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【#英语资源# 导语】一篇好的英语演讲稿能够打动评委的心灵,而且在演讲时也朗朗上口。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的有关家庭教育英文演讲稿,欢迎大家阅读。


  Parents in China are paying more attention to the training of their only-child than ever before. Now, many children in cities have family tutors and more and more children have to learn a lot before they go to school. This is mainly because parents want their children to become somebody or to live better when they grow up. In addition, one-child families have more money and energy than before to afford family training.

  Family education has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that children can learn much and develop certain kinds of abihty as early as possible, which may lead them to success or make them superior in knowledge to other children. The disadvantage lies in two aspects. One is that too much family education may cause the children to lose their own interest in studying. The other is that children will have less time to play or to do their own favorite things. This may be harmful to the shaping of children's characters.

  In my opinion, family education should be of a proper amount and scope. Either too much or too little family education will do great harm to children.


  There are many difference between China and West country such as in the field of geography ,culture, language ,politics ,economy and education with the development of science and technology .The word get even more smaller ,the communication between them is more frequent . Our country, China absorbs the essence and doesn't eliminate the bad thing . Because a proverb ever since said when the fresh air come in ,the flies will also accompany it . At times we may not determine our countries' geography and culture . But the system of politics economy , especially family education can be decided by the individuals . As the main body of the education is parents' child . Though each parent tries their best and strives to teach their children very well, there are still some problems in it . In order to tackle them, I'll give some detailed analysis of the difference of family education between China and American.

  There is a growing tendency these days for more and more college students to take part-time jobs. Family education is one of most popular par-time jobs. Family education has some advantages. On one hand, Family education can let you earn some extra money and help you become more independent of your family. One the other hand, family education can offer you chances to contact with the society and the experience that you gain through family education can broaden your school life.

  However there are also some disadvantages in taking family education. For example, we may lose time needed for sleep, rest, study and recreation. Taking family education may interfere with our study and give us little or no useful experience. As a result, we may find it hard to adjust to what the college expects of him.

  As far as I am concerned, I think college students can take family education. But we have to strike a balance between school and the job. As a student, acquiring more knowledge is our first important task. Although family education can enrich our world of good, we should not spend too much time on it.


  There are many difference between China and America such as in the field of geography ,culture, language ,politics ,economy and education with the development of science and technology .The word get even more smaller ,the communication between them is more frequent . Our country, China absorbs the essence and doesn’t eliminate the bad thing . Because a proverb ever since said when the fresh air come in ,the flies will also accompany it .

  At times we may not determine our countries’ geography and culture . But the system of politics economy , especially family education can be decided by the individuals . As the main body of the education is parents’child . Though each parent tries their best and strives to teach their children very well, there are still some problems in it .

  In order to tackle them, I’ll give some detailed analysis of the difference of family education between China and American.


  If I have a choice between studying at home using computers and television or studying in a traditional school setting, I’d choose the traditional setting . Maybe it’s just what I’m used to ,but I don’t think that technology can replace teachers and classrooms.

  After all, technology can fail. Computers go down and computer programs crash. Televisions break, and the electricity can suddenly go off. In those situations, who's going to teach me? If I'm at school, and the television or the computers stop functioning, there's a teacher to step in and change the lesson plan. Teachers can draw on their teaching experience and be creative. Computers and televisions can't.

  I'd also miss the chance to interact with other students if I weren't going to school. I think learning to play and work with other people is one of the most important lessons we learn in school. It prepares us for life, and for working with other people. Being with other people also helps us discover who we are.

  Another concern I have about studying at home is getting distracted. It's strange, but I think being home alone is more distracting than being at school with a lot of people. At school, we're all focused on the same subjects. At home, it would be so easy to turn off the computer or the television and go do something else. I might tell myself that it's okay to play a computer game now and make up the study hours later. Chances are, I'd never make up the study hours.

  I'm all in favor of using technology in the classroom. I think computers and television are great ways for students to have access to a lot of information. I just don't think they should be the only tools I have as a student. I also need teachers and other students to help me get a complete education.

