
时间:2022-05-27 00:00:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】又到了父亲节,我祝愿所有做父亲的男人,节日快乐!父亲,用如山的肩膀,扛起了重任,以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Tomorrow is my father's day. I want to give my father a gift.

  What do you want? I was thinking, a voice interrupted me. My mother shouted, baby, put away the greeting card that Xuexue gave you. This sentence reminded me. Yes, send the greeting card. I took out a piece of paper and drew it. I drew a lovely little boy smiling, because I hope my father can be as happy as him.

  Dad is very busy. Often when I go home, he hasn't come back. I get up and he hasn't got up, so our time together is very precious. Although he is very busy, he still worries about some time to play with me. Sometimes when my grades are not good, he smiles and says it's okay. Next time, try to do well in my grades. Whenever I go home with good grades, he will be very happy, but after a while, he seriously said not to be proud.

  After making the greeting card, I stuffed it into my father's official document generation. I hope he will be very happy when he sees it tomorrow.

  I know that the gift to my father is a good result, but a greeting card is also my heart. I will make it up!

  Happy father's Day!


  The night before the parents' open day, my father and I agreed that we must attend on time, while my father fully agreed.

  The next afternoon, I ran to the corridor early and looked at my parents upstairs and downstairs. After a while, but my father hasn't come yet, and the parents of other students come again. I am in a hurry. Call again and again in my heart. The bell rang and I had to scrape back to the classroom. I didn't seem to listen to the teacher, so I looked back for a while. I really want my father to come in through the back door of the classroom. A few minutes later, Dad appeared a lot. I'm still sad. I blame my father: why don't I keep my promise!

  When I got home, I held back my tears and sat in my chair without saying a word. My father held my hand and said, "it's not that my father didn't keep his promise. These days, my father is too busy. I came back from Shanghai and went directly to school." Dad's colleagues later proved what Dad said.

  I blamed my father wrong. No matter how big or small, Dad loves me so much

  Dad, happy father's day, I love you every day!


  Today is father's day. I made a holiday card for my father. This is my first formal gift to my father. My father is very happy and can't put down my gift. He said that the gift is light and the affection is heavy. He will treasure it well.

  My father told me that respecting parents, the elderly and teachers is the basic morality that everyone should have. This kind of moral character is not only a greeting in festivals and birthdays, but also should be reflected in ordinary life and study.

  Dad said he would do another meaningful thing with me on father's Day - clear the small advertisements on the door of the unit. I found a small bucket, a small shovel and a rag, and came downstairs with my father. All kinds of small advertisements were pasted on the door of the unit. It was really very ugly! We officially declare war on small advertisements! I don't know what glue these small advertisements are stuck with. They can't be wiped off, torn off or removed. It took me a while to clean the small unit door with my father's concerted efforts.

  I suddenly found that these small advertisements include: moving, water delivery, tourism, sewer connection, maintenance... They seem to be very useful, too? Let's clear it, right? I see. They're just pasted in the wrong place. We should give these small advertisements a "home" and make them no longer "wandering". Dad said that the posting bar in the community is the home of small advertisements. I hope people don't post small advertisements everywhere.


  The annual father's Day is coming. Today, I personally made a tie for my father and gave it to him because he worked very hard.

  Father is very cool and tall. He can play basketball, football and so on. And math and Chinese are very good. Whenever I have a problem that I can't, he will teach me. But when I play with my cell phone for too long, he will criticize me. When I was ill, he would stay up all night to accompany me. Sometimes I think he is not like my father, but more like my partners and friends.

  Whether he is strict or warm, I still love him very much.


  Until that day, everything happened so fast. When the news of his mother's death came to his ears, he didn't believe it. He didn't believe it was true. When I got home, I only heard the sound of mourning hovering in the air. The sound of cold wind seems to break the silence of all this. The eagle is still flying freely in the sky, the grass is still green, the water is still blue, all of which are still there, except his mother is gone. Xiao Bao cried and thought of everything before. He was sad. His father came over and dried his tears with his sleeves that had been mended many times. Xiao Bao's father is a mentally retarded man who makes a living by selling newspapers every day. Many people laugh at him and ridicule him, but Xiaobao believes that mentally retarded is just the limit of wisdom. Xiao Bao spent his childhood like this.

  Xiaobao is going to college. His mentally retarded father sees him off. At this time, Xiaobao has lost his mother like a wooden man. He branded a mark in his childhood and let him remember it all his life. After getting on the train, Xiao Bao is leaving his hometown.

  After Xiaobao finished college, he worked as a designer in a company. One day while walking, Xiao Bao accidentally saw a ragged figure, "ah! This is." Xiao Bao finally understood why his father always had money to send it over the years. It turned out that. Two lines of tears rolled down. What else can father do besides selling newspapers? Xiaobao immediately thought of this.

  Tomorrow is father's day. Xiaobao will give his father the best gift. He called several young people and asked his country to take the money to buy his father's newspaper. After buying it, he made a gesture of big mother's finger. The dull faced father showed a long lost smile, so happy and brilliant.

  On father's day that year, Xiao Bao's father was so clear.


  Today is father's day. When I woke up in the morning, I found that my father didn't wake up, so I whispered in his ear, "happy father's Day!" Unfortunately, dad didn't hear it.

  My father has dark hair and a pair of eyes that are often wide open. He has a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose and a serious look. It's frightening. The little sister next to grandma's house hides as soon as she sees him. In fact, only I know that my father is like a child and often plays crazy with me!

