

时间:2021-08-27 16:33:32 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】国庆七天乐,一乐假日没烦恼,二乐美景到处游,三乐美食好味道,四乐朋友相聚首,五乐疲惫全都消,六乐可以睡懒觉,七乐团圆更美好,祝你黄金周愉快。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Today is the annual national day. I'm very happy. My aunt and I were discussing where to travel, so we made a phone call. Who made this sudden call? It's my uncle! When I answered the phone, my uncle said to invite me to dinner in the evening. I was so happy that I thought: I can have a big meal again tonight! I was hungry an hour after dinner, but I endured it. I was so hungry that I couldn't help it. I took a small sausage in my "small warehouse" and ate it in three five divided by two. Then my mother called and told me to go home, and my uncle came to pick me up. I didn't want to go home, so I asked my uncle to pick me up at home.

  When I arrived at Macao doulao, I saw my brother and his aunt who hadn't come yet. After a while, my brother and my aunt came and we began to order. My uncle ordered abalone, little fat cow, shrimp, crab... When the dishes came up, I put the shrimp and crab into the pot. No matter what I served, I put them into the hot pot. When they came to the abalone, I was full of curiosity, I only drank Abalone Porridge and never ate the whole abalone. I put the abalone into the pot. After three or four minutes, I picked up the abalone and found a green thing in the middle of the abalone. I asked my uncle what it was. My uncle said it was its courage. Eating it was good for my eyes. I asked my uncle if it was good to eat. He said he had eaten abalone many times and never tried to eat it, Why don't we try it together? I said I was afraid of suffering like snake gall. I'd better not eat it and eat meat. Then there was shrimp slide, which was my favorite food. It was smooth and tender. I wrapped it alone. They all said I was greedy. Later, there were a lot of vegetables. They didn't have time to eat. They had already eaten like a ball. When there was still a little space in my stomach, I put on a plate of fruit platter, and everyone finished the fruit feast.

  Today is really a happy day. I haven't been together with you for a long time. I really hope this opportunity will be often. I'm so happy to be with my relatives!


  On Saturday, my mother and I went to Zhengzhou to do business. We went shopping. When we came by car in the morning, there were almost no seats available, but we didn't care.

  Things went well. Before noon, we came to Dehua Street, the most popular street. First of all, the four characters of "century Dehua" came into sight. I saw colorful flags flying on both sides of Dehua Street, and an endless stream of people came here to shop. It really deserves to be the most prosperous business district in Zhengzhou. There are large and small shopping malls on both sides of the street. Because it is the National Day holiday, the major shopping malls are overcrowded, and the merchants are busy, but they have already been happy in their heart. Closely connected with Dehua Street is the well-known Erqi square with a long history. The popularity of Erqi square is no worse than Dehua Street. It is also a sea of people and crowded. Because Erqi tower is being maintained, I can only appreciate its magnificent appearance. This is the only regret today. I will come back to see the style of Erqi tower another day.

  When I took the bus to the gate of the bus station, I saw many people squatting at the gate. Because it was a hot afternoon, I thought they were enjoying the cool. Who knows, as soon as we entered the ticket hall, the whole hall was full of people. There was hardly a place to stay. Each ticket window seemed to have a long line. At this time, we were stunned. Why so many people? Then I remembered that today was the National Day holiday. There were several times more people traveling and going home than usual. I had no choice but to line up slowly... When we lined up, the conductor told us that the tickets had been sold out.

  With disappointment and tired legs, I came to the railway station square. I saw that the railway station was surrounded by people. Here is a sea of people and crowded. My mother and I were like two headless flies, squeezing around with the flow of people in the railway station. Finally came to the ticket office, but as soon as we saw that the line had lined up on the opposite road, we had to use the "Millennium stunt" queue jumping method, which finally bought the ticket home.

  Today, I finally saw the disadvantages of traveling on the National Day holiday. Therefore, I advise you to avoid traveling on the National Day holiday as much as possible.


  National Day is coming. Before the holiday, the students in the class are discussing how to spend this small and long holiday. Each student has different plans. Some want to travel, some go to the amusement park together, and some students say they should use this holiday to review. As for me, I went back to my hometown on national day and ran all over the mountains of my hometown.

  The next day after the school holiday, I went back to my hometown in the countryside with my parents. As soon as my neighbors' grandparents saw us back, they greeted us warmly. The feelings between the villagers in my hometown are very good. When I saw the wrinkled smiling faces on the faces of my grandparents, I felt a warmth in my heart. After staying in the city for a long time, even if people go upstairs and downstairs in the same community and building, they will only be like strangers. The hometown is completely different. Every day's greetings are with a kind of kindness.

