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【#英语资源# 导语】出门在外重安全,交通安全最重要!马路上面车来车往,你对交通安全有哪些了解呢?®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  1、 Do not use mobile phone when driving in rainy days

  Generally, the vehicle is not specially equipped with lightning rod, but the vehicle shell is metal. Due to the shielding effect, even if the lightning strikes the vehicle, it will not hurt people. Therefore, the carriage is an ideal place to avoid lightning strikes. Due to the interference of lightning, the wireless frequency hopping of mobile phones is enhanced, which is easy to induce accidents such as lightning strikes and machine burns. In short, when it is thundering, try to avoid receiving and calling mobile phones, whether inside or outside the car.

  2、 Try not to turn on electronic equipment

  It's best not to turn on the radio in thunderstorm weather, because the antenna of the radio has the function of lightning rod and will absorb lightning, so it must be put away. For personal protection in the vehicle, avoid contacting metal parts in the vehicle when lightning strikes occur, and try not to use electronic equipment in the vehicle, such as GPS, car phone, CD, etc. It is also better to stop the engine and wait for the lightning to stop at the roadside to avoid causing problems in the electronic system of the car.

  3、 Don't stop under trees and high-voltage lines

  When driving in the suburbs, the surrounding roads are open, and the vehicles are more vulnerable to lightning attacks. At this time, it is even more impossible to park the vehicles near the trees and under the high-voltage wires. If the sudden lightning happens to hit these objects, it may cause them to topple. The strong wind accompanying the thunderstorm is more likely to cause this danger. The vehicle should be parked away from these places as far as possible. The personnel in the vehicle shall close the windows to avoid stretching out of the vehicle, which will increase the possibility that the human body is directly hit by lightning. In case of heavy rain, you'd better stop and wait until the rain is less or stops.

  4、 Keep a safe distance

  Keep safe driving distance in thunderstorm days. On the expressway, when the driving speed is 100 km / h, the distance between the front and rear of the vehicle is more than 100 meters, and the distance between the left and right is more than 1.5 meters; When the speed is 70 km / h, the distance between the front and rear of the vehicle is more than 70 meters, and the distance between the left and right is more than 1.2 meters. If thunderstorm and strong wind affect the sight line, the driving speed shall be as low as possible with reference to the vehicle in front, and the safety distance shall be extended. Especially on the expressway, the rainstorm is easy to cause water accumulation on the road. After driving, the front vehicle will roll up water mist, resulting in blurred vision of the rear vehicle. More attention should be paid to the safe driving distance.

  5、 When encountering puddles, drive slowly at low speed

  In particular, when driving in thunderstorm, please avoid people riding bicycles and motorcycles. No matter whether the vehicle is in manual or automatic gear, the speed shall be kept within 40 km / h. If a puddle is encountered, shift to gear 1 or gear 2 at low speed and drive smoothly to avoid large throttle or rush to prevent water splashing into the engine and stalling; When driving in the water, keep the accelerator steady and pass through the water smoothly. Try to avoid shifting gears or sharp turns in the middle. During driving, try to look at the fixed target at a distance, hold the steering wheel with both hands and go straight ahead. Do not look at the water or waves splashed by the vehicles on both sides, so as to avoid confusion of vision and make the vehicle deviate from the normal route and cause accidents. In addition, if the engine shuts down when wading, do not restart the engine. If the engine is restarted at this time, water will enter the intake pipe and directly cause the engine to burst.


  1. Cross the road safely

  We walk on the road almost every day when we go to school, school and go out for activities. There is a lot of knowledge in walking to ensure safety! Many pedestrians died under the wheels of cars because they did not grasp the key to cross the road safely.

  When crossing the road, you should choose a place with pedestrian crossings. This is a safe zone for pedestrians to enjoy the "right of way". In this area, the driving speed of motor vehicles generally slows down, and the driver also pays more attention to the dynamics of pedestrians. When crossing the road where there is no crosswalk, special attention shall be paid to avoid traffic. The simplest way to avoid vehicles is to first see if there is a coming car on the left, and then walk into the roadway if there is no coming car; If there is a car on the right, you can cross the road safely.

  It is very dangerous to cross the road without taking the crosswalk, to walk casually, or to rush across the road when the car is approaching.

  2. Ride

  When taking public vehicles, you should observe public order, pay attention to social morality and pay attention to traffic safety.

  When waiting for the train, you should queue up in turn and stand on the side of the road or the platform. You should not crowd on the carriageway, let alone stand in the middle of the road. When getting on the bus, wait for the bus to stop steadily. Let the passengers get off the bus first, and then get on the bus in order. Don't rush. After boarding, you should take the initiative to buy a ticket and offer your seat to the elderly, the sick, the disabled, pregnant women or passengers with babies. When the vehicle is running, hold the handrail and keep your head and hands out of the window to avoid being touched by the passing vehicles. When you get off the bus, you should walk in turn, not push or squeeze. After getting off, you should walk on the sidewalk immediately. If it is necessary to cross the carriageway, it shall pass through the sidewalk; Don't rush through the front and rear of the car. It's very unsafe.

  3. The road is not a playground

  Roads are built for the convenience of traffic. There was a constant stream of traffic on the road. The traffic is very busy. If we play, play and chase on the road at will and regard it as a "playground", and play football and badminton in the "playground" on the road after school, it is not allowed to hinder the passage of vehicles and be injured by vehicles. Jumping "rubber band", skipping rope and kicking shuttlecock on the sidewalk will bring difficulties to pedestrians and hinder traffic. Chasing and beating on the road, running around in front of and behind the car, and even throwing stones at each other, which makes accidents more likely. Some other students, because they do not know the harm of playing on the road, even stop, chase, pick up and throw stones at the car in the middle of the road for fun. This is the most dangerous action. Once they are knocked down by the car, the consequences are unimaginable.

