
时间:2023-12-01 09:08:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

五月份的第二个星期天是母亲节,是妈妈的节日,昨天晚上我就暗暗下了决心:我明天一定要好好表现一下,让妈妈过个愉快的节日。   The second Sunday of May is mother's day, mother's Day is the last night, I secretly resolved: I must look good tomorrow, let her have a happy holiday.   上了一天的课放学了,我回到了家,就连忙跑到外婆面前,问:“有什么事需要我帮忙吗?”外婆说:“你去扫一下地板,顺便洗一下菜吧。”“遵命!”我风趣地说道,赶快三下二下地把这些事一做完,就帮忙外婆包汤圆,可是我包的汤圆不是这边破,就是那边裂开,外婆看了看汤圆,笑着说:“汤圆不是那样包的,应该像我这样包才对。”我按照外婆的方法,试着包了一个,果然包好了一个完整的汤圆,煮好汤圆后,妈妈也回来了,看见妈妈回来了,我急忙跑到厨房里,端了一碗热腾腾的汤圆,捧到妈妈面前,“妈妈,节日快乐!您辛苦了!,吃汤圆吧!”外婆和妈妈看了,咧开嘴笑了,笑得多少甜蜜呀!   The course of a day after school, I went back to the house, then ran to the front, asked: "what do you want me to help you?" My grandmother said: "you go to sweep the floor, wash the dishes by the way." "Yes!" I said humorously, two to three to get these things done, help grandma package Glutinous Rice Balls, but my package Glutinous Rice Balls here is not broken, cracked over there, grandma looked at Glutinous Rice Balls, smiled and said: "that is not Glutinous Rice Balls package, package should be like me." According to the method of my grandmother, try to pack a bag, and a complete Glutinous Rice Balls, cooked Glutinous Rice Balls, her mother came back, saw the mother came back, I hurried to the kitchen, holding a bowl of hot Glutinous Rice Balls, holding to his mother, "Mom, happy holidays! You have worked hard! Glutinous rice balls, eat! " Grandmother and mother, grinning, laugh too much sweet!

