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【#英语资源# 导语】道一句谢谢,不能表达我对你的感激之情;送一件礼物,不能报答您的养育之恩。生命的给予,幸福的传递,唯有一生永铭记,妈妈,我爱你!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is mother's day. I want to give a gift to my mother. After thinking about it, I decided to make a greeting card for my mother.

  I found a beautiful piece of paper on my desk. I first cut the paper into the size of a greeting card, and then cut some paper into the shape of horned flowers and paste it on each corner of the greeting card. I drew several horizontal lines in the middle of the greeting card to write, and I also drew a picture on the back. It was painted that my mother held my little hand in the warm sun. I looked at the card and thought of my mother: my mother had to take me to school every morning before she went to work. At night, she had to help me cook and do housework. Sometimes in order to make my life better, my mother takes the drawings home at night and works overtime. Mom is so hard! I will help my mother do some housework in the future. So I wrote on the card: "Mom, thank you for raising me so much! Mom, you work very hard every day. Today is Sunday. Have a rest." I gave the card to my mother. My mother looked at it and said excitedly, "thank you, child."

  I thank my mother very much!


  Today is mother's day. I've been thinking: what gift should I give my mother? If you buy cosmetics, your pocket money is not enough; I don't know which necklace to buy. What a headache! Suddenly, an idea flashed out, right! Just make a greeting card for my mother, which can also reflect my sincerity.

  I went to the store to buy a piece of cardboard and cut it into the size of an exercise book with a knife. Next, I brought a colored pen and began to draw. What do you draw? ha-ha! I've thought about it for a long time. Let's draw a scene where a child washes his mother's hair! This is not fiction. I really washed my mother's hair! Next, I picked up the brush and began to draw. After a while, it was done. The picture shows a small and medium-sized boy holding a water cup in his left hand and scrubbing his hair in his right hand. The scene is really warm! I can't help being intoxicated. In the lower right corner of the picture is a blessing: Happy Mother's day and my son will love you forever!

  When I finished, I quietly went to my mother's room, put the card on the dresser, and "lurked" under the bed waiting... After a while, my mother came to the room. As expected, she saw my card at a glance. At first, she was a little surprised. Slowly, slowly, a knowing smile appeared on her face.


  Today is mother's day. A few days ago, I secretly prepared a gift for my mother - a greeting card. I drew many large and small, exquisite love peaches on the cardboard. Also painted a big tree and many grass. My mother is like a big tree and I am like grass. My mother always takes good care of me. I wrote a song "wanderer's chant" on the card and wrote below the poem: "Mom, I'm like grass and you're like spring breeze. You care about me and feed me meticulously, and I will repay you with good grades!" And write a blessing to my mother: I wish my mother good health, peace and smooth work!

  This card expresses my love for my mother. I hope my mother will be happy to receive it. This morning, my mother received the greeting card and surprised me with a few kisses. My mother and I were very happy. I said to my mother, "today, I will obey you, be very good, and don't make you angry!" I did what I said and was obedient all day. I let my mother have a happy mother's Day!


  Mom, happy mother's Day!

  I got up early today because today is my mother's holiday. I helped my mother clean every corner of the room and put the items in order. My mother praised me for being sensible.

  After that, I said to my mother, "today is your holiday. Sit down and have a rest! I'll make you a cup of hot tea." Mother is drinking tea. She is very happy.

  At noon, Dad took our family to the hotel for lunch. He ordered a table of rich dishes for his mother to celebrate her mother's happy holiday! I sang a song to my mother - "only mother is good in the world".

  My mother likes red, so I made a greeting card with red cardboard. There are pictures of my mother and me. I have a big cake and a bunch of carnations in my hand. I said to my mother, "Mom, make a wish!" My mother replied, "I hope you can grow up happily and become more and more sensible."

  I'm very happy today! Because I spent a very interesting mother's day with my mother.


  Mother's Day is coming. I want to give my mother a gift. What can I give her? I thought about it and finally came up with it. I want to make a greeting card for my mother myself.

  I first found a piece of paper and took out some beautiful Mickey Mouse and beautiful princess in my "treasure chest" to paste my green Minnie. Then stick Mickey Mouse to the lower left corner of the paper. I stick it seriously and carefully. Stick the kind princess to the lower right corner of the paper, and then stick the beautiful Minnie between the princess and Mickey Mouse. Draw a few lines on the beautiful Minnie. The line reads: "Mom, I love you. You have taken care of me since I was born. I really thank you. Your love makes me deeply moved. Mom, I love you." In the upper left corner, draw a fiery sun. I thought, "will my mother be moved by what I do?"

  The next morning, I quickly finished breakfast, then ran to my room, took out the greeting card, quietly walked behind my mother, took out the greeting card and said loudly to my mother, "dear mother, I love you and wish you a happy mother's day."

