

时间:2023-09-28 13:43:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Subjunctive Mood (虚拟语气)
  1.It is important that he __________ the college entrance examination.
  A. should attend B. will attend C. must attend D. had to attend
  8.Don’t come this morning. I would rather you________ the day after tomorrow.
  A. come B. came C.are to come D. will come
  3._________ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the film so often.
  A.If it is not B.Were it not C. had it not been D. If they were not
  4.---Did you meet with the famous space hero YanLiwei?
  ---________ I had come here earlier!
  A.But for B.If not C. For fear D. If only
  5.Without electricity human life __________ quite difficult today.
  A.is B.will be C. would have been D.would be
  (分析:1.A虚拟语气的一种,句式It is necessary/strange/important that …should do2.B 3.C had it not been=if it not had been 4. D. If only= I wish 要是… 该多好啊5.D)

