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【#英语资源# 导语】花红柳绿好春光,山清水秀鸟鸣唱。人间正是四月天,迎来五一心欢畅。呼朋唤友携妻儿,共享野外花清香。儿童奔跑纸鸢放,老人脸上放红光。祝你佳节烦恼忘,快乐休闲人健康!®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  On May Day, my parents and I went to our hometown to plant trees, dig a hole for each sapling, then put the saplings into the hole, and then bury the small saplings. I went to get fertilizer and apply fertilizer to the small saplings.

  Finally, the young trees were watered. When the little trees were planted, I was so happy that I sang and danced. I think over time, small saplings grow into strong trees. Many birds have made their homes in this tree.

  Ah! How meaningful it is to plant trees! Soon one day passed. I was so tired that I was covered with soil. What a happy and unforgettable may day!


  Today, my mother and I went to Shilu International Mall by subway line 2. My mother helped me buy a pair of leather shoes and a pair of sneakers. After buying the shoes, we went to the library. When I was reading, a phone called and said I wanted to see the 3D painting exhibition, and my mother agreed.

  We went back to the stone road, saw the 3D painting exhibition and took a lot of photos. Later, when we were hungry, we went to eat steak.

  When I got home, I helped my mother work together and I packed.


  Today is may day. I'm very happy.

  In the evening, after dinner, we sat on the sofa and watched TV happily. We heard a lot of exciting news. What makes me most happy is that the Hangzhou Bay sea crossing bridge has been officially opened to traffic.

  Hangzhou Bay sea crossing bridge is a sea crossing bridge across the sea area of Hangzhou Bay, China. With a total length of 36 kilometers, it is the longest sea crossing bridge in the world. It connects Shanghai and Ningbo.

  The bridge workers work hard no matter in the cold winter or the hot summer. In the process of building the bridge, they did not know how many typhoons they had experienced, or how many difficulties and obstacles they had overcome, in exchange for magnificent buildings of human history

  One day, I must see the rainbow on the sea with my own eyes.


  Today is the annual "May Day" and a good day for everyone to play. My mother and I are going to visit Qingyun Mountain in Anqiu.

  My mother and I came to Qingyun Mountain early. There are so many people today. A sea of people poured into the gate like a tide. Walking into the gate, I saw a majestic "Liangqiu Pavilion" in front of me. There was also a wooden sign with words on it. When I turned the sign, there were also a lot of people. A very clean stone path. Along the path, I came to a large and large hole, which is "Qingyun cave". Qingyun cave is composed of six holes and one hall. The road is winding and connected with the six holes. The six holes are Guanyin cave, Xiangshi cave Shuilian cave, bottomless cave, Sijing cave and Bajie cave. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers, Chang'e running to the moon and so on. The whole journey is more than 100 meters.

  After watching Qingyun cave, I came to the "grassland resort village" again. When I went in, I saw the cows carved with stones. They were lifelike and attracted tourists to take a group photo. There were neat yurts with delicious dishes waiting for you!

  I heard that a performance was being held in the children's paradise, so I ran over excitedly. It turned out that two Thai elephants were performing!

  If it's too late to see Qingyun, I'll be very happy if it's too late to see Qingyun!


  Today is may day. It's sunny. We're going to visit Dayu mausoleum.

  Dayu mausoleum is located at the foot of Kuaiji mountain in the southeast of Shaoxing City. It is the burial place of Dayu, the ancient hero of flood control in China. Surrounded by mountains, there are many strange peaks, and RUOYE's clear stream flows eastward, making Dayu mausoleum more dignified and spectacular.

  At the foot of the mountain, I climbed up like a little monkey. People came and went all the way. I also saw mountain earthworms and wild bees... I heard the birds singing in the hundred birds paradise from a distance, but it was lively.

  When I climbed to the top of the mountain, I was sweating, panting and couldn't move. I tried to take a deep breath and slowly recovered. But when I looked down the mountain, I saw a lot of white garbage at a glance, including plastic bags, coke bottles, melon shells and peels... It was not commensurate with the environment here, and I was particularly unhappy in my heart.

