

时间:2021-09-07 08:46:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四六级考试# 导语】阳光不会永远灿烂,没有一成不变的幸福,磨难或许是上苍赐予我们的礼物,用来考验我们的意志,如果是这样,就让我们微笑着面对生活。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  Someone once said that morality is not really the doctrine of how to make ourselves happy but of how we are to be worthy of happiness.Morality is a discussion point in society,and there are some examples about morality.

  Respecting the old and caring for the young is a general knowledge.But,we often hear the news about many young people don't respect the old,some parents abuse their children,some businessman indeed chase for the possible profit at the cost of being lack of ethics and so on.Why there are so many examples about morality?Is the tempt of interest or lowest permissible level of virtue?

  To my way of thinking,in order to make a country strong, moral education is be of prime importance.We should be aware of the importance of moral building.


  Nowadays,the unprecedented surge of Chinese tourists gives rise to high visibility for them,and the misbehaviors and bad manners of them abroad are even making headlines around the world.Spitting,cutting in lines,arguing,scribbling on historical buildings,and even fighting after minor accidents have all been attributed to Chinese tourists,causing much embarrassment and soul-searching in China.

  In general,there are several reasons for the prevalence of this phenomenon.On the one hand,some people want to express their strong feelings,and some people release their stress.On the other hand,there are still others who just have a poor sense of public morality.All these may lead to their uncivilized behavior in public places,which greatly damages the environment of the tourist sites.

  To deal with such wide-spread image damage of the country.We should arouse people’s social conscience to stop staining the tourist sites.The improving of manners and behaviors of the people is a constant work,and it should begin from the very beginning of school.


  The picture reflects the air pollution is threats our healthy day by day,everybody has to wear masks to protect themselves from the fog and haze. Therefore,we can not neglect the seriousness of air pollution.

  As a matter of fact,we have many methods to avoid or reduce the harm of air pollution.On the one hand,the major and largest sources of air pollution come from industrial pollution and automobile exhaust.Therefore,we should try to develop new energy to replace the tradition ones;in addition,public transportation vehicles is our top choice when we go out to doing something.On the other hand,we should plant more trees to absorb more carbon dioxide in the air and let trees release more oxygen through the process of photosynthesis.

  In brief,the air belongs to us all and everybody on the planet ,to should take the responsibility for protecting the environment,to be specific,the air.



