【#英语口语# 导语】雅思的口语考试只是会判断你是否有能力用英语来表达自己的想法,也就是驾驭英语的能力。雅思口语不会考查你说的内容是不是你自己的亲身经历。以下是©文档大全网整理的雅思口语Part1考试指南,欢迎阅读!
记得你是在交流,你需要将问题的答案流利地表达出来,再简单的问题你也需要好好understand,然后整理回答的逻辑和句子,这个过程是需要时间的,所以希望大家在考前就有足够的训练,足够的熟悉,才会有足够的自信。记住keep talking,但是千万不要扯得太远,不要滔滔不绝,要做到收缩自如,因为如果你每个问题都说得太多,每个问题都需要考官打断你,我觉得也是尴尬的事情,考官会质疑你理解问题的能力,一个简单的问题,你只需要流利地组织2-3句话,维持10-15秒即可。
毕竟是交流,除了耳朵和嘴巴的感应以外,你还需要做的是眼神和肢体的回应,即使自己是在背材料,也要演得跟次说出那个口语答案一样,时而停顿,时而语速加快。你想想哈,一个人在表达自己想法或爱好的时候,总用情绪波动啊,总有兴奋或是伤感的地方,那这个时候是需要你进行情绪的变换。不能一个表情下来吧,还有还得keep talking的同时需要keep smiling。
还有个加分的项目,就是平时多准备些地道的表达,无需你有多华丽的辞藻,据我与国外交流的经验,大家交流的很少会用到很华丽,或是称为大词,反而是有些比较简单的表达确有其他的意思,这就属于地道的表达了。比如这句话:I’m going to graduate school, doing my Ph.D in Finance. 这句话表达的意思可不是我将要去研究院····,而是我在研究院修读我的金融博士学位。这句话大家可以改改作为自己的介绍语句。还有像这种have a good of it. 玩得很高兴。我相信考官听到这样的答案,他会给你加分,就算没有,印象分也不少。
当雅思口语考官在问你:What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?你会怎么回答?
一、What did you do for entertainment 词汇
seek and hide,捉迷藏
Rock, paper, scissors,石头剪刀布
so forth,等等之类的
under huge pressure,压力之下
二、What did you do for entertainment 表达方式
三、What did you do for entertainment?
So,you can say:
When I was a kid, I loved playing games with my pals. We would always play seek and hide, Rock, paper, scissors and so forth. It was a lot of fun to play with your peers. However ,nowadays, children don't get that much time to play with friends because they have too many after school courses to take, they live under huge pressure.
一、Do you have many close friends 词汇
easy going ,平易近人的
a large circle of friends,交际圈
turn to sb for help ,向某人求助
in turn,反过来,反之
when it comes to,当...的时候
lend sb a hand,帮助某人=help sb
二、雅思口语话题:Do you have many close friends 表达方式
三、Do you have many close friends?
So,you can say:
sure, I have several intimate friends . you know I am quite easy going and optimistic . maybe that is why I have a large circle of friends. friends like to turn to me for help when they are in trouble ,in turn, when it comes to my harsh time, they will also lend me a hand without hesitation ,so I think it so amazing to have many close friends.
一、What is a "healthy lifestyle" 词汇
proper diet ,合理饮食
regular exercises,规律运动
adequate sleep,充足的睡眠
pay attention to,注意,重视
二、What is a "healthy lifestyle" 表达方式
在陈述个人观点时,可以用when it comes to用作开头
用like细节化你的语言,比如a proper diet like less meat ,more vegetables and vitamins
三、What is a "healthy lifestyle"?
So,you can say:
I think a wholesome lifestyle includes a like less meat ,more vegetables and vitamins, and regular exercises especially aerobics and adequate sleep, which help us feel good about ourselves. In recent years people are paying much more attention to living a healthy life which is a really good trend.
一、I’ll... for a change范例
1. Today I’ll go to the KFC for a change.今天我换换口味去吃肯德基。
2. Let’s eat out for a change.今天我们出去吃。
3. This summer vacation I’ll find a part-time job for a change.今年暑假,我想变换一下找个兼职。
二、I’ll... for a change会话中使用
A: Hi, waiting for the bus? Where are you going? 嗨,等车呢?你去哪?
B: China Hotel.中国饭店。
A: Why don’t you take a taxi? It’ll get you there much faster.为什么不打车?那要快得多。
B: Well, I think I’ll take the bus this time just for a change.哦,我想这次我还是换一下走法,乘公车。