  On the way down the mountain, I picked up garbage all the way. My father helped me as a porter. At the foot of the mountain, we picked up a large bag full of garbage, but we were tired out. But I'm still very happy because "everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment".


  I had a very happy may day yesterday. Although I didn't go anywhere, I was also very happy to help my mother collect money and see the shop. Now, let me introduce my unique may day to you.

  Early yesterday morning, when I was still in a dream, my parents had gone to the store early. I got up together. My grandmother told me to go to my mother quickly and I had a good meal. When I came to the store, I saw that the streets were crowded with people, filled with a strong festive smell everywhere, and all the stores were crowded with people. It's an exaggeration to say that almost every corner is crowded with people. My mother asked me to take charge of collecting money, changing money and looking at the store. Today, our whole family went out. I sat in front of the counter and looked at the crowd while collecting the money. I only listened to my father asking me to find 88 yuan. I quickly took out a 50 yuan, a 20 yuan, a 10 yuan, a 5 yuan and three 1 yuan coins and handed them to my father. My father immediately gave me the 100 yuan. I am more and more happy with this glorious and troublesome work. Even my grandfather repeatedly refuses to ask me to eat. After a tired and happy morning, I entered a difficult afternoon. At first, I was still doing well, but I couldn't sit still for a long time, because I could only sit here and couldn't go out with others. It was too boring, but my mother kept me from it. Later, I saw that my mother was too busy, and my mother was doing this for me to receive a good education. I took pains to think of this, so I settled down and helped my mother do my own "work".

  After a day's work yesterday, I learned that it is not easy for my parents to earn money. How hard it is. In the future, I must cherish the money earned by my parents and stop spending it indiscriminately.


  May day is a big day for people to work. I also work! I did one thing - help my mother mop the floor in the shop.

  The thing is this: that day, I suddenly remembered that today is labor day! What should I do? I thought and thought, thought and thought, I suddenly shouted and said, "Oh, I can mop the floor!" So I went and said to my mother, "Mom, can you let me mop the floor?" Mom promised and I started mopping the floor!

  I first picked up the broom and dragged it to the fitting room. I saw that the fitting room was very dirty and dusty. I saw the scene and immediately dragged it up. I dragged and dragged. I felt my hand or mop like magic. As soon as I touched and dragged, the dust immediately "changed" and disappeared. Actually, I know it's not magic. It's just that the dust has dispersed or has stained the mop.

  Then there is the second fitting room. There is less dust here, so I swept it gently. However, the dust was also dragged away like "magic".

  Then there is the area near the table, where there is not much dust, but there are two kinds of garbage at most, one is thread and the other is paper scraps. As a result, I took the garbage shovel and dragged it on one side. What about the other side? Sweeping the floor, of course!

  Finally, the middle! I glanced at it and found that it was hard to divide it, because some places were clean and some were dirty. I didn't care about three, seven and twenty-one, but I still dragged around. After a while, I dragged out the whole store. I put the mop in place and looked in the store door, "Wow! It's so clean! It's worthy of being dragged by me!"

  That's how I spent may day happily!


  I spent every day of May Day in happiness, especially on May 2. We came to Tai'an early in the morning.

  First, we watched Dai Temple. Dai Temple, also known as Dongyue Temple and Mount Tai Temple, is a place where ancient emperors worshipped Mount Tai gods and held sacrificial ceremonies. Ah! What a magnificent Dai Temple, with towering ancient cypresses and numerous steles, cypress trees planted by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, insc riptions carved by Emperor Qin Shihuang, murals handed down for thousands of years, authentic calligraphy works of successive emperors, and three treasures of Mount Tai in Zhenmiao... I am surprised by the masterpieces of the ancients and proud of the magic of China.

  In the afternoon, we climbed Mount Tai, the first of the five mountains with a height of 1545 meters. Ah! What a magnificent Mount Tai! The mountains are lush with trees, flowers and springs. From a distance, you can see the continuous mountains and forests, the prosperous cities, the prosperous countryside, the green wheat fields, the yellow rape, the train running on the railway, the water rushing on the highway, and the farmers busy in the fields... You can have a panoramic view of the beautiful mountains and rivers of the motherland. Looking closer, Nantianmen is magnificent and crowded. We strolled in Tianjie, took photos under the gold lettered stone carvings of the Tang Dynasty, watched the sun at the sun viewing peak... Immortal chapters of ancient and modern literati were engraved everywhere on the steep stone walls, and the revolutionary ancestors also wrote the touching sentence "climbing Mount Tai to see the magnificence of the motherland".

