200 to 500 pages there are only eight pages.
H) There's a sample of the superb business titles that we summarise for you.
I) With all the reading you have to do in the normal course of your work, you find it impossible to keep up with all the new business books.


Questions 8-12
·Read the text below about career planning.
·Choose the best sentence from the list on the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.
·For each gap 8-12, mark one letter (A-I) on your Answer sheet.
·Do not use any letter more than once.

Career Planning
  For many employees, automatic promotion up the ranks of a company is becoming increasingly rare. A new study suggests that, in response, employers need to consider how they can help staff develop their careers.
  Employers need to rethink their approach to career management completely, according to the latest research by the Institute of Employment Studies. The new study finds that in fact there is little opportunity for individual career development in many large organisations. (example)____.The Institute of Employment Studies makes it clear that it is not good practice for companies to hand over career development to individual employees and then simply leave them to get on with it. (8) ____.
  So how should employers help their staff develop a career? Most employees have come to accept that career development is not always the same thing as upward promotion and a higher salary. (9) ____.They must also ensure that these opportunities are extended to all their staff and not just to selected individuals.
  Nick Bridges, who is Director of Human Resources Policy at the Bank of Eastern England, believes there is more talk than action in this area. (10) ____. One way, he believes, for companies to show how serious they are about individual learning is to make it an official part of company practice, as the Bank of Eastern England has done. (11)____. This document, he points out, has made the role of managers clear, and the company has also invested huge amounts of money educating managers so that they can then train their staff.
  Another company, British Chemicals, has contracted an independent organisation to help staff with confidential career advice. According to John Yates, the head of Individual Learning and Development at British Chemicals, there is an important role for outside agencies to play in the career management process. He adds that it is company policy for managers to give all staff ‘roadmaps’ which show possible career routes within the company structure. (12)____. This has worked especially well, he says, for staff who are used to depending on their line managers for guidance.
  Many large organisations now recognise that career development cannot be regarded in isolation, and must be part of an overall business strategy. Human Resources has a real role to play in building a strong workforce which meets a company’s long-term business needs and makes it more competitive.

A Its policy statement says that by 2006, eighty per cent of its staff will have a professional qualification.
B His recommendations go even further than that, and he has called for a national debate on the issue of what should be regarded as a career in the future.
C This change of attitude means employers need to place more emphasis on giving staff the chance to develop a range of skills through horizontal job moves.
D It points out that employees need to know what the overall company vision is in order to achieve many of these.
E The problem that often arises is that, while they are increasingly encouraged to manage their own careers, they are not provided with the knowledge and training to do this.
F They are able to see that, contrary to expectations, jobs in different fields are similar, and they can also see how it is possible to cross over to other areas.
G Its employees are no longer motivated by these factors alone, and the problem today is matching a person’s motivation with the right job.
H He argues that while Human Resources managers are saying the way forward is through self-managed learning and self-development, they are still failing to provide adequate learning resources.
I The main reasons for this, it concludes, are the recent cuts in the number of middle-management posts, and the changes that have taken place in the responsibilities of personnel departments.


Questions 8-12
· Read this letter to the editor of The Economist.
· Choose the best sentence from the list A-I to fill each of the blanks.
· For each bland (8-12) mark one letter (A-I) on your Answer Sheet.
· Do not mar4 any letter twice.
· One answer has been given as an example.

  You state on February 13 th that New Mexico has “few natural resources”, ____ example____ In 1991 New Mexico ranked fourth in the United States in production of natural gas, seventh in oil and tenth in non-fuel minerals ____8____ Non-fuel minerals contributed about $ 1 billion and coal $ 509 million.
  Taxes from production of fuels and minerals, and lease payments on state lands have been set aside by legislative acts to endow two permanent funds worth about $ 5.65 billion, ____9____ In addition, during fiscal year 1991 , payments to New Mexico from taxes on federal lands were S 108 million, all earmarked for public education.
  ____10____ About $566 million came from taxes and permanent-fund earnings attributable to oil and gas production. ____11____ Tourism is an important industry in Mew Mexico, yet its economic impact on the public sector is dwarfed by that of mineral production.
  New Mexico came through the recent recession in much better shape than most other states. It does not have a deficit. ____12____ States that rely primarily on a sales tax or on an income tax have big problems during economic downturns. Income growth per head in New Mexico averaged 6.1/00 in the year to October 1992-one if the fastest growth rates in the United States.

