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【#三年级# 导语】寒假作业意义在于让我们在疯狂的同时还记得学习,在2个月后不至于陌生和痛苦不堪;而且,也是对前一阶段的巩固和后一阶段的铺垫。何不趁这一段时间好好积累各方面的知识,对以后的学习很有帮助的。以下是®文档大全网整理的《小学三年级英语寒假作业答案》相关资料,希望帮助到您。



  1.He often ____ me ___ my English.

  A. helps, with   B. help, with

  C. helps, learnt   D. help, learn

  2.Sorry, I can’t go with you. I have to ______ my little cousin.

  A. take care   B. look at

  C. babysit   D.babysitter

  3.Have you ever argued _____ your parents?

  A. with   B.to   C.on   D. of

  4.The match made them ______ at last.

  A.ppily   B.uickly   C.lowly   D.riendly

  5.Some of the boys enjoy ______ football.

  A. play   B.laying   C. play   D.layed



  1.A 解析:help sb with sth帮助某人做某事,要注意单三。

  2.C 解析:babysit临时受雇佣替外出的父母照料(孩子)。这个词在外国很常见,但课本上很少学到。即使不认

  识这个词,其实也能做出来。如果是A,应该是take care of,B是看的意思,不行,D以er结尾应该是名词,只能选C。

  3.A 解析:argue with与某人争论

  4.D 解析:本题与选项的句意无关,主要根据make的用法来做,make做使役动词时有make sb +adj.的用法,应该   选择形容词friendly.

  5.B 解析:enjoy后面应该跟doing。 


  Women’s Day

  Today is March 8th. It’s Women’s Day. We get up very early. We go to the shop to buy some gifts for our English teacher.

  When we come to school, we give our presents and say “happy women’s day” to our English teacher. She is very happy. She gets a lot of gift. There are card, books and so on.

  In the afternoon, all the women teacher needn’t work. They can have a rest. I’m sure they are going to have a good time.

  生词点拨:gift——礼物 have a good time——过的愉快

  Have a rest——休息 Women’s Day——妇女节


  ( )1. March 8th is Women’s Day

  ( )2. In March 9th, my English teacher can get a lot of gifts.

  ( )3. In the afternoon, all the women needn’t work


  ( )4. Today is March 8th. It’s .

  A. Women’s Day B. children’s Day C. birthday. D. sunday

  ( )5. What gift does English teacher get?

  A. cards B. books C. cards and books D.flowers

  ( )6. Today we get up

  A. late B. early C. not too late D. very late


  1. T 2.F 3.T 4.A 5.C 6.B



  Once an old man was walking in a street with his horse. It was raining hard. The old man was cold because he was walking in the rain. He wanted to stay in a restaurant. It was a quarter past three in the afternoon. The old man got to a small restaurant. There were a lot of people in it. The old man couldn’t come near the fire. He thought and thought. At last he said to the waiters, “take some fish to my horse.” The waiter and the people were very surprised. The waiter said,” A horse doesn’t eat fish.” The old man told the waiter,” This horse is very interesting. It can sing, dance and does all kinds of things. It can eat fish, too.” So the waiter brought the horse some fish. All the people in the restaurant ran out to see the horse eat fish except the old man. Now the old man sat beside the fire. After a while the waiter came back and said,” Your horse didn’t eat any fish.” The old man said,” All right, take the fish back and put it on the table. I’ll eat it.”

  1. The old man felt very cold because______.

  A. was a cloudy and windy day.

  B.It snowed.

  C.e had traveled in the heavy rain

  D. was hungry.

  2. The people in the restaurant all ran out because _____.

  A.y wanted to see the old man.

  B.ey wanted to see the horse eating fish.

  C.ey had been told there came the horse.

  D.ere was no fire over the stove.

  3. Indeed, the horse can neither _____ nor ____ nor______.

  A. walk---speak----eat


  C.ng---dance---eat fish


  4. All the people in the restaurant rushed out_____ but______.

  A. see the horse sing---the old man

  B. watch the horse play games---the waiter

  C. look for the horse---the old man

  D. see the horse eat fish---the old man

  5. Why did the old man ask the waiter to take some fish to his horse? Because _____.

  A.s horse liked eating fish

  B. was cold

  C. wanted to sit by the fire, but wasn’t able to do so at first.

  D. himself also liked to eat fish. 


  1.C 解析:本题从第二句就可得出答案。

  2.B 解析:本题从倒数第四行可以得出答案。



  5.C 解析:本题从第四行跟第五行便可得出答案。



  ( )1、A. dack   B. duck   C. dwck

  ( )2、A. tnn  B. ten   C. tmn

  ( )3、A. eag   B. eeg   C. egg

  ( )4、A. feac  B. face   C. fecc


  ( )1、---What________this?

  ---It’s a duck.

  A. are B. is C. am

  ( )2、---Can I ______some water, please?


  A. have B. has C. had

  ( )3、----Have some________.

  ----No, thanks.

  A. juice B. juices C. a juice


  ( )1、----_____________

  ---My name’s John.

  ( )2、----_____________

  ----It’s an elephant.


  ---Sure. Here you are.

  ( )4、----_____________

  ---Fine, thank you.

  ( )5、----__________

  ----Two eggs.

  ( )6、----____________

  ---I’m ten.

  A. How many eggs? B.Can I have some milk?

  C. How are you ? D. What’s this ?

  E. How old are you ? F. What’s your name ?


  ( )1、Show me your pen.

  ( )2、I like it.

  ( )3、I’m hungry.

  ( )4、Sit down .

  ( )5、Have some water , please.

  ( )6、 Cut the cake.


  ( )1、Thank you .What’s this ?

  ( )2、 Hi , Sarah. Happy birthday!

  ( )3、 Cool! I like it .

  ( )4、 It’s a dog. 


  一、1、B 2、B 3、C 4、B

  二、1、B 2、A 3、A

  三、 1、F 2、D 3、B 4、C 5、A 6、E

  四、1、C 2、A 3、B 4、E 5、D 6、F

  五、1、B 2、A 3、D 4、C




  D C B A A



  1. mouse (老鼠) 2. bird (鸟) 3. rabbit (小兔) 4. pig (小猪) 5. bear (熊) 6. dog (狗) 7. panda (熊猫) 8. cat (猫) 9. monkey (猴子) 10. duck (鸭子)


  1. red, blue 2. yellow, blue 3. red, yellow


  I. 1~6. A A A A A A

  III. 1~5 B A A A A



  1. Hi---Hello 2. What’s your name?--- My name’s Linda. 3. How are you? --- I’m fine. Thank you. 4. Nice to meet you! --- Glad to meet you.



  1、鼻子 2、眼睛 3、脚 4、膝盖 5、腿 6、嘴

  7、脸 8、头 9、手 10、胳膊 11、耳朵 12、脖子


  1. 红色 2. 橙色 3. 蓝色 4. 紫色 5. 粉色 6. 黄色 7. 绿色 8. 黑色



  1. Touch your eye. 2. Open your mouth. 3. Close your eyes. 4. Wave your arm. 5. Touch your foot. 6. Look at my leg.


  1. ball 2. doll 3. bus 4. taxi 5. train 6. ship



  1. 2. 3. 4.


  ○4 ○8 ○1 ○9 ○7 ○6 ○5 ○2 ○3



  rice(米饭) noodles(面条) chicken(鸡肉) hamburger(汉堡包) kite(风筝) bird(鸟) taxi(出租车) nose(鼻子)


  1. 5 3 6 1 4 2 2. 5 6 3 1 2 4

