
时间:2023-06-19 04:49:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1. They (can/might) _________________ be away for the weekend but I’m not sure.

2. You (may/might) _________________ leave now if you wish.

3. (Could/May) _________________ you open the window a bit, please?

4. He (can/could) _________________ be from Sheffield, judging by his accent.

5. (May/Can) _________________ you swim?

6. Listen, please. You (may not/might not) _________________ speak during this exam.

7. They (can’t/may not) _________________ still be out!

8. You(couldn’t/might not) _________________ smoke on the bus.

9. With luck, tomorrow (can/could) _________________ be a cooler day.

10. You (can/might) _________________ be right but I’m going back to check the times.

11. You’ve been working all day. You (could/must) _________________ very tired.

12. I wonder who it is. It (can’t/mustn’t) _________________be Lisa. She’s still in the library now.

13. My father’s birthday is coming. What (shall/may) _________________ I give him?

14. It’s a long time since we met last time. You (might/should) _________________ see us more often.

15. Why don’t you try on this dress? It (will/can) _________________ look nice on you.


1. Black holes _____ not be seen directly, so determining the number of them is a tough task.

A. can B. should C. must D. Need

2. ---What’s the name?

---Khulaifi. _____ I spell that for you?

A. Shall B. Would C. Can D. Might

3. ---Must he come to sign this paper himself?

---Yes, he _____.

A. need B. must C. may D. will

4. There’s no light on —they _____ be at home.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t

5. Some aspects of a pilot’s job _____ be boring, and pilots often _____ work at inconvenient hours.

A. can; have to B. may; can C. have to; may D. ought to; must

6. ---Mum, I’ve been studying English since 8 o’clock. _____ I go out and play with Tom for a while?

---No, I’m afraid not. Besides, it’s raining outside now.

A. Can’t B. Wouldn’t C. May not D. Won’t

7. Children under 12 years of age in that country _____ be under adult supervision when in a public library.

A. must B. may C. can D. need

8. ---May I smoke here?

---If you _____, choose a seat in the smoking section.

A. should B. could C. may D. must

9. The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I _____ the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.

A. should have taken B. could have taken

C. needn’t have taken D. mustn’t have taken

10. “The interest _____ be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides,” declared the judge.

A. may B. should C. must D. shall

11. ---Could I have a word with you, mum?

---Oh dear, if you _____.

A. can B. must C. may D. should

12. You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _____ be so rude to a lady.

A. might B. need C. should D. would

13. How _____ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?

A. can B. must C. need D. may

14. ---Do you know where David is? I couldn’t find him anywhere.

---Well. He _____ have gone far—his coat’s still here.

A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. wouldn’t

15. ---Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.

---You _____ have my computer if you don’t take care of it.

A. shan’t B. might not C. needn’t D. shouldn’t

16. You are wet through. You _____ in the rain.

A. must come B. must have caught C. may catch D. must have got caught

17. I thought you _____ like something to read, so I have brought you some books.

A. may B. might C. could D. must

18. ---I stayed at a hotel while in New York.

---Oh, did you? You _____ with Barbara.

A. could have stayed B. could stay C. would stay D. must have stayed

19. ---When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

---They _____ be ready by 12:00.

A. can B. should C. might D. need

20. We _____ last night, but we went to the concert instead.

A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would study

21. --- I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.

---It ______ true because there was little snow there.

A. may not be B. won’t be C. couldn’t be D. mustn’t be

22. ---The room is so dirty. _____ we clean it?

---Of course.

A. Will B. Shall C. Would D. Do

23. Mr. White _____ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn’t show up.

A. should have arrived B. should arrive

C. should have had arrived D. should be arriving

24. I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I _____ report it to the police?

A. should B. may C. will D. can

25. ---Who is the girl standing over there?

---Well, if you _____ know, her name is Mabel.

A. may B. can C. must D. shall

26. --- Shall I tell John about it?

--- No, you ______. I’ve told him already.

A. needn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t

27. --- There were already five people in the car, but they managed to take me as well.

--- It ______ a comfortable journey.

