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【#英语资源# 导语】诚信是做人之本,是一种至高无尚的美德。人类只有拥有诚信,才能相互信任,相互交流,搭建起友谊的桥梁。人无信不立,诚信是立足之本,诚信是民族之魂。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  It was one morning last week. My classmate's correction was broken. Let me fix it for him. I agreed. I made an appointment with him to fix it in the afternoon.

  At that time, his correction was very bad, but just in time for school at noon. As soon as I got home, I ate quickly and thought about how to solve this problem. After dinner, I began to repair it. It took a long time to fix it.

  Finally, I could only ask my mother for help. My mother and I tried again and again. I knew the method of repair. When I was in high spirits, it was time to go to school. I was very worried. My mother said, "you go to school first and come back in the evening to repair." "however, I agreed with my classmates to return it to him in the afternoon." I said. My mother said, "I didn't fix it at noon. Please explain to my classmates." in the afternoon, as soon as I got to school, I said to my classmates, "I haven't fixed your correction belt yet. I'll fix it for you when I go back in the evening." the classmate said, "well, as long as you fix it for me."

  In the evening, after I finished my homework, I continued to repair. First, I opened all the correction tapes, matched the large and small gears, stuck a circle of adhesive tape on the pinion to fix one end of the correction tape, then stuck the correction tape in the plastic slot, and finally buckled the plastic box of the correction tape. Finally, I was relieved that it was repaired. Results, a use, ah! It was installed upside down. I removed it all and reinstalled it again. After several failures, it was finally repaired. I was very happy.

  The next day at school, I returned the correction tape to my classmates. He said happily, "thank you", and I said, "it doesn't matter.".

  No matter what we do, we should be honest and trustworthy and never break our promise to others.


  In order to stimulate the reading enthusiasm of all teachers and students, a primary school principal named Luke in tuer, Utah, once publicly declared: "if you can read 150000 pages before November 9 this year, I will crawl to work on the 9th."

  As soon as this remark was made, the whole school immediately set off a reading upsurge, and even the older children in the school run kindergarten participated. After nearly a semester of hard study, they finally finished 150000 pages before November 9. So, some students called the headmaster one after another: "do you still climb?" someone advised Luke: "you have achieved the purpose of encouraging students to study, so you don't have to climb." but Luke firmly said, "a promise is a thousand gold". I must climb to work. "

  On November 9, 1998, as usual, Luke left the house on time at 7 a.m. The difference is that instead of driving, he crawled on all fours. For personal safety and not affecting the traffic order, he did not climb on the road, but on the roadside snow. Passers-by stopped for it, shocked by it, then applauded and cheered for him, vehicles honked to pay tribute to him, and passing primary school students simply climbed with the headmaster. after

  After more than three hours of hard crawling, he broke five pairs of gloves and three sets of knee pads, and finally climbed to the school, with a total length of 1.6 kilometers. When he stood up from the ground, all the teachers and students of the school rushed up, hugged him and kissed him

  Luke is respected by all teachers and students because he is honest and trustworthy.


  Today, I read an article called the fruit of lies. It tells us that if a person tells a lie, he has to tell more lies to round the lie. Like a spoiled apple, it first has small spots, and finally all rot.

  In many stories we have read, there are many people who can't get good results because of lying. In ancient times, Mr. Nanguo cheated the emperor that he could play Yu, but he couldn't play at all. Finally, he couldn't cheat any more, so he had to run away in frustration. And the lying sheep herding boy. He deceived the villagers again and again. The wolf came, and finally all the sheep were eaten by the wolf. And Pinocchio with a long nose. As long as he lies, his nose will grow and be laughed at.

  It also reminds me of something that happened to me. I remember once, my mother asked me to copy English words and encouraged me. If my homework was completed well and quickly, I would be rewarded for watching cartoons. I began to copy it carefully. When I was almost finished, I found my mother's mobile phone on my desk. I was immediately attracted by my mobile phone. So I put down my homework, picked up my mobile phone, turned off the sound, secretly turned on my mobile phone and watched cartoons. After a while, my mother asked in the kitchen, "baby, have you done it?" I was startled by my mother's voice. I quickly covered my homework book and said, "OK, done it!" my mother trusted me and let me watch the cartoon.

  The next day, my mother saw the comments written by the teacher on the homework book that the homework was not completed and asked to do it again! Mom knew that I cheated her. My mother criticized me severely. Let me remember that I can't lie in the future. I want to be an honest and trustworthy person.

  This thing reminds me all the time that I must not lie. Even if it is a small lie, I must think about the consequences before lying. I can't be Mr. Nanguo, sheep herding baby, let alone Pinocchio who is ridiculed. I want to be an honest and trustworthy child.