  As soon as my mother turned around, she looked at me blankly, then suddenly held me in her arms and kept saying, "thank you for your daughter's gift! Thank you for your daughter's gift!" My mother and I were in tears


  As a festival to thank mothers, mother's day first appeared in ancient Greece on January 8 every year. In the United States, Canada and some other countries, it is the second Sunday of May every year. The dates in other countries are also different. Mothers usually receive gifts on this day. Carnations are regarded as flowers dedicated to their mother. The mother flower in China is Hemerocallis, also known as forget worry grass.

  I think my mother is a person in the world. She cares about me, loves me, helps me when I am in trouble and coaxes me when I am unhappy.

  I remember one night, I was wronged by my teacher, so I was in a very bad mood. At 9:30 p.m., I was still writing hard. At this time, my mother came in with a glass of milk: "rights and interests, drink a glass of milk, go to bed early, and have an exam tomorrow." She said with a smile and concern.

  Although I knew my mother's mind, I became a hedgehog and my mother became my vent.

  "I don't want to drink it. I don't even have time to do my homework. I still have time to drink milk?" This time, the air in the room was as quiet as death. My mother was stabbed black and blue by me like a tortoise without shell. She sighed, helped me straighten the quilt and went out.

  At night, I lay in bed and gradually calmed down. I recalled the footsteps of my mother hiding the door and the hot milk. My heart was full of guilt. In this night, I hurt my mother, but she laughed off and was so tolerant to me.

  I secretly decided to apologize to my mother tomorrow.

  I suddenly feel that maternal love is like water. I think of her only when I am thirsty.

  Mother's Day is coming. I wish my mother a happy mother's day and all mothers in the world a happy mother's day.


  Looking at the colorful drinks on the shelf and the sweet and greasy liquid in your hand, you can't help thinking of the mellow soybean milk and the great affection in it every night.      Mother's soybean milk was praised by everyone, except me, of course. When she was a child, every night she would choose fresh beans in a certain proportion one by one, and then soak them in water. When the next morning, she would grind the beans into soybean milk with a small mill, and then cook them over a low fire. Finally, she would float the white foam on the upper layer of soybean milk, and the soybean milk would be ready. And never put sugar in this soybean milk. She always said, "if you put sugar in soybean milk, you can't drink the flavor of soybean milk." However, sugar free soybean milk can't be drunk at all for a person like me who likes sweets very much. However, this soybean milk must be drunk. The childhood in my memory was spent complaining to my mother after "pouring" soybean milk every day.

  But what I am most dissatisfied with is my mother's strict requirements for me. Just as my mother never put sugar in making soybean milk, my mother is also very strict with me, and there are few gentle times. Every time I do something wrong, even if I am very young, she will scold me severely until I admit my mistake and correct it. For this reason, I have secretly complained and admired the tenderness of other children's mothers and the sweet drinks in their hands.

  Although the sun is still hanging high in the sky like confusion, sending out the same warm light, trying to make people think that the years have not passed. But the increase of wrinkles on my mother's face and my height have exposed its clues. Time has passed a lot.

  My mother is old and I am old.

  My mother is old. The soymilk in my family has long been made by the soymilk machine. When I am old, I can taste some mellow flavor. But I'm not enough to taste something deeper in soybean milk. My mother and I have more and more separation and conflict.

  It was a cold winter day. The cold wind would make people feel that they were not wearing anything. It happened that the cram school ended late. By the time the class was over, it was dark outside. Walking alone on the way home, I couldn't help thinking of horror stories, so I quickly walked up in panic. It doesn't matter to walk quickly. I noticed that someone was following me. I was afraid and hurried, and my steps accelerated, but the people behind me also accelerated. At the corner, I boldly looked back. The person behind me was walking under the light next to a market room, huh? It's my mother! Suddenly, my heart was like overturning a bottle of five flavors. I didn't know what it was like. It's still a long way to go home, but I feel that time passes quickly. Looking at the familiar figure of my mother, a complex feeling comes

  Looking at my mother's silver hair, I found again that my mother was like sugar free soybean milk. Although it lacked sweetness, it added mellow original flavor. Drinking the soybean milk made by my mother that day, I finally tasted the deep feeling contained in soybean milk and had endless aftertaste.


  May 8 is a solemn day for every child and a day of comfort and pride for every mother. Because on this day, every mother will receive their children's blessing, love and return. This day is mother's Day!

  Mother, what a word that children all over the world admire; Maternal love is like a quiet harbor that nurtures our growth. Mother's love is pure, selfless, great, and she only knows to give without expecting anything in return. Maternal love is like the warm wind in spring, blowing your heart; Maternal love is like a continuous drizzle, gently patting your face and moistening your heart; Maternal love is like a stove in winter, creating warm sunshine for you in the severe winter.