A. can’t be B. shouldn’t be C. mustn’t have been D. couldn’t have been

28. --- Why didn’t you come to see me?

--- I ______, but I was too busy yesterday.

A. like to B. should like to C. would like to have D. am going to

29. Tom, you are so lazy! This work ___ hours ago.

A. should finish B. must have finished

C. should have been finished D. might have finished

30. There was plenty of time; she ______.

A. mustn’t have hurried B. needn’t have hurried

C. may not have hurried D. wouldn’t have hurried

31. --- Is John coming by air?

--- He should, but ______ not. He likes taking trains.

A. must B. can C. need D. may

32. --- ______ it be Li Ping who broke the glass?

--- No. It ______ be Wang Hai who did it.

A. Could; may B. Can; can C. May; must D. Can; must

33. When the old man was alive, he ______ sit for hours at the door.

A. would B. could C. must D. might

34. Jack, you ______ play with the knife; you ______ hurt yourself.

A. won’t; can’t B. mustn’t; may C. shouldn’t; must D. can’t; should

35. I’ve decided to take the job and I ______ change my mind.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. won’t D. may not

36. She ______ into the thick forest alone on such a dark night.

A. dares not go B. dares not to go C. dare not to go D. doesn’t dare to go

37. My parents never remember my telephone number, and they always ___ look it up.

A. must B. can C. should D. have to

38. --- Where is Jack? I can’t find him anywhere.

--- He ______ his homework upstairs.

A. might have done B. must have done C. might be doing D. must do

39. He ______ you more help, even though he was very busy.

A. might have given B. might give C. may have given D. may give

40. --- If he ______, he ______ that food.

--- Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.

A. was warned; would not take B. had been warned; would not have taken

C. would be warned; had not taken D. would have been warned; had not taken

41. --- I hear you've got a set of valuable Australian coins. ____I have a look ?

--- Yes, certainly.

A. Do B. May C. Shall D. Should

42. ---I haven't seen Mr. White for weeks.

---What _____ to him?

A. must have happened B. may have happened

C. can have happened D. may happen

43. I___ such a mistake again.

A. will never make B. shall never make C. can never do D. need never do

44. He began to write two hours ago. He ______ have finished the article now.

A. must B. ought C. would D. had to

45. Looking at my determined face, the big boy ______ pick up the fight.

A. dares not B. dare not C. doesn't dare D. dares not to

46. ---You know that you were driving 100 km an hour, don't you?

---No officer, I ____. This car doesn't do more than 80.

A. may not have been B. couldn't have been

C. mustn't have been D. shouldn't have been

47. I think he could have joined us, but he ____

A. doesn't B. did C. didn't D. couldn't

48. ---Why ____ it rain now? I ____ go to the concert at 7.

---What a pity!

A. can, might not B. should, needn't C. must, can't D. need, mustn't

49. He was caught in the rain last night. That _____ his cold.

A. can bring about B. ought to bring about

C. should have brought about D. may have brought about

50. ---Did you visit the famous museum?

---No, we _____, but we spent too much time shopping.

A. could have visited B. must have visited

C. can' t have visited D. shouldn't have visited

51. ---You must phone us every week.

---Yes, I _____.

A. must B. have to C. will D. should

52. Don't throw the bottles away. They ____ in the future.

A. may need B. are needed C. can be needing D. might be needed

53. English is a language that many people around the world ____ not speak perfectly but ___ at least understand.

A. may, can B. would, might C. will, must D. could, might

54. ---I wonder why Mr. Wang didn't attend the lecture.

---He ____ another one.

A. could have B. must have C. might have had D. should have had

55. He was taken away by the police. He ___ for a robber.

A. must be mistaken B. was being mistaken C. must mistake D. must have been mistaken



1-5 might, may, Could, could, Can 6-10 may not, can’t couldn’t, could , might

11-15 must, can’t, shall, should, will


1-5 AABAA 6-10 AADCD 11-15 BCACA 16-20 DBABC

21-25CBAAC 26-30 ADCCB 31-35 DDABC 36-40 DDCAB

41-45 BCAAB 46-50 BCCDA 51-55 CDACD

