

时间:2021-08-09 14:17:31 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】地球是我们温暖的家园,我们生活在这个美丽的大家园里,就应该好好的爱护它。现在倡导低碳生活,就是要我们不污染环境,不浪费能源,让我们的地球变得更环保﹑更绿色。以下是®文档大全网整理的低碳生活英语作文【三篇】,希望对您有所帮助。


  Now society pays attention to green environmental protection and energy conservation. We should always remember "saving is glorious and waste is shameful". Low carbon life should start from me and the small things around us. There are many things about low-carbon life around us. Listen to me.

  First, we should save water. When washing hands, try to turn the faucet down and turn it off in time. You can use the water your mother has washed vegetables or clothes to wash the toilet or mop.

  Moreover, we should save electricity. Turn off the light when you go out. Don't turn on the light to sleep. The temperature of the air conditioner should not be too low in summer and too high in winter. After charging the mobile phone and PHS, unplug the charger in time.

  Secondly, use environmentally friendly vehicles. When going out, try not to use cars, motorcycles, electric bicycles and other means of transportation, but try to ride a bike or take a bus, and simply walk for a short distance. In this way, you can not only protect the environment, but also exercise.

  Finally, we should learn to save other life and school supplies. Try not to use disposable products in daily life. For example, when you go to the supermarket, you should bring your own shopping bags instead of supermarket plastic bags, and do not use disposable tableware and paper cups. You can use the homework book not written on the back as draft paper.

  Low carbon life exists everywhere. As long as we work hard, we can do better. Let's work together and take action together!


  Our family's previous life was not environmentally friendly! The fridge is full of clutter; When the TV is turned on to the maximum brightness, it will not only hurt the eyes, but also waste power; The computer runs from morning to night.

  Finally one day, I can't live such a life! I decided to implement a low-carbon plan for our family.

  First, tidy up the things in the refrigerator, so as not to waste power; Secondly, dimming the brightness of the TV can protect your eyes and save power. It's really killing two birds with one stone; Finally, parents are required to turn off the computer as soon as people go out, so as to make the whole family diligent and thrifty.

  My mother loves to raise flowers. She planted several pots on the balcony, so that she can not only enjoy the fragrance of flowers, but also bring fresh air to the home; My father takes me swimming every day and always drives. I suggest my father take me out by bike, which not only reduces carbon dioxide emission, but also exercises; I used to like to wipe things with napkins. Now I use a handkerchief instead, so I don't waste tree resources, and it's clean

  Look, low-carbon life can not only bring us more convenience, but also greatly save energy consumption and make our life colorful. I like low-carbon life and I must stick to it.

  Low carbon life can make us have a happy, comfortable and environmentally friendly home, bring us a happy and healthy life, create fresh air for us and make the earth greener and healthier!


  The earth is our warm home. We live in this beautiful home, so we should take good care of it. Now advocating low-carbon life is to make our earth more environmentally friendly and green without polluting the environment and wasting energy.

  What is low carbon life? In short, low-carbon life is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. We should save water and electricity in our daily life, walk more, drive less, go to the supermarket, use more environmental protection bags and so on.

  In the past, as soon as I got home from school, I always had some snacks first, and then played for a while. I didn't turn on the light to do my homework until it was dark. When I finished my homework, I didn't turn off the light in time, which was always wasted in vain. Now, when I get home, I start to do my homework. As long as I finish my homework before dark, I can leave the light on. In this way, it not only saves electricity, but also achieves a low-carbon life.

  I save not only electricity but also water. Every time I wash my hands and face, I will connect the water in a small basin, and then screw the faucet tightly for fear of letting the water "escape".

  Now, I walk to school or near places every day, because walking more and taking less cars can not only save energy, but also exercise. It's really killing two birds with one stone!

  Dear students, each of us should start from saving a drop of water, a kilowatt hour of electricity, and work together to establish a low-carbon and green lifestyle. As long as we all act together, we can certainly make our life more low-carbon and environmentally friendly.

