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【#英语资源# 导语】以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  "The light and shadow of thousands of miles of knives, hatred burns nine cities, people don't return on the night of the full moon, and there is no peace in the land of flowers..." after listening to Luo Yusheng's passionate singing and watching the TV play "four generations together", I was deeply infected by the plot and felt that I still had more meaning, so I wanted to find Mr. Lao She's original work "four generations together" to read it carefully.

  What a kind street name, the little sheepfold alley broke into a gang of robbers. Old Qi lived here all his life. He just wanted to live together for four generations. However, there was no egg under the compound nest. His son Tianyou was insulted and fell into the lake to die, his second grandson Ruifeng fell to the enemy and died, his second granddaughter-in-law pangjuzi fell ill and died, and his great granddaughter Xiaoniu starved to death. Qian Moyin, a typical old-fashioned scholar, was still wearing a red woolen hood during the Republic of China. His family lived in seclusion, but his grandson was robbed by the Japanese, and he was tortured by severe punishment. Finally, his family broke down and died. Xiao Cui, who only wanted to support his family by pulling a foreign car, also died by the Japanese invaders. Master Liu, a shed craftsman, besides pasting houses for others, also has a hobby - lion dance. Who wants the Japanese to force him to dance lions to celebrate the capture of China's big cities? He angrily left home and went far away.

  At the root of the Imperial City in Beijing, hungry people scramble for food. People eat mixed noodles and are half dead in the suburbs. What meets them in the suburbs is not the hospital bed, but the dug pit. The dark people in the pit want to escape. The Japanese sprinkle lime and fill the soil, and hundreds of people lose their lives

  After reading this, I deeply understand what backwardness means to be beaten, and what is muddling along.

  Reading this one million word magnificent work is like a long scroll of history. When the country is broken and the family is destroyed, the spring grass in the city is deep. In the face of a strong enemy, some people rose up to resist. For example, Lao SanRui sneaked out of the city and joined the Anti Japanese team; Xiao Cui beat the Japanese invaders; Xiaowen and Tongfang assassinated the Japanese aggressors in the name of singing opera, and finally died together with the enemy; The old fourth Master Li fought with the enemy with death and died tragically. Others, such as Guan Xiaohe, Da chibao, Zhaodi and LAN Dongyang, have become traitors who despise human beings. Finally, they are buried alive, crazy, strangled, or run to Japan and encounter an explosion.

  Fortunately, history is created by the people and pushed forward by the people. We can't let a dark cloud block our eyes and fail to see the future. The future belongs to the peace loving people. As long as the people are willing to live in a harmonious world, the mantis arm of militarism can't stop the rolling wheel of history anyway.


  I found the most important book written by everyone Lao She - "four generations in one house" on the bookshelf.

  Destined to let us pass by, beauty and regret coexist (very good). Fate let us meet, and fate also let me have the honor to see her face - the national humiliation and misfortune spanning nearly half a century.

  Sitting in front of the desk, the spring breeze has already blown through my ears; The temperature of history makes me daydream again. Through the tunnel of time and space, I seem to be in that bloody era again. In the small sheep pen in the small alley in Beiping City, the cautious old man Qi, the loyal and kind old man Tianyou, the gentle and slightly sad Ruixuan, the hot-blooded young man ruiquan, the Chinese style Yunmei, the upright and loyal second master Chang, the kind and enthusiastic fourth Master Li, and the fourth aunt Mr. Qian Moyin, transformed from a weak hermit poet into an iron like revolutionary soldier, Ruifeng, guanxiaohe (the scum of the nation), Da chibao, LAN Dongyang, pangjuzi, Gao Yituo, a cunning but honest inspector Bai, who is extremely mean and shameless, you Tongfang, smart and brave With the help of Mr. Qian Moyin, Gao Di finally became a revolutionary soldier, as well as sun Qi, Mr. and Mrs. Xiaocui, Chen Changshun, Mr. and Mrs. Xiaowen, John Ding and Mr. Fushan

  One vivid character after another seems to be beating in front of us. During the eight years as long as the night, accompanied by the Chinese people's confusion, muddling along, and the famine that life is not like death, it can be interpreted in the Hutongs of the little sheep pen... This period of humiliation, misfortune and misfortune that happened to the people of the little sheep pen, all Beiping people and all Chinese people The struggle between death and resistance gave me a deeper understanding of the history of the Chinese nation - that unknown history; That section shows the history of the human nature of the Chinese nation, that section reflects the history of the ideological struggle of the Beiping people and the struggle, sacrifice and indomitable spirit of the Chinese people in seeking salvation and survival; The more abstract understanding obtained from history textbooks seems to have flesh and blood and soul, which inspires an incomparable sense of responsibility, patriotism and self-confidence; Although this book does not directly describe the scenes of large-scale war, it can still make people deeply understand the infinite disasters brought by war to mankind. This book can be called the Chinese version of war and peace.