  Gold, as we all know, is a glittering and useful thing. But is the most beautiful gold? No, the most beautiful thing is integrity.

  It is a virtue passed down from generation to generation by our ancestors to keep their promises and promise thousands of gold. Credit is not only an invisible power, but also an invisible wealth, but also an invisible link connecting friendship. An honest man, no matter how many shortcomings he has, will feel refreshed when he comes into contact with him. Such a person will find happiness and achieve something in his career. This is because people who treat others with sincerity will see each other with sincerity.

  Take Soong Ching Ling for example! One Sunday, after breakfast, Soong Ching Ling's family was ready to visit a friend of her father, song yaoru. Hearing this, Xiao Qing Ling jumped three feet high with joy. She likes to go to the uncle's house best. The uncle's house has a beautiful pigeon. The uncle said he would give her one! When Xiaoqingling was about to go out with her father, she suddenly remembered that she wanted to teach her good friend Xiaozhen how to make a flower basket, so Xiaoqingling stopped. Xiaoqingling told her father about it. Both her father and her sister asked Qingling to teach Xiaozhen how to make a flower basket tomorrow, but what Qingling said should be taught today. Her father was very happy and told other children to learn from Qingling. The father went to his friend's house and told his friend about it. The uncle was also very happy and asked his father to bring back two pigeons, which was a reward for Xiao Qingling.

  Soong Ching Ling's story tells us a truth: a person and a thing cannot be changed; Once a word is spoken, it is impossible to trace it. Not only Soong Ching Ling, but also Kong Shengdong is a man of words and deeds.

  In 1986, the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League issued an initiative to the league members of the whole province to contribute to the fundamental improvement of social atmosphere. When he was young, Kong Shengdong thought of doing something for the masses with his bicycle repair technology. Therefore, he took immediate action. Every Saturday night from 7:00 to 10:00, he hung a "voluntary bicycle repair by the Communist Youth League" at his door. He never charged a penny for repairing the car. When the owner had something urgent and the car was difficult to repair, he lent his car to others.

  In this way, during the Spring Festival in 1995, Kong Shengdong's father was seriously ill. He only accompanied his father for two days, because the third day was Saturday. The day after his father died was Saturday. Although there were many things, he consciously made up for one night.

  In the past 18 years, no matter what, he hasn't rested once!

  Yes, integrity is like soil, an acre of spiritual land, which provides nutrition for countless seedlings and makes them bloom beautiful flowers. Integrity is like water, the water of life for the growth of all things, moistening the young trees, spreading their branches and leaves, and making progress every day. Honesty is the foundation of people, the foundation of the people and the root of the country.

  Students, pick up the "backpack" of integrity! Overcome the storm with your integrity and create a better life with your integrity!


  The little boy exchanged stones for the little girl's candy. He kept the stone he saw, but he couldn't sleep all night. Because he lives by himself and is afraid of being cheated. Only by being honest with others can this situation be avoided.

  When dealing with people, we should pay attention to integrity and be voluntary: if you want candy, change it; If you want stones, don't change them; If you want both candy and stone, change half. Why doesn't it count to change everything? What do you leave two stones to see? It can't fill the defect of your heart.

  On the contrary, the little girl gave all the candy to the little boy as she promised, and that night, the little girl slept soundly. In fact, this is the difference between a gentleman and a villain: a gentleman is compared to righteousness and a villain to profit; A gentleman is open and generous, and a villain is long and sad; A gentleman is not happy with things, not sad with himself, while a villain is worried about gains and losses.

  Of course, when it comes to the exchange of interests, there is also a problem of equal value, which has to be determined according to the specific situation. The upper kingdom of the Heavenly Kingdom pays attention to dignity, so it uses rich rewards in exchange for tributaries around it. Zhu Di, the emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, even sent Zheng He seven trips to the west to raise our heavenly prestige. This is to spend money to buy face. The late Qing Dynasty only sought self-protection, measured the material resources of China, and made the country happy. Yuan Shikai even did not hesitate to sign the "Twenty-one articles" to lose power and humiliate the country, which was damaging the public and enriching private interests. At the beginning of reform and opening up, China put forward the policy of market for technology, attracted a large number of foreign capital and technology, and initially realized industrialization and informatization. Now Haier, Huawei and high-speed railway have successfully entered the international market. The gains and losses during this period make people sigh.

  In short, we should treat people with sincerity. Because people do not stand without faith, but believe that others show their sincerity and doubt that others show their deceit. Oil tycoon Rockefeller once earnestly warned his children and grandchildren of the two secrets of success: one is that words must be believed, and the other is that they never promise. Quite interesting!

