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【#英语资源# 导语】世界上究竟有多少水呢?我也不是很清楚,但是,水不可能是无限的,总有一天我们也会把世界上的水源用光的,所以,我们要节约用水,人人有责。以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  There are many people in the world who do not know how to save life. For example, people who use disposable chopsticks have to cut down many trees; People who wash their hands without turning off the tap, people who use a lot of hand sanitizer... These people don't know how to save, let alone love the world.

  One day, when I finished taking a bath, I didn't turn off the tap. Within a few minutes, the landlord soon came to my house to collect the water fee and told us that my water had not been turned off. It suddenly occurred to me that I didn't turn off the water in the shower. I immediately ran to the bathroom and turned off the water. At this time, my father said to me: water is the source of life. We can't waste every drop of water. Without water, people can't live and everything can't grow up.

  It is important for us to cherish water. Some places have little water and are prone to drought. For example, it is very dry in the West. This summer vacation, many crops died because of drought all over the country. It is said that in the driest time, Hunan Province can evaporate the water in 22 West Lakes in a day. What a terrible thing! If we human beings do not know how to save, we will suffer!

  So let's start from now, from ourselves, be a water saver and a little messenger to promote water conservation. We can mop the floor with clothes washing water and flush the toilet with vegetable washing water. Turn off the tap immediately after washing your hands and running out of water.

  Finally, I want to say one more thing: it is everyone's responsibility to cherish the water source!


  Water is the source of life. All living things in the world cannot live without water. Therefore, we should cherish water resources. Human beings need to save water, because our demand for water is too great. 70% of everyone's body is water, and if people don't drink water for a long time, they will die due to lack of water. Water is so important to us that we need to save water and protect water resources.

  But some people think there is no need to save water, because there is too much water, which has brought us harm! For example, the rainstorm in Beijing a few days ago not only troubled our travel, but also threatened our lives. Some people were washed away by water; Some people suffocate in the car because the water overflows the car; Others died in honor of saving others. So much water has caused harm. Why should we cherish it? In fact, there are several types of water, but the water available to mankind accounts for only about 2% of all water resources, and fresh water resources are seriously lacking. Therefore, we still need to save water, although sometimes water causes harm to us.

  How can we save water? In daily life, there are many tips that can help us. For example, the water for washing vegetables and clothes can be left to flush the toilet; The water for washing hands and faces can be left to rinse mops and mop the floor; Rice washing water is used to water flowers and plants and so on. When we are faced with water disasters, we must learn to save ourselves. For example: take shelter from the rain when it rains, not under the tree; When the flood comes, you must run high; If there is a flood, you must put on your life jacket or swimming ring in time, etc. These methods can well protect us and let us calmly deal with disasters.

  Water is our friend. It is everyone's responsibility to save water and protect the environment. If we waste water resources and destroy the environment, the last drop of water in the world will be our tears. Therefore, start with small things, cherish every drop of water around you, and make the world a better place.


  Water is the source of human life and a precious gift from nature. Drops of water. A trickle. Billowing waves. The surging river water, we can not live without water, nor can we live without water.

  There are many things in life that need water. Plants and animals can't live without water. People have always thought that there are endless people. Inexhaustible, will not cherish. And waste. So we should save water. How to save water? For example, the water for washing your face can be used to wash your feet, and the water for bathing can be used to mop the floor or flush the toilet. Water the flowers in fish farming to promote the growth of flowers and trees. Rice washing water is used to wash dishes and chopsticks, remove oil and save water.

  There are many children in poor areas who can't drink clean water, and they are said to wash their hands. wash one 's face. wash hair. Take a bath. So we don't have to save water and give the saved water to the children in poor areas. Let them drink clean water once! During our illness, the most frequently heard words are: we must drink more water! So that you can get better soon! Water is also the most important thing during illness... Water is the need of all things. Water is people-oriented, human life needs water to ensure, and water life needs people to protect. Let's start from ourselves, cherish water resources and protect the environment, and the world will be better!


  Water is an indispensable and irreplaceable precious resource in human life.

  If there is no water, the earth will dry and crack; If there is no water, human beings will die of thirst; Without water, all things cannot grow; If there is no water, there will be no our beautiful world. I think when washing hands, don't put too much water; When you run out of water, be sure to turn off the tap. Like people in arid areas, we can also use the water after washing vegetables and rice to wipe the table and flush the toilet; In this way, a basin of water reflects its value. Some people like raising flowers very much. Watering flowers with pure water that people in arid areas can't drink is too wasteful. If you give this water to people in arid areas, I don't know how many people will be saved.