  After reading Mr. Lao She's book, people feel both hateful and ridiculous: the hateful thing is that at the time of national crisis, there are still a few soil and dregs screened by culture, and the rest are a few pieces of real gold (quoted from Lao She's book "four generations together"; The funny thing is that Mr. Lao She's profound literary skills, humorous language, humorous metaphor, appropriate ridicule and irony are displayed everywhere between the lines; All make people feel like bathing in the spring breeze, very comfortable and free and easy. Those funny people who make people laugh and laugh may be the unique product of that era, but I find that we still have the remnants of that era; In Mr. Lao She's articles, you will always see yourself alive and your companions around you. How can you not let people hide their books and think deeply?


  With his profound and exquisite artistic skills, he outlines lifelike characters one by one; With his excellent novel skills, he vividly showed a picture of Beiping life with strong flavor; With a relaxed and humorous tone and full of boiling blood, he wrote this national memory that is engraved in the heart of every Chinese.

  He is a great people's artist - Lao She. This great work is called four generations in one house.

  This is a history of soul humiliation. The Japanese invaded China, Beiping fell, the people suffered, life was disrupted overnight, the humiliation suffered by the nation in the past 100 years reached the peak, and all kinds of souls also staged a trend... Behind the trampling of Beiping city by Japanese iron hoofs is the raging flame of Lugou bridge; Under the portrayal of the ups and downs of honor and disgrace and life and death of various characters in the alley of the little sheep pen, it reveals the insult of the war to the soul of a nation. The book takes the Qi family's four generations living together as the main line, supplemented by the ups and downs of other characters in the little sheepfold, sees the big from the small, and truly records the heinous crimes of the Japanese invaders. Overnight, nightmares appeared, and all kinds of souls competed to perform

  This is a history of the soul. Here are the psychological struggles of patriots who love their families like Ruixuan, the ugly faces of traitors like Guan Xiaohe and Da chibao and the fashionable wife of Ruifeng, and the rebels who are unwilling to live in the world and wave the butcher's knife of the aggressor like ruiquan and Zhongshi. Praying for the elderly and praying for God's blessing are conservative. Xiao Cui, sun Qi, Third Master Jin, Tongfang, Zhaodi, Gaodi and inspector Bai have a kind nature. The image of Mr. and Mrs. Li Siye as "good people" is incisively and vividly displayed. Niuniu refuses to eat "Republican noodles" until she dies, and has been bitter for a generation of Beiping people... All these are staged one by one in Lao She's works, revealing indignation in doing nothing, and provoking reflection in relaxed humor.

  This is a history of soul awakening. War angers people and changes the soul. Although it was chilling to recruit younger brothers from a pure girl to a Japanese puppet spy, Qian Moyin was angered by the war from an old-fashioned intellectual who was not familiar with the world to a revolutionary who devoted himself to the army. He also asked the contradictory Gaodi to fight side by side with ruiquan, and asked Mr. Qi to hold Niuniu to settle accounts with the Japanese, Let Xiao Cui, Li Siye and others die tragically for the revolution... This is enough to make people sigh and shock!

  This is the dripping bloom of the flower of human nature of the Chinese nation at the time of crisis. It is a sonorous and stirring symphony of the national soul. It is an invincible national flower under Mr. Zhang's wonderful pen. Here, we saw a history of the war of resistance against Japan in old China with Mr. Zhang's pen, and learned the most essential character of all kinds in the thunder of guns and guns. It makes us constantly understand and reflect. Through this national history, we also understand a great people's artist born in the era of artillery. His relaxed and humorous style is full of indignation. Under the curtain of ridicule and irony, it reveals a heart of love for family and country, a powerful call for national ignorance, and the most urgent desire and conviction for victory.

