

时间:2023-11-28 17:15:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


【手机用户】→点击进入免费试听>>【CET4】 * 【CET6】


  Daniel:Mom, hurry up or there will be no seats available for us.   Shirley:Don't worry, there will be a lot. There will be enough seats for another ten Daniels.   Daniel:I'll take the one beside the driver. There will be a good view there. Wow, how comfortable the seats are. Your company is so great.   Shirley:Daniel, you can't sit there. Because that one is for the coach. OK, let's sit over here.   (The coach gets on the bus.)   Coach:Is everybody board here? OK, please listen to me. First, all of us must follow the rules. There will be a lot of activities for us, so please never and ever leave the group.   (Daniel turns to his Mom.)   Daniel:Mom, the coach is so strict, I'm afraid I'll never have the fun I want.   Shirley:Honey, you're wrong. If everybody has the same idea as you, a team will not be called a team.   Daniel:Maybe, but anyway, we'll have a lot of fun. Right?   Shirley:Not really, honey. This journey is not all for fun. The most important thing is that we should learn much from it for self-improvement.?   Daniel:What's all that about?   Shirley:It's about for enhancing the degree of belief, taking responsibility and things like that.   Daniel:Oh, I see, that is also to say “teaching goes together with pleasure”.   (One hour later they arrive at their destination.)   Coach:Now, everybody attention please. The first activity we'll do is to make chocolate by yourself.   Daniel:How great! I always eat chocolate but I never know how to make it.   Shirley:And you'll have a taste of the chocolate made by yourself.   Daniel:Yeah, I can design varied tastes of chocolate and also I can put any picture I like on the chocolates.   丹尼尔:妈妈,快点,否则我们就没有座位了。   雪莉:别着急,会有很多的。再来十个丹尼尔都会没有问题。   丹尼尔:我做司机旁边这个位置。这里视野会不错。哇,这个位置好舒服。妈妈的公司真好。   雪莉:丹尼尔,你不能坐那。因为那是给教练的。我们坐这吧。   (教练上车了。)   教练:大家都上车了吗?好的,请听我说。首先,大家都应该遵守纪律。我们会有很多活动。所以请大家决不要离开队伍。   (丹尼尔跟妈妈说话。)   丹尼尔:妈妈,教练好严厉呀,我想恐怕我不会玩得尽兴的。   雪莉:孩子,你错了。如果每一个人像你一样想,团队就不叫团队了。   丹尼尔:可能吧,但是无论如何,我们会玩得很高兴,对不对?   雪莉:也不尽是。这次旅游并不纯粹为了玩,更重要的是为了学东西提高自己。   丹尼尔:是关于什么的呀?   雪莉:是关于提高信任度,责任感等类似的事情。   丹尼尔:哦,我知道了。也就是说“寓教于乐”。   (一个小时后,他们到达了目的地。)   教练:现在,每个人注意了。我们要做的第一个运动时自己亲手制作巧克力。   丹尼尔:好棒,我经常吃巧克力,但是我从来不知道怎么做。   雪莉:你将尝到自己亲手做的巧克力。   丹尼尔:好的,我能设计各种口味的巧克力,还可以放上我喜欢的各种图案。