  The road is not a place for play. You can't play on the road. We should remind each other, boldly dissuade, and be a "propagandist" to maintain traffic safety.

  4. Avoid turning vehicles

  When the car's direction lights flash, it warns people that the car is about to turn. We should pay attention to avoid turning vehicles.

  The steering of modern cars depends on the front wheels. With the rotation of the front wheels, the car body gradually changes direction. The space occupied by the vehicle when turning is often larger than the inherent width of the vehicle. The track of the front wheel does not coincide with the track of the rear wheel, that is, the front and rear wheels will not walk on the same arc, but there is a certain distance difference. This is the "inner wheel difference" of car turning. Due to this "inner wheel difference", when the car turns, the front wheel can pass through an object on the road, but the rear wheel cannot.

  After understanding the basic principle of car turning, when we meet a turning vehicle on the road, we should not be too close to the vehicle. Do not think that the front of the car can pass, and there will be no problem. In fact, if you are too close to the turning car, you may be knocked down by the rear of the car.


  1. On the roads with motor lanes, non motor lanes and sidewalks, pedestrians shall walk in the sidewalks. On the roads without the above lanes, pedestrians shall rely on the right side of the road.

  2. When passing through the intersection with traffic signal lights, zebra crossings and other traffic facilities, the pedestrian crossing shall be taken according to the signal.

  3. When passing through an intersection without traffic facilities, pay attention to passing vehicles, and pass only after confirming safety.

  4. It is not allowed to sit, stay, fight, run back and forth, chase each other on the road, on the road and on the motorway, or cross the road suddenly at will.

  5. It is not allowed to chase, pick up, block, or throw objects on the vehicle.

  6. It is not allowed to use skateboards, roller skates and other sliding tools on the road.

  7. It is not allowed to cross, lean against the road isolation facilities, or drive in the reverse direction on the road section with isolation facilities.

  8. When going to school, more than three people should pass in groups.

  9. School age children shall be led by their guardians or persons responsible for their management and protection before they can pass on the road.


  Traffic accidents happen all the time. It is like a powerful explosive. In a moment of carelessness, the explosive hidden in our lives will explode, breaking families and making people sad. So we must obey the traffic rules.

  There is a little girl near our house. Her father left her because of a traffic accident. The little girl's family is not rich, but she lives happily with her parents. Every morning when I get up, my mother will make a delicious breakfast for her and father. The family is very warm. After breakfast, Dad rode her to school. Along the way, father and daughter always talked and laughed. After school, no matter how hard the rain is, the little girl always sees her father waiting patiently. On the way home, the little girl always happily told her father about some interesting things that happened in the school day.

  One day, the little girl's father went to school to pick up the little girl as usual. However, an oncoming large truck crashed the little girl's father to the ground due to illegal driving, and his father died on the spot. In an instant, the God of death took his life. How he wished he was still alive, how he wished to be with the little girl, and how he wished to see his daughter grow up

  The little girl didn't know that her father had died. She still waited for her father to pick her up at the school gate as usual. After a long time, no one came to pick her up. The little girl thought to herself: why hasn't her father come to pick her up at this time? Is something wrong? Or is there something at home? The little girl was very worried. When the little girl learned that her father had died, she seemed stupid. She threw herself on his body and begged: "Dad, wake up! I want Dad! I want Dad..." how she hoped that the traffic accident had not happened, and how she longed for her father to wake up and drive her to school and school on her bicycle as usual!

  The traffic accident is so terrible that it took people's lives in an instant. Now there are more and more vehicles on the road, and the road is more and more crowded. At the same time, there are more and more traffic accidents. Every year, how many lives are taken, how many families are destroyed, and how many people will lose their relatives. If we have traffic rules in our hearts, everyone can consciously abide by them. I believe that many tragic traffic accidents can be avoided. Let the traffic regulations take root in our hearts. Let's firmly remember: abiding by the traffic regulations means cherishing life!


  In life, two familiar words are as beautiful as summer flowers. The flower of life is strong. It makes people feel, feel and listen. With perseverance, it can overcome any difficulty. However, this is the fragility of grass. If you don't pay attention to it, it will slip through your hands.

  I remember that time, I watched a TV play. The hero in the play is a little boy. He is very naughty. One day, he and his children were playing on the road. Suddenly, a bicycle came and knocked down the little boy, but the injury was relatively mild. If it was a car, the consequences would be unimaginable.

  20__ In, the unfortunate thing happened again. It was a Saturday. When I went to Baishi park with my father and mother, I saw a two - or three-year-old boy fall into the middle of the road because of a toy car. When he went to pick it up, a No. 108 bus full of guests came rapidly. The driver had no time to brake, and the boy's figure disappeared under the wheels of the car forever. The little boy died on the spot. His parents were heartbroken, but what was the use? There is no way to save his child's life. It's too late.

  According to statistics, because of the traffic safety problems in the past five years, the average death of about 10 injured people was 48 million, and the direct economic loss was more than 28 billion yuan. On average, it is an astonishing figure. If you can pay attention to pedestrians' compliance with traffic safety; If the drivers can obey the traffic rules, if everyone can improve the traffic awareness, these tragedies will not happen.

  With safety, we can feel the brilliant spring and safety. We are enjoying the sunshine and safety of summer. We can enjoy the fruits of autumn and have safety. We can experience the happiness of winter and abide by traffic safety! Because there is only one life!