  With the setting sun and the glow all over the sky, we reluctantly left Mount Tai.

  On May 3, we visited the cherry garden again. The cherry trees had green branches and leaves, and the branches were covered with red and yellow cherries. I pick cherries from trees and play with water in streams... What a happy May Day!


  On May Day, my mother woke me up early in the morning and said I was going to Ninghai to play. I jumped three feet high, wolfed down my breakfast and set off with my mother.

  First, we come to the first scenic spot - Wushan grottoes.

  Through the ticket gate, I saw a statue at a glance. He sat here coolly with a beer bottle in his hand, as if welcoming friends from all over the world. Along the way, I saw grottoes of all sizes and shapes. Finally, I was attracted by a grotto. I asked the guide, "Why are there so many deep and shallow holes in the wall?" The guide smiled and said, "it's made by the elders beating with a hammer." I looked at the small hole in the wall and thought about how the predecessors did this work with hard sweat and smart wisdom. I really want to say to them that you have worked hard. When I looked up at the top of the cave, I couldn't help shouting, "Wow! How tall." Looking at the blue sky outside the cave top, I have a feeling of watching the sky. Wushan grottoes are really beautiful!

  After coming out of Wushan grottoes, it was almost time for lunch. The guide arranged for us to have dinner near the scenic spot. After dinner, we hurried to the second scenic spot - East Zhejiang Grand Canyon.

  According to the guide, entering the Grand Canyon needs to pass through a river. So we got on a big ship and set off. On both sides of the river are mountains, which must be part of the Grand Canyon in eastern Zhejiang! After about half an hour, we arrived at our destination. Getting off the ship, we began a difficult journey. At first, I walked very easily. Later, I felt more and more tired, so I kept asking my mother, "is it the bottom of the valley, is it the bottom of the valley?" Mom said it should be coming soon. Suddenly, a stone forest appeared in front of me. Some of these stones were like sea lions, some like elephants, and some like frogs. Behind the stone forest is the bottom of the canyon.

  Although the time at the bottom of the valley is short, it is also the happiest scenic spot I have ever played.


  On May Day this year, the sun was shining and the wind was blowing gently. The weather was very pleasant. My parents took me to Qianjiang to get together with their old classmates.

  On the highway to Qianjiang, I saw farmers' uncles working hard in the green fields. May day was originally a holiday for working people. We all had a holiday, but farmers' uncles were still working hard. Think about it, our food, drink and clothing came from their hard work. I thank them from the bottom of my heart; When I came to Qianjiang, because it was the international labor day, the streets and alleys of Qianjiang were decorated with colorful flowers, which were very beautiful. Many people came to play and shop. The sanitation workers on the street kept cleaning up the garbage and sundries on the street. Because of their labor and payment, we had a clean and beautiful urban environment. I really wanted to come forward and say, "you've worked hard!"

  When mom and Dad met their old classmates, they were very excited. They shook hands and hugged happily when they met, because they hadn't seen each other for a long time. They told each other their thoughts for so many years and talked about the changes in our lives over the years. They knew that we all lived well after hard work and hard work. We all felt that it was very meaningful for friends we hadn't seen for so many years to get together on May Day. It's time for dinner. We came to lobster street and saw a lot of people coming to eat lobster. The guests who eat shrimp have to queue up to order. I can't believe we have to wait in such a long line to eat lobster. The line was more than 100 meters in the restaurant we went to. Good food is not afraid of late. I think the lobster here must be delicious! The lobster we ordered finally came up. The red shrimp body was very attractive. I couldn't wait to pick up one and lick it. It tasted really good. Braised prawns in Qianjiang oil. The taste really deserves its reputation. Mom and dad told me that so many people come here to eat lobster because the farmers here raise the lobster well and the cook does it well. Behind it, they paid more hard work

  On the way back, I was thinking that labor really makes our life better. I must be a person who loves labor.