  I remember once, I saw my father enjoying his collection of ancient coins. I also liked it very much, so I went over and said, "Dad, can you give it to me?" Dad suddenly stood up, held the old coin in his arms and said, "no, this is the accumulation of my life!" Looking at his humorous face, I couldn't help laughing. I grabbed the ancient coins in his hand and looked at them carefully.

  In the afternoon, I wanted to surprise my father, so I came to the commercial capital with my mother to make ceramics - "my world". This is a world composed of plants and some gadgets. I distribute them in a round and transparent castle, which is very chic. I live in my world like the princess, so happy. When I came back, I took out a small note and wrote, "Dad, I wish you a happy father's Day!" And put it on the gift and bless silently in my heart.

  Dad, thank you, because you gave me precious life; Dad, thank you for giving me a warm home; Dad, thank you, because you gave me a happy life

  Happy father's day, Dad!


  The world changes with time. In a trance moment, it has gone through countless winter and summer. After washing away the lead, the lightness has faded. For my sister and me, for my mother and for our family, are you okay this summer? Memory of you, gentle. Smile like the sun, the frost will melt, very tall, very thin, very handsome, so that others can't catch up with, but always like to grab food with me, very childlike, very childish.

  Now, you, who are favored by setbacks, choose to plant the land and sow all hope and sweat drops in the soil, but the harvest is always unsatisfactory. Fate hit you, fell to the ground, but struggled and refused to give up. A seven foot man, with his head in the sky, his feet on the ground and his shoulders, is a responsibility to his family. Heavy work makes your every day beautiful and the sun gloomy. Also want to cry, but found that tears have long run out, with disappointment and fatigue, all swallowed alone. Just because you are a father.

  Since then, tobacco and wine have become your loyal partners. In a day, the smoke does not leave the hand; When eating, wine is always in your mouth. Who knows it is, worry plus worry! Working and thinking about how to work is all you have to do in a day. I have no way to ease your sorrow, nor can I smooth the wrinkles in your eyes. Only on father's day, I send my most sincere blessing: happy father's Day! My dear, Dad!


  Father's Day is coming. I want to say to my father, "happy father's day, Dad. My daughter loves you more than one day!" Why do I say that? In fact, I wrongly blamed my father for something that happened recently.

     The night before the parents' open day, my father and I agreed to attend on time, and my father promised.

  The next afternoon, I ran to the corridor early and looked at the parents coming and going downstairs. A little time passed, but my father hasn't come yet, and other students' parents came one after another. I'm very anxious. Call again and again in my heart. As the bell rang, I had to go back to the classroom reluctantly. I didn't seem to listen to what the teacher said. I'll look back later. I really hope my father comes in through the back door of the classroom. After several minutes, Dad appeared sweating. My heart is still very sad. I blame my father in my heart: how can I not keep my promise!

  When I got home, I held back my tears and sat in my chair without saying a word. My father took my hand and said, "it's not that my father doesn't keep his word. My father is too busy these days. I came back from Shanghai and I went straight to school." Later, my father's colleagues also proved my father's words.

  I was wrong about Dad. Things are very small, very small. My father loves me so much

  Dad, happy father's day, I love you every day!


  Today is the annual father's day. When I got up, I asked my mother where my father was. My mother asked me what I wanted. I said, "today is father's day. I prepared a father's Day gift for my father." Mom asked me what it was and I said it was confidential. When I went to the restaurant, my father kissed my father on the face and said, "Dad, I wish you a happy holiday." Mother suddenly realized and said, "this is the father's Day gift you gave your father. It's so precious!"

  Towards noon, I'm going to give my father another gift. Although this gift is not very good, I believe my father must think the gift I gave is very good. This gift is just two stickers. These two stickers are my favorite stickers, because these two stickers are stickers for running karts. Since I like them, my father should like them.

  I have something else to say to my father: "Dad, you've worked hard. You always laugh and never beat me or scold me. You'll make my mother calm down when my mother is not angry. I really admire you!" If dad wants something today, I will buy it for Dad; If my father wants to play, I will play with my father; If my father wants to read any book, I will show it to my father; If my father wants to... Today, I will do whatever my father wants me to do, because today is my father's holiday.

  On father's day, my father was very happy, because my father liked the gift I gave him, and I did well all day. My father told me that this was the gift he had received on father's day.


  365 days a year, many festivals are like stars, but who can remember it - father's day.

  Father's Day falls on the third Sunday of June every year. Father is great because it is forgotten by people. Children's Day is before father's day, so we all remember our own festivals and forget father's day.

  No, that year, I happily spent the "June 1" children's day. Coincidentally, there is a tense review stage and examination. During this period, I became irritable and lost my temper at every turn. It was on father's day that father's day asked me with a smile: "Xiaoxue, do you know what festival it is today?" I was tired of doing exercises. After he said so, I was even more tired and shouted angrily, "I'm so tired. Today is annoying day!" Father's Day was terrified and stunned. He timidly walked out of the room. After the exam, it's a relaxing holiday. One day, my friend suddenly asked me, "what gift did you give your father on father's day?" I was stunned because I didn't know. I flipped through the calendar. Ah! The day I got angry was father's Day! No wonder... What did I give to father's day? Anger! I'm so sorry!

  Father's day, father, how great you are! You are a big tree. Your family depends on you, but you also need the care of manna! I raised my head, stared at the starry sky outside the window and secretly made a wish - this year's father's day, I will never forget it. I want to give a smile for father's day all day! no I want to let father's day know: father's day, you have a good daughter, your every day will be father's Day!

