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【#英语资源# 导语】在这个充满挑战的时代,我们时常会忘记感恩。然而,感恩是一种美德,它能让我们更加坚定、更加勇敢地面对生活。®文档大全网为大家精心准备了关于感恩的英语演讲稿,让我们一起来探讨感恩的重要性,感受生活的美好。

1.关于感恩的英语演讲稿 篇一

  Dear teachers and classmates

  Hello everyone, I am xxxx.

  There is a song that says, "A grateful heart, thank you for being with me throughout my life..." Gratitude is a necessary quality in life, so we must learn to be grateful.

  Not only do humans feel grateful, but even animals do.

  To give a few examples, sheep have the grace of kneeling milk; Crows have the virtue of feeding back. However, some of us now do not understand this truth. Some children nowadays always disobey their parents and make them angry. Aren't we higher beings inferior to sheep and crows?

  Gratitude is not something spoken in words, but something that comes from the heart and is put into action.

  For example, some businessmen in society may say thank you, but in reality, they have different opinions and use the guise of "gratitude" to make money. It's really puzzling! There are two comics that reflect this situation, both titled "Filial Son". One is about parents saying their son is unfilial, and the son jumps up from the stool and yells, "Why do you say I am unfilial?

  There is a high school student who has to go to school and take care of his amputated mother, but has never complained, which is how to be grateful.

  Some people may ask, how can we learn to be grateful? This requires us to think from a different perspective, and when we look at it from someone else's perspective, you will realize how simple and clear gratitude is.

  Gratitude is a clear spring that nourishes a dry soul; Gratitude is a ray of spring light, illuminating dark corners; Gratitude is a piece of music that slides through people's hearts.

  Gratitude makes us happy and happy, why not do it?

  thank you.

2.关于感恩的英语演讲稿 篇二

  hello everyone!

  This month is Thanksgiving Month, and everyone knows to be grateful. When we come home, we wash our feet, cook a meal, give a gift, and it seems like we're dealing with it. However, we just wait until Thanksgiving to know what we should be grateful for?

  Yes, we are grateful to our parents: by always being grateful, we will be even more grateful and miss every person who has shown us kindness without saying anything in return. It is precisely because of their existence that we have today's happiness and joy. With a constant sense of gratitude, one can have the joy of giving more help and encouragement to others, and can extend a loving and compassionate helping hand to people in need or desperate situations, without seeking any return. Having a grateful heart often leads to less criticism towards others and more appreciation towards the environment.

  We are grateful for the environment, grateful for the sun, it gives you warmth; Thank you to the river, it gives you clear water; Thank the earth, it gives you Lebensraum

  Learning to be grateful is to learn to respect others and always be grateful for their help. Learning to be grateful is to let us know that everyone is enjoying the happiness that others bring to us through their efforts. Learning to be grateful first requires having a grateful heart. As long as a person knows how to be grateful, they will only know how to give, and only when they know how to give can they receive gratitude.

  We should also understand that we should not know to be grateful for what we should be grateful until Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Month. In fact, we can always be grateful from ordinary small things, and we should know that as long as we are grateful, every day is Thanksgiving!

  Thank you all!

3.关于感恩的英语演讲稿 篇三

  Dear teacher and classmates

  hello everyone!

  Over the years, teachers have been like hardworking gardeners, taking care of us all day long, allowing us to grow and thrive; Teachers are like the sun. We are like budding trees, growing under the sunshine and becoming pillars of the country; Teachers are like our mothers, caring for us and preventing us from being hurt; Teachers are like our fathers. If we do something wrong, we must receive strict education. But we will still be encouraged not to do such things again. The teacher has given us everything he has done... Our teacher often works overtime until late at night, whether it's cold or hot. I thought the principal asked them to do this, but I was wrong.

  One thing made me understand why, it turns out that teachers often work overtime not only for the principal's tasks, but also for our homework. Later, I observed the teacher attentively and found that wrinkles were climbing up the corner of the teacher's eyes day and night... The teacher was working tirelessly on writing lesson plans in the middle of the night. Batch the assignment for us. Shouldn't we repay our hardworking teachers with excellent grades?

  Here I want to say to all the teachers, "Teacher, you have worked hard! How much you have done for us, we will definitely repay your hard work with excellent grades

  Thank you all, I'm done!