Charles Chapin
Example: C

A. That it has a broadly based tax structure is an important point.
B. In 1992 it produced more oil than Colorado and Kansas combined.
C. However, the extractive mineral industry in New Mexico is one of the state’s strongest economic forces.
D. During fiscal year 1992 New Mexico raised permanent funds worth about $6.1 billion.
E. The combined value of oil and gas production was $ 2.8 billion.
F. Some 16,000 employees work in the extractive industries and their wages are among the highest of any major industry.
G. The $39 million earned by these funds in 1991 was used to finance education and other public services.
H. Only S 25 million came from agricultural taxes.
I. New Mexico’s extractive mineral industries contribute about a third of the state’s $ 1.9 billion general-fund income in fiscal year 1991.


Questions 8-12
·Read this text about electrical power in Canada.
·Choose the best sentence from the list A-I to fill each of the blanks.
·For each blank (8 - 12) mark one letter (A - I) on your Answer Sheet.
·De not mark any letter twice.
·One answer has been given as an example.

  Canadian industries have prospered for more than a century on the country’s abundance of cheap, reliable electrical power. ____ example ____. In fact, Canada consumes more electricity on a per person basis than any country except for Norway ____ 8 ____
  Electricity is a significant source of export income for Canada. ____ 9 ____ But in the 1970s , Canadian exports rose sharply to address the U. S. demand for cheaper and more reliable.
  In 1985, exports of Canadian electrical power reached 1,400 million US dollars ____. 10 ____. Net electricity exports account for more than 60% of Canada’s balance of trade.
Domestically, Canada continues to generate electrical power, primarily from water ____ 11 ____ Exports of electricity are now subject to forces far beyond the control of utility managers ____ 12 ____

Example: B
A. Besides, electricity from coal and nuclear is 50% to 75% cheaper than many other industrial nations.
B. Generated primarily by water, our power supplies have attracted and supported energy-intensive industries such as mining.
C. It also ranks among the top three electricity producers in the world, behind the U. S. and Russia.
D. Next to electricity, Canadian paper exports came to 900 million US dollars every year in the 1960s.
E. Two large nuclear power plants began to generate electricity.
F. Since then, electricity’ exports have declined but they have continued to exceed 700 million US dollars.
G. Environmental and trade policies all influence electrical production and trade.
H. Canada and the U. S. imported and exported power in almost equal measures after 1901.
I. Therefore, the Canadian government has little influence on these forces.

6、Questions 8 – 12
·Read the following text.
·Choose the best sentence from the list on page 52 to fill each of the gaps.
·For each gap 8 – 12 mark one letter A – I on your Answer Sheet.
·Do not mark any letter twice.

The Cash-free Society
  Imagine a society in which cash no longer exists, Instead, “ cash ” is electronic, as in bank-card Systems. Currency and coin are abandoned.

  ____ example ____ . Theft of cash would become impossible. Bank robberies and cash-register robberies would simply cease to occur ____ ( 8 ) ____ . Purse snatchings would become a thing of the past. Urban streets would become safer ____ ( 9 ) ____ . Security costs and insurance rates would fall. Property values would rise. Neighbourhoods would improve.

  Drug traffickers and their clients, burglars and receives of stolen property, arsonists for hire, and bribe-takers would no longer have the advantage of using untraceable currency. ____ ( 10 ) ____ These prosecutions, in turn, would inhibit further crimes.

  In a society devoid of physical money, a change from cash to recorded electronic money would be accompanied by a flow of previously unpaid income-tax revenues running in the tens of billions of dollars. ____ (11) ____

  Cash has been the root of much social and economic evil. ____ (12)____ Eighty percent of Americans regularly use credit cards. The development of a federal system to handle the country’s 300 billion annual cash transactions in the United States electronically is within reach.

Example: H.

A. A national electronic-money system would operate as a debit-card system.
B. Retail shops in once dangerous areas could operate in safety. 
C. As a result, income tax rates could be lowered or the national debt reduced.
D. The use of cash has diminished substantially since World War II.
E. Attacks on shopkeepers, taxi drivers, and cashiers would all end.
F. The emergence of electronic funds-transfer technology makes it possible to change the nature of money and to divorce it from evil.
G. Almost every present-day cash transaction can be duplicated electronically.
H. The immediate benefits would be profound and fundamental.
I. Electronic “money” would leave incriminating trails of data, resulting in more arrests and convictions. 

Questions 1-7

Look at the sentences below and the job advertisements on the opposite page.
Which job does each sentence 1-7 refer to?
For each sentence, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
You will need to use some of these letters more than once.