  After a night's sleep in my hometown, the next day, my good friends who used to play with me came home and invited me to join their game. The game is very simple, but it's just going to the mountains and rivers and an autumn tour.

  After breakfast, we set off. The chestnuts in the mountains are ripe. We each brought a plastic bag. This is the best time to pick up chestnuts. The chestnut shell has thorns. We carefully break off the chestnut shell, and then clamp the delicious chestnut out of the shell.

  Now it is autumn, and the wild fruits on the mountain are ripe. When we pass through a grass, the long withered yellow leaves are dotted with red wild hawthorn. Seeing the hawthorn, we rushed there. When I picked a hawthorn, I wiped it in my hand, and then I couldn't wait to send the Hawthorn to my mouth. It was sour and sweet. This taste was also special. A group of us were wandering in the mountains, and the plastic bags we brought were filled with a lot of wild fruits.

  After returning home, I presented today's achievements to my parents like a treasure. My father sighed: "it's all the taste of childhood." compared with my father's sadness, my mother ate with relish.

  I had a good time on this national day.


  National Day is coming. I'm very happy because my mother is resting today. She's going to take me to Hangzhou paradise.

  The first time we took the subway in Hangzhou, we found that the subway was really more convenient than driving by ourselves! Soon we arrived at the gate of Hangzhou paradise. We first went to the "langshui Park" in Hangzhou paradise. My mother and I changed our swimsuits and went in. After going inside, I found that there are many items I can't play, because I'm less than 1.5 meters tall and can only play a few. I first went to the children's slide to play several times, and found that all the children playing were younger than me, and my parents were watching. I thought my mother would be very boring, so I told my mother to change a project. We went to an arch bridge and saw someone playing with the rapids. The children can play with a height of 1.2 meters. So my mother and I asked for a double life buoy, put on a life jacket and started our torrent. As soon as I sat down with my mother, a big wave flew over, and our lifebuoy pushed us five or six meters away. The water in the river was beating in circles, a big wave from the back pushed us forward, and a wave from the front pushed us backward. My mother and I worked together and finally played a circle. I think it's fun. We played it seven times in a row.

  Mother said it was bad for our health to soak in the water for too long, so we took a shower and changed our clothes and went to Hangzhou paradise.

  We played the pirate ship first. The pirate ship swung higher and higher. I was very afraid and didn't dare to move. After playing the pirate ship, we went to play the ghost ship again. The ghosts in the ghost ship are really terrible. Some heads fell off; Some are like vampires; Some ghosts have two heads and nine heads in their belly; Some only write with their hands, but their heads leave their bodies; And the head and body came out of the coffin, which was very scary. I held my mother's hand tightly and followed her. Finally came out and I breathed out.


  October 1 is a joyful day for our Chinese people, because October 1 is national day. So my father gave me a special approval for a day's holiday and let me go out alone with money.

  I got up early this morning, did a good job in personal hygiene, and went to the big park with some good friends I made an appointment with yesterday.

  When I go out and walk in the street, the national flag is hung everywhere, there are a sea of people everywhere, cars flow on the road, and the wide road seems to narrow a lot on weekdays.

  Several of our classmates were pushed around in the crowd like a tumbler. We just moved forward slowly.

  Finally we arrived at our destination - the big park. After a short rest at the door, we began our trip to the big park.

  We walked into the playground and saw many amusement facilities. There are adventure cities, roller coasters and go karts... There are so many kinds of them. The tourists were all in high spirits and full of laughter everywhere. We got on the roller coaster. After the machine started, our carriage suddenly went up, suddenly went down and turned more than half a circle. We were dazed and almost flew out. It was about five or six minutes before the machine stopped. After we went down, we said, "it's exciting!" then we played go karts and laser guns. After that, we went out of the playground and into the zoo.

  As soon as I entered the zoo, I heard a deafening animal cry. I looked closely along the cry. It turned out that it was the king of beasts - Tigers barking. We quickly walked to the tiger and watched it carefully. We saw it walking around in the cage. It looked majestic. Suddenly, it was hit on the head by a peanut thrown in by tourists. It was inexplicably smashed. Looking at us naively, it seemed to ask us, "what is this?" then we walked around the peanut, touched it and jumped away immediately, Its reactions made us all laugh. I didn't expect that the king of beasts would be frightened by a small peanut.