4.关于感恩的英语演讲稿 篇四

  Dear teachers and classmates

  hello everyone!

  The topic of my speech today is gratitude to parents.

  Ladies and gentlemen, where do we come from? Upon hearing this question, everyone will surely say that it was our parents who brought us into the world. More than twenty years ago, one day, my parents welcomed me with tears and a happy smile. But from the moment I came into the world, my parents had an extra heavy job - taking care of me. Although it was a heavy burden, my parents raised me without any complaints. They always work so hard and work so hard to provide me with a comfortable living environment. When I was young, I always took this kind of hard work as a matter of course, because I really didn't understand my parents' hard work yet. Now that I have grown up, I know that I should empathize with my parents with a grateful heart and take on the responsibility of taking care of and showing filial piety to them.

  The old saying goes, "Sheep have the grace to kneel and milk, while crows have the righteousness to feed back." We cannot grow up without the help of our parents bit by bit, and every drop of kindness is rewarded by a spring. Therefore, we should know how to be grateful and appreciate our parents.

  When I first called out to my parents, took a step independently, and wrote a word crookedly, it was my parents patiently teaching me around. Parents are the spiritual sustenance bestowed on me by heaven without any need for modification.

  When we encounter difficulties, the people who can pour everything into helping us are parents.

  When we are wronged and can patiently listen to our crying, it is our parents. The people who can forgive us without hesitation when we make mistakes are our parents. When we achieve success, it is our parents who will sincerely celebrate and share our joy with us.

  Nowadays, when we work outside, we still care about our people and our parents.

  Many times when the night comes and the mood is lonely, it naturally reminds me of my home and parents who have lived in the countryside for more than ten years. I make a phone call to greet them, and their voices are always so kind. My mother's words are always those few words, but every time they clear my mind of boredom. My mother always misses me, remembers my daily life, reminds me to take care of my body, and her voice of love makes me not miss my family?

  My father doesn't have much to say on the phone. He always asks me, 'Have you eaten yet, are you working hard, and want to eat better?' But I know from the bottom of my heart that my taciturn father always blends his love into the bright smile when he tells others about his child. My father is proud of his child.

  Life is not as perfect as imagined. We cannot appreciate the hard work of our parents. Although we cannot share the hardships of life with them, we can let them worry less about ourselves in life. Should we take responsibility and take care of our parents when they are sick? You know, even a word of concern, even a bowl of instant noodles cooked by ourselves, will comfort our parents who were anxious for us. Gratitude to parents is not difficult to achieve.

  Parents are always the people we are most grateful for!

  Grateful Father

5.关于感恩的英语演讲稿 篇五

  Dear teachers and classmates

  hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "Gratitude to Parents".

  In the hands of a loving mother, the clothes of a wandering child are tightly sewn. Before leaving, I fear that I may return too late. Who can say that an inch of grass in the heart can bring back the sunshine of spring? "We are now bathing in the sunshine woven by maternal love, sucking on the fairy dew that is full of maternal love. Mother's love is great, so is father's love. What parents give us is selfless love that others cannot reach.

  From infancy to nurturing us as adults, parents have put in so much effort and sweat, weaving so many days and nights. As the saying goes, 'A drop of water is a gift that springs back.' Not to mention, what parents give you is not just a drop of water, but a vast ocean. Do you offer a cup of warm tea to your parents after they are tired, a card to them on their birthday, and greetings and comfort to them when they are lost. Our parents have devoted all their effort and energy to us, but how have we ever remembered their birthdays, experienced their fatigue, and noticed the strands of silver and wrinkles

  A few years later, as we have grown up, will you remember: who fed you one mouthful at a time, and in return, you may have been tightly sucking and not letting go;

  Who wakes up in the middle of the night time and time again, comforting your crying and unable to sleep well;

  Who helped you learn to walk step by step, and helped you take hundreds or even thousands of steps;

  Who left you with all the food and everything at home.

  The crow feeds back, the lamb kneels and suckles. Animals can still do this, but humans should be even more so! Parents have given us a lot and a lot, and we should learn to be grateful, even if it's just pounding their backs and helping them wash dishes;

  Even if it's just taking a walk with them and chatting with them more

  The tree desires tranquility but the wind does not stop, the son desires nourishment but does not wait. Classmates, let's seize every opportunity now to be grateful to our parents, give back to them, and not let filial piety become a regret!

  thank you.
