【#考研# 导语】2020考研翻译硕士复习正在紧张的进行中,下面©文档大全网整理了2020考研翻译硕士写作常用句式 ,希望能帮助大家!
The chances are ten to one that we will win.
2. 现在他没有心情来处理这些事情。
He is in no mood for these matters.
3. 小镇人满为患。
The town was filled to overflowing.
4. 为了达到这个目的,你必须努力。
To this end, you should work hard.
5. 这样一来就没有必要再做一遍了。
As such, there's no need to do it again.
6. 他对学习没有一丁点兴趣。
He doesn't have the least spark of interest instudy.
7. 大家都笑弯了腰。
All doubled up in laughter.
8. 显然我们触碰到了他的痛处。
We have evidently touched his sore spot.
9. 这两种观点形成了鲜明的对比。
The two points stand in stark contrast to eachother.
10. 别急着开始。
Don't be in a hurry to start.
11. 一有机会他就练习英语口语。
He practised his oral English at the firstopportunity.
12. 我们都指望他来解决这个问题。
We all look to him to solve this problem.
13. “我们只是想要一点帮助,”有人插话说。
"We just want some help," someonechimed in.
14. 他使出全身力气把门猛地关上。
He banged the door with all the force he couldmuster.
15. 为了达到目的,他会不择手段。
To attain his goal he would stop at nothing.
16. 他的演讲触及了每个听众内心最深处。
His speech touched every heart to the core.
17. 一想到考试,他的心就凉了。
At the thought of the exam, he felt his heartfreeze.
18. 他一*坐在椅子里。
He flopped down into the chair.
19. 乡村生活让我和农民密切接触。
Country life brought me into close contact withpeasants.
20. 雷不停地打,雨倾盆而下。
Thunders kept cracking and rain poured down.
21. 我被暴风雨困住了。
I was caught in a storm.
22. 父亲在小费上有点小气。
Father was stingy with his tips.
23. 经济濒临崩溃边缘。
Economy is on the verge of collapse.
24. 第二名被他甩下一大截。
He is quite a distance beyond the student nextbehind him.
25. 站直了。
Draw yourself up to your full height.