

时间:2021-08-29 23:44:51 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】一米一粟当思来之不易,爱粮节粮须知人人有责。民以食为天,粮食在整个国民经济中始终具有不可替代的基础地位。2021年10月16日是第41个世界粮食日。演讲稿是人们在工作和社会生活中经常使用的一种文体。它可以用来交流思想,感情,表达主张,见解。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  I'm XXX from class xx. The topic of my speech today is XXXX.

  Now in our school, the phenomenon of wasting food is more serious. At noon, the canteen is full of several barrels of leftovers, which are wasted by the students. Although these leftovers may be turned into feed to feed animals, it is only a last resort to prevent them from becoming garbage. Therefore, if we can eliminate the waste of food at the root, there will be no such problem again.

  Many students are particularly picky about food. The dishes cooked in the canteen are fried in a big pot. Maybe the taste will not be so good, so they will pour out the rice after only a few bites. Such behavior is very wasteful. Not only do you starve when you are not full, but also you waste a lot of food.

  Even if the food is not delicious, or the food cooked in the canteen that day is not what you like to eat, you should eat more or less. I saw many students pour out their meals without moving them. I didn't realize that such behavior was wrong. I might buy some snacks to solve today's lunch. If you don't like that dish, you can play less, or play the dish you like.

  Now the State implements the CD-ROM action, and we should eat what we can eat. Now it's time for us to grow up. Don't think about losing weight. Now people in many parts of the world have no food, but we don't cherish it.

  So I think we should get rid of our bad habit of wasting food and being picky and practice the CD-ROM action. Not only at school, but also at home and when eating out, we should also do the CD-ROM action, and let the family participate to save food. So we should save food by ourselves. Only when our families see it will they be affected by us and start saving food.

  Students, from now on, from today on, let's take action! Save food, start with me!

  Thank you!


  Dear XX

  The cool autumn wind gives us a harvest season; The vast sea of rice, let us enjoy the joy of a bumper harvest. Bathed in the golden sun, I can't help thinking of the poem "hoeing the grass at noon, sweat dripping into the soil, but every grain is hard" I carried when I was a child.

  Mention these, perhaps someone will say: we have long been away from the era of starvation, and now we are no longer concerned about eating enough, but eating good food. Indeed, we who were born in the new era and grew up in the new era live a life without worrying about food and clothing provided by our parents. However, we have gradually forgotten the origin of food and the importance of cherishing food.

  When we eat, we often choose to eat more what we like, and most of what we don't like go into the trash can. I still remember the disciple rules we recited: "don't choose what to eat; don't go too far if food is suitable." the famous aphorisms left by our predecessors remind us to cherish every grain and don't waste it all the time.

  China is a country with a large population. Eating has always been a top priority in the country. On our national emblem, it is composed of two ears of wheat with full grains! "Food security" has always been China's security. Predecessors said that "if you have food in your hand, you don't panic". Students, don't think we can eat enough, and people all over the world are no longer hungry. In fact, there are still XX million poor people in China who have not solved the problem of food and clothing; On this earth, more than XX million people are starving every day. XX million children lack food and their intelligence and physical strength are not fully developed. At least XX million people starve to death every year!

  Seeing this set of data, how can we waste food? If we give these saved food to those who are starving, they will regard it as priceless and cherish it.

  As a student, I think we should start from our side! Cherish the grain at the mouth and reduce man-made waste. Be proud of saving and ashamed of waste. With our practical actions, practice the style of our new generation!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone! October 16 is "World Food Day". This week is China's publicity week of "cherish food and save food". Today's topic of my speech is "XXXX".

  Confucius, an ancient educator, left a famous saying to future generations: food is the most important thing for the people. This shows how important "eating" is! Without food, it is difficult for us to survive. Without food, it is difficult for our country to develop. Without food, we human beings are more likely to perish!

  In the XX years since the founding of the people's Republic of China, the people's living standards have been greatly improved and everything is available. Some students may even have such questions. Is it necessary for us to save from a grain of rice? What I want to say is: it's necessary!

  We might as well calculate such an account: if we save a grain of rice every day, how much can XX billion people save? XX kg! It can save nearly XX kg a year, equivalent to RMB XX million. If this money is calculated at XX Yuan per hope primary school, it can build XX hope primary schools; According to the tuition fee of XX Yuan per person, more than XX thousand out of school children can return to our campus! Can you say we don't have to save a grain of rice?

  Please think about whether you eat part of the food and pour it out on the dining table in the school canteen? Did you throw some snow-white steamed buns and steamed stuffed buns on the ground? When you do this, do you feel pity and heartache? Since childhood, we have known the truth that "when we hoe the grain at noon, sweat drops into the soil. Who knows that every grain of Chinese food is hard".

  Students, do you think that there are many people in the world who can't eat are struggling! Did you know that in developing countries, one in five people is chronically malnourished, and 20% of the population in developing countries is food insecure. Famine has become the No. 1 killer of people on earth, killing an average of 10 million people every year. Therefore, saving food is worth thinking about.

  Students, saving is virtue, saving is quality and saving is responsibility. "One porridge and one meal is hard won when thinking; half a thread and half a thread, constant thinking and difficult material resources." students, let's take action, cherish food, start from me, never pour leftovers, be proud of saving and ashamed of waste, and consciously develop the good habit of cherishing and saving food. Start from the details, take practical actions to be the leader of building an "energy-saving campus", and make due contributions to building a civilized and harmonious campus! I sincerely hope that each of us will start from saving food, strengthen the awareness of saving, save every electricity and every drop of water in the school, and take good care of every plant and tree in the school, so that everyone can live happily in the blue sky, white clouds, green water and sunshine!

  My speech is over, thank you!

