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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语作为家喻户晓的经典之作,它有着全新的教学理念,有趣的课文内容及其全面的技能训练,为广大的英语学习者提供帮助!如果你也想学好英语,又怎能错过新概念英语?下面©文档大全网为您提供了相关内容,希望对您有所帮助!

  一、Comprehension 理解

  Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible. Use one complete sentence for each answer.

  1. How can anthropologists learn about the history of ancient peoples who have not left written records?

  2. Why did ancient men prefer to use flint for making tools?

  我们在各类考试中都会遇到阅读题,而在学习新概念四的同时就顺便把阅读给学了,岂不是一举两得?更为值得称道的是,问题下面并没有选项,因为编者需要我们培养主动表达的能力,而不仅仅是被动选择。注意要求:Use one complete sentence for each answer. 使用一个完整的句子来回答,培养我们使用标准英语的习惯。

  二、Vocabulary 词汇

  Refer to the text to see how the following words have been used, then write sentences of your own using these words: preserve; recount; migrations; anthropologists; remote; decay; decay; without trace.

  词汇的重要性无须赘言,很多同学的英语学习过程可以说就是背单词的过程。但我们仔细想一想,我们背的单词有多少会用的?我们再看一眼新四词汇部分的要求: Refer to the text to see how the following words have been used, then write sentences of your own using these words. 参考课文中这些词汇的用法,并造句。一个单词只有会使用才是自己的,新四专门设计练习让我们使用学过的单词,是不是给了我们一个提醒呢?

  三、Sentence structure 句子结构

  A Combine the following statements to make complete sentences. Add conjunctions and relative pronouns of your own and omit the words or phrases in italics. Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise:

  1. These legends are useful. They can tell us something about migrations of people. These people lived long ago. None could write down what they did.



  These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did.


  1. These legends are useful.

  2. They can tell us something about migrations of people.

  3. These people lived long ago.

  4. None could write down what they did.

  这部分的要求是让我们按照句法结构( Add conjunctions and relative pronouns of your own and omit the words or phrases in italics.)把这几个小句子合成一个大句子。通过拆分组合,句子之间的关系就被我们弄懂了。原本只会写简单句子的我们,就会很轻易的写出复杂的长句来,因为复杂的句子不就是由简单的成分组合起来的嘛。句子不再难,写作也就不再难!