  There are some students in our school who run to the faucet after class, turn on the faucet, then pour water on others, and run away quickly without turning off the faucet. This bad habit of wasting water resources must be changed.

  Once, when I was walking in the garden of the community, I saw an old woman connect a long blue pipe to the faucet and put the other end on the ground. Then she brought another mop and poured it again and again with the water flowing out of the pipe. I was a little sorry. Unexpectedly, she washed the mop and left, and the faucet was not turned off. The water all over the ground slowly ran away. I was so distressed that I immediately jumped over and turned off the tap.

  We should all know clearly that China is a country with frequent droughts. The saying of "nine droughts in ten years" has spread. There are about 400 cities in China short of water, and more than 110 cities with serious water shortage. People there die because of water shortage. Hearing this news, do you know the pain of water shortage? Students, saving water is everyone's responsibility; Save water, start with me.


  Water is the source of life. We should cherish it rather than destroy it. Have you ever thought about how human beings would live without water on the earth; Without water, perhaps mankind will become extinct. In order to avoid these unnecessary disasters, let's act together to make our life more "moist" and "colorful".

  In daily life, many people don't pay attention to water and think that water is inexhaustible. My neighbors always pour the water after washing vegetables and washing rice on the ground at will, and small drops of water fall to the ground so sadly. I think this is a waste. We can leave this water for reuse. We can wash our hands and flush the toilet with this water... Look, this is the best use of everything. A basin of water can be so useful!

  Waste in life can be seen everywhere. Take our children as an example. Many children "like" water. They always keep the clean When I see this, I can't help thinking: children, we should cherish water resources and don't let our tears become the last drop of water.

  Now I want to be a little water-saving guard and introduce several good ways to save water. First, the water used to wash rice can be used as materials, which can not only save water, but also help to remove pesticides from vegetables, which is beneficial to our health; Second, you can save the water for washing your face and feet to flush the toilet; Third, when boiling water faucet, you can turn it down a little, which can also save water; Fourth, this method is not only helpful to the growth of dirty vegetables, but also suitable for watering dirty vegetables!

  I hope the method I introduced will be helpful to everyone's future water-saving road. Of course, if you have better water-saving tips, you are also welcome to share with me!


  "Water is the source of life. We should save water." This sentence is absolutely right. If there is no water, the land will dry and crack; If there is no water, the flowers will wither; If there is no water, the originally beautiful earth will become dirty and ugly.

  I remember I did a stupid thing when I was young.

  That day, I mopped the floor at home. I turned on the faucet first and wet the mop. However, because the water power was too small, I couldn't wet the mop at once. Therefore, in a fit of anger, I didn't care about the mop and let it soak in the water, while I watched TV in the room without worry.

  For a long time, I suddenly heard a scolding voice: "today's children really don't know how to save water. They have been turning on the tap until now!" I hurried to the yard and found that there was water on the ground and almost no shoes. I saw my father cleaning up the mess, "You should save water and not waste water in the future. If everyone is like you, what should I do? Start with me and start with small things. Saving water is a small thing, but it can reflect a person's quality..." after listening to my father's words, I blushed, "Dad... Dad, I'm sorry. I know I'm wrong. Next time... I'll try to correct my shortcomings of wasting water." At this time, my father said to me in earnest, "well, if you know your mistakes, you can change them. You are still the best child." Hearing this sentence, I smiled, so sweet, so happy, so free!

  Yes, we should save water. In order to make the earth more beautiful, the flowers more colorful and the land more fertile, let's take action together, "protect the environment and save water!" Don't let the last drop of water on the earth become our tears.


  "Water is the source of life. We should save water." This sentence is absolutely right. If there is no water, the land will dry and crack; If there is no water, the flowers will wither; If there is no water, the originally beautiful earth will become dirty and ugly. I remember I did a stupid thing when I was young.

  That day, I mopped the floor at home. I turned on the faucet first and wet the mop. However, because the water power was too small, I couldn't wet the mop at once. Therefore, in a fit of anger, I didn't care about the mop and let it soak in the water, while I watched TV in the room without worry.

  For a long time, I suddenly heard a scolding voice: "today's children really don't know how to save water. They have been turning on the tap until now!" I hurried to the yard and found that there was water on the ground and almost no shoes. I saw my father cleaning up the mess, "You should save water and not waste water in the future. If everyone is like you, what should I do? Start with me and start with small things. Saving water is a small thing, but it can reflect a person's quality..." after listening to my father's words, I blushed, "Dad... Dad, I'm sorry. I know I'm wrong. Next time... I'll try to correct my shortcomings of wasting water." At this time, my father said to me in earnest, "well, if you know your mistakes, you can change them. You are still the best child." Hearing this sentence, I smiled, so sweet, so happy, so free!

