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  Look after (someone or something)
  1. = to take care of. 照顾
  2. = to make sure that someone is safe and well. 确保某人安然无恙
  • Make sure you look after yourself. I don't want you to be ill due to this weather.
  • 照顾好自己,我不希望你因为这种天气生病。
  • I have to look after my son tonight. 今晚我要照顾儿子。
  Look away
  1. = to turn your eyes away from someone or something that you were looking at. 把目光移开
  • The accident was so horrible that I had to look away. 这次事故太可怕了,吸引了我的注意。
  • She looked away in embarrassment. 她尴尬的看向别处。
  Look for (someone or something)
  1. = to search for something or someone. 寻找
  2. = to try and find something or someone 找到
  • Can you help me look for my brother, he was meant to be here 20 minutes ago.
  • 你可以帮我找一下我弟弟吗,她20分钟前应该在这。
  • I am looking for my black shirt have you seen it? 我在找我的黑衬衫,你看到了吗?
  Look into Normally - Look into (something)
  1. = to find out more about something in order to improve the situation. 找到可以帮助改善处境的......
  2. = to investigate or examine. 调查
  • The manager promised to look into my complaint 主管答应处理我的投诉。
  • I will look into this matter and see what I can do about it. 我会调查这件事,看看我能做什么。
  Look out
  1. = to be careful. 小心
  2. = to avoid imminent danger. 避开危险
  • Look out! An angry dog is coming your way. 小心!那只被惹恼的狗正向你冲过来。
  • Look out! There is a broken bottle near your foot. 小心!你脚旁边有碎瓶子。
  Look through
  1. = to examine something, usually quickly. (快速)查看
  • I must look through this report to establish the full story. 我必须快速浏览这篇报告,了解整个过程。
  • I will look through my email to see if I can find your request. 我会查阅电子邮件,找到你的要求。
  Look up
  1. = to search for information (usually in a book) 查阅(通常指书籍)
  • I need to look that word up in the dictionary, I have never heard it before.
  • 我之前从未见过这个单词,我需要在字典中查一下。
  • I will look up your number when I get to Santiago. 我到圣地亚哥后会查找你的电话号码。
  Look up to
  1. = to respect or admire someone. 仰慕
  • I really look up to my father. 我非常敬仰我的父亲。
  • She will always look up to her father as he had such a positive effect on her youth.

206年雅思高频词汇每日学:Phrasal Verbs with LOOK.doc