Example:0 This post involves some secretarial duties.
0 A B C D

1 You will be responsible for the operation of a computer system.
2 You must be able to forecast what people will want to wear.
3 You will be able to work with people from many different countries and backgrounds.
4 You will have a qualification which covers two subject areas.
5 It is necessary to have worked in this sector before.
6 You will need to keep in contact with the headquarters of the organization.
7 The advertisement emphasises the need to have a suitable approach to important people.

BUSINESS MANAGERYou will be responsible for our global business within specific countries and will have a good understanding of international distribution, possibly based on previous experience, plus the ability to work in markets that are highly varied in their culture. You will be fluent in a second language, be willing to travel extensively, and preferably have a degree.
DEPARTMENT STORE BUYERBased at our head office in London, you will select and order stock from our suppliers in Italy. You will need to predict fashion trends and build a strong relationship with our Italian office. You will have gained your buying experience in women's fashion and will hold a degree in design with a business studies component.
LEGAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATORAs head of the legal office, your work will include managing the office IT network, typing reports, diary maintenance and supervision of another staff member. You will need good organizational skills in order to keep ahead of a varied workload. You will be dealing with senior executives and government officials, so a mature and efficient manner is essential.
REGIONAL LEISURE SITES MANAGERYou will be responsible for budgetary planning, contract negotiations, local marketing and effective administration. You will communicate frequently with our main office using the latest technology. Your experience could be from any business sector but you should enjoy outdoor life and will ideally possess an estate management qualification. 

8、Part One
You are the training manager of a company which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organize foreign language training for some of your staff.

Write a memo of 30-40 words to staff:
Explaining why the courses are necessary;
Saying which members of staff should attend;
Announcing when the courses will start;

Write on your answer sheet.

Part Two
Your company exports to a number of countries around the world. The company is looking for new agents for international freight.
Read the two advertisements below, on which you have made some notes.
Then using the notes, write a short report for the Export Sales Manager, covering all your points and saying which agent you recommend.
Write 100-120 words.
Write on your answer sheet. 

9、• Read the article below about the winner of a business award .
• In most of the lines 34-45 there is one extra word . It is either grammatically incorrect or 
doesn’t fit in the meaning of the text . Some lines, however, are correct .
• If a line is correct , write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet .
• If there is a extra word in the line , write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTER on your Answer Sheet.
• The exercises begins with two examples , (0) and (00) .























 0  Customers are not revolutionaries. They are attracted to be the certainty of knowing that

00  what they buy it will be good value for money or will perform a particular task effectively.

34  They are cautious but their loyalty , without once achieved , is the key to business success.

35  Brands can help to create customer loyalty by providing us a signpost to certainty and

36  safety . Ideally , when a customer sees off a product , it leads to a range of positive thoughts

37  so that the product is being bought . Unfortunately , only a small number of products have

38  reached to this level . While everyone in business is aware of the need to attract and

39  retain customers , that they often overlook the second , more important , half of the

40  equation . In the excitement of beating against the competition and securing orders,

41  managers often fail to ensure that the customer remains a customer . It has been

42  estimated that since the average company loses between 10 to 30% of its customers

43  every year and this only recently have organizations started to wake up to these lost

44  opportunities and to calculate the financial implications . Established customers often

45  buy more and, in the addition , they may also provide free word-of-mouth advertising.

10、• Read the article below about airport hotels .
• In most of the lines 34-45 there is one extra word . It is either grammatically incorrect or 
doesn’t fit in the meaning of the text . Some lines, however, are correct .
• If a line is correct , write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet .
• If there is a extra word in the line , write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTER on your Answer Sheet.
• The exercises begins with two examples , (0) and (00) .























0         Smart business travelers today are staying at the airport to do business. Rather than

00  waste of time in traffic as they try to reach city center venues ,  business people

34  are using conference facilities on the offer at airports .  Busy executives are also

35  staying there overnight to avoid the difficulty of getting there for take an early morning

36  meeting . And it makes senses for our international meetings to be held at airports . It is

37  principally through the improvement  in  airport  hotels  that  has  enabled  this

38  development to take place .  Today these mini-conference centers provide services are

39  designed for business travelers , look like a quick check-in and round-the-clock restaurants,

40  so they can get to work as quickly as possible  .  They are also less expensive place

41  than their city center counterparts.  Not  long  years  ago,  airports  hotels  were

42  uncomfortable ,  unattractive and inconvenient for as far as the business traveler was

43  concerned .  Yet now that there is strong interest ,  as travelers become aware of the

44  new facilities . Demand for small meeting rooms is huge , usually for interview or one-

45  to-one meetings , where executives fly in and out of the same day.  The age of the

  airport is upon us .