  Yes, we should save water. In order to make the earth more beautiful, the flowers more colorful and the land more fertile, let's take action together, "protect the environment and save water!" Don't let the last drop of water on the earth become our tears.


  Water is the source of our life. We can't live without water, life and source. The same is true in the class of "the first lesson of school". We should protect and cherish water. Don't waste or spoil water casually, because there is not much water! China is one of the 13 water poor countries in the world, and its freshwater resources are less than 1 / 4 of the world's per capita water volume. About 60% of the more than 600 big cities in China are short of water. Shijiazhuang is a city short of water. When I was a child, my father said that they used sweet "groundwater" when they were young, but now we use the water in the fishy reservoir. Is it not enough that we have destroyed water resources like this? However, some people have not yet awakened and are still shameful waste. For example, we pour out water that we can't finish drinking; Throw the bottle into a clean river; Take out the leftovers and throw them into the river to feed the fish; Don't turn off the tap when washing your hands and making soap; Adults forget to turn off the water when washing vegetables; When washing dishes, pour in a bottle of clean water and flush it with water "clattering" endlessly; Also wash vegetables with flowing water... These are a waste of water resources. In fact, it is not difficult to cherish water resources. The difficult thing is to control yourself and not waste. If a person cherishes a drop of water every day, that year is 365 drops of water; If everyone saves 365 drops of water a year, China will save 474.5 billion drops of water, which is not a decimal. In other words, if you cherish water resources, you will get wealth you can't think of.

  Up to now, our water-saving citizens should appeal to those who have not yet awakened to save the water to each and every one of us as soon as possible, so that the water is sufficient and is no longer a missing object.


  In the past, I had the bad habit of forgetting to turn off the tap after washing my hands. At that time, I thought there was nothing wrong with leaking water. But after a small thing, I changed this wrong view. Completely get rid of the habit of wasting water and know how to save water.

  One day, after washing my hands as usual, I was ready to go back to dinner without turning off the tap. But just a few steps, my sister followed up three steps and two steps. She accused me and said, "have you turned off the tap?" "No," I said carelessly. Sister looked serious and said word for word, "sister, you know what? You can't cherish water resources like this! You waste 10 grams of water a day, 300 grams a month, a year? How much water will you waste?! have you thought about it?" My sister said, "our country is short of water, and children in many areas don't have water to drink. How many days can they drink the water you waste?! if you save all the water, maybe they can save their lives." my sister's simple words made me blush and feel very ashamed. My sister is so young that she knows how to save water. I'm far from her. Thinking of this, I turned off the tap quickly. Through this event, I learned a lesson and deeply understood that water is a precious resource in our country. We must cherish water resources and be a good boy who saves water!


  Students, do you know? Water is the fountain of human life. Without water, we humans are like a grass that has lost its life, so we should save it. However, we often see some bad habits among us.

  Let me give you an example:

  Some people waste a lot of water when washing vegetables; When taking a bath, you need enough water for you to use. However, have you ever thought that you are not alone in taking a bath, but many people are wasting it. Taking a bath is like scooping water in the ocean with a bathtub; If you pour out a basin of useful water, mankind will lose a share of water.

  After listening to my example, let's save water, but how? Listen to me in the following ways:

  When taking a bath, first get wet from head to foot with a nozzle, then rub the whole body with soap or bath liquid, and finally rinse it at one time. When washing your face and brushing your teeth, try to use the basin and cup instead of letting the faucet flow.

  Wash when the washing machine is full. In addition, the last rinse water will be left as the washing water for the next batch of clothes.

  If you think the toilet water tank is too large, you can put a coke bottle filled with water in the water tank, which can reduce the amount of flushing each time.

  Try to use more than one water. Wash dishes and chopsticks with rice washing water and noodles boiling water, which can remove oil and save water; Water the flowers and wash the car with vegetable washing water, washing water and dishwashing water; After using the facial wash, you can wash your feet, then flush the toilet, etc.

  When washing hands, basin washing is more water-saving than the method of long flow of water. The same is true when washing vegetables, fruits or dishes. Continuous washing with the tap on is very water-consuming. Intermittent washing can save water. The used water can be saved and reused.

  The washing machine in the family uses a lot of water. In order to save water, manufacturers and researchers have made great efforts to save water as much as possible on the premise of cleaning clothes.

  So, students, let's act together! Otherwise, the last drop of water in the world will be your tears.