  On Mother's day, when I was walking in the square, I saw flower sellers and many flower buyers everywhere. It can be seen that they buy flowers for their mother, but what's the use of buying flowers? Although they make their mother feel warm, they don't feel what they have really done. An advertisement, which is often shown in the square, tells that a child saw his mother washing his grandmother's feet and realized it, so he also brought water to wash his mother's feet, and his mother smiled knowingly. A small matter of washing feet contains one's own filial piety and one's own growth. And what about a flower? Flowers only contain love for their mother, but this love is not true! The flowers will wither, but the labor they have paid for their mother will not be forgotten, even a little bit of small action!

  I think I really paid for my mother. I helped my mother do housework, wash her feet and beat her back. But I think it's not enough, because my mother has done too much for me! In the past, we could only stretch out our hands for clothes and open our mouths for meals. Everything had to grow up under the protection of our mother. Mother is the greatest, "it's better to have a begging mother than an official Father." My mother often said this to me. Her words let me know that my mother is the greatest. Her dedication to me can't be measured. Even from the whole universe, it can't compare with her credit!

  Mom, mom! You are great and strong, like a giant. You are not afraid of wind and rain and move forward bravely! Your strong spirit encourages me to move forward!


  Today is mother's day. It can be said that it should be the happiest day for mothers all over the world. On my way to art class, I was stunned when I saw my mother's sad face walking slowly towards home

  I walked silently and looked back at my mother's figure gradually leaving from time to time. My heart hurt for a while, and there was always something strange in my eyes. I knew my mother was very busy these days. After I came back, I had to help me with my homework. I couldn't sleep until more than 11 p.m. every night. I was worried about my grades. Therefore, I decided to use today's mother's day to prepare a special gift for her.

  I wanted to buy her a music box, but I felt in my pocket and found that I had only 3 yuan. After thinking about it, I still didn't think of what to give her.

  Time passed quickly, and the class was over in the twinkling of an eye. I was full of art. I didn't know what was going on, but everything was late. I was about to get home. Standing at the door of the community, I immediately bought a bunch of carnations symbolizing maternal love on the roadside. This bunch of carnations was very beautiful. The light red petals felt soft and gave off a faint fragrance. I thought my mother would like it. I took a bunch of carnations and walked on my way home, Seeing that adults and children have big and small bags in their hands, full of valuable things, with a proud smile on their faces, while I have only a bunch of lonely carnations, which looks a little shabby and I feel very sad. I can't help feeling melancholy at the thought of whether my mother will accept my gift.

  When I got home, the first thing that came into my mother's eyes was the bunch of beautiful carnations. She didn't throw the flowers on the table with disgust. Instead, with a smile on her face, she took the flowers, smelled them, and deeply held me in her arms, "Mom, happy mother's Day!" I said these words to my mother affectionately and saw two lines of tears flowing from the corners of my mother's eyes!

  Yes, I can't express my feelings for my mother and me with a small carnation. More importantly, my mother's kindness to me can't be repaid in my life.

  May the mother of the world be happy forever!


  Today is mother's day on May 8. It is a festival for mothers all over the world. On this day, I want to present a bunch of flowers for my mother, because she is often the luckiest and bitterest in her family on other days. Mother will cook for us in the morning and check my homework in the evening. From time to time, we will see one or two white hairs on her temples.

  I remember being scolded by my mother for poor grades last semester. At that time, I was very unhappy and didn't understand why my mother was like this, but now I know that my mother was doing this for my good. Which parents didn't want their children to be a dragon and their women to be a Phoenix. I learned that my mother scolded me at that time, which was also very painful, but beating was kiss and scolding was love. She had to say "mean" words to me, so as to cheer me up again and study hard.

  I know that from the day I was born, my mother took care of me and cared about me all the time. She worked hard from day to night and never complained about being tired. She took care of me when she was ill and helped me when she was injured. This kind of spirit of meticulous care and no return is just like what Jay Chou sang in "listening to my mother's words." you can't see my mother's hard work, and the warm recipe is in her heart. "

  There is a story in Green's fairy tale that makes me feel the greatness of maternal love: in the cold winter, the hungry north wind sweeps through the empty field, and the birds chirp and despair under their mother's wings. Mother bird's eyes searched the whole world, so she chose tragic dedication.

  Its hard beak bites the dead branches like iron and hangs on the branches above the birds. The birds rose and swooped down, swallowing the maternal love they were willing to devote themselves to. The mother bird's feathers are scattered and her blood drops. Day by day, there is only one skeleton left. The little life finally grew up, flew away and became independent. Its mother's skeleton swayed in the wind and finally fell to the ground. Only its head was still high in the sky, because its beak was still biting the branches. Winter testifies to the mother's love, and the spirit flag of the mother of birds flutters in the snow and ice.

  Although this is not a human story, it also fully reflects the greatness of maternal love. She has the courage to pay and how great she is at any cost for the next generation. Therefore, on this mother's day, I want to wish my mother: Happy Mother's Day!

