2017年职称英语 考试 报名-2017年职称英语理工类B级非谓语动词辅导:分词


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  1. 分词作定语

  1) 分词作定语既可以放在所修饰的词之前,作前置定语,也可以放在所修饰的词后面,作后置定语。其作用相当于一个定语从句。例如:

  Where are the reserved seats? (=Where are the seats which have been reserved?)


  This is a pressing problem. (=This is a problem which is pressing。)


  2) 分词作后置定语可分为限制性(紧跟在所修饰的中心词之后)和非限制性(用逗号与其所修饰的中心词分开)两种,其作用分别相当于一个限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。例如:

  The funds raised (= which have been raised) are mainly used for helping the homeless。


  There are many students waiting (= who are waiting) to get examined。


  This book, written (= which is written) in simple English, is suitable for beginners。


  3) 分词常和形容词、副词或名词构成合成形容词作定语。例如:

  The flower-carrying girl must be waiting for someone。


  The newly-built building is our office building。


  4) 有些不及物动词的过去分词作定语,并不表示被动的意思而是表示完成。这类过去分词常作前置修饰语。例如:

  There are a lot of fallen leaves in autumn。


  The film describes the story about the police who pursue an escaped man。


  常用的这一类词有:fallen, faded, returned, retired, risen, grown up, vanished等。

  2. 分词作宾语补足语

  1) 跟分词作宾补的动词有:catch, have get, keep, hear, find, feel, leave, make, want, start, notice, observe, watch, set等。例如:

  When they returned home from the holiday, they found their house stolen。


  2) 在复合宾语中,用现在分词作宾补,说明宾语是动作的发出者,形成逻辑上的主谓关系;用过去分词作宾补,表示宾语是动作的承受者,构成逻辑上的动宾关系。例如:

  There was so much noise that the speaker couldn't make himself heard。


  When he awoke, he found himself being looked after by an old woman。


  3. 分词作状语

  1) 分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、让步、条件、方式或伴随状况。通常可转换成相应的状语从句;表示方式或伴随状况的可以转换成并列句或非限制性定语从句。例如:

  Confined to bed (= Because she was confined to bed), she needed to be waited on in everything。


  Having only book knowledge (= If you only have book knowledge), you will not be

  able to work well。


  They stood there waiting for the bus. (=They stood there and waited for the bus。)


  2) 现在分词和过去分词作状语时的用法比较

  不管是现在分词还是过去分词作状语,如果单独作状语,其逻辑主语必须和主句的主语一致。分词作状语通常可以转换成一个相应的状语从句,如果状语从句中的谓语动词为被动结构,就用过去分词;如果状语从句中的谓语动词为主动结构,就用现在分词。有时为了强调,分词前可带连词when, while, if, though, as if, unless等一起作状语,以便使句子的意思更清楚、更连贯。例如:

  Working hard (If you work hard), you will succeed。


  Defeated (= Though he was defeated), he remained a popular boxer。


  4. 分词的独立结构

  1) 分词作状语时,要特别注意其逻辑主语必须和谓语动词的主语一致。否则,分词必须有自己的主语,这种带主语的分词被称为分词的独立结构,或叫独立主格。在句中作状语,表示时间、原因、条件等。例如:

  The project finished, they had a two weeks' leave。


  He being absent, nothing could be done。


  2) 独立结构有时也可以用“with/ without +名词(或代词的宾语)+ 分词”的结构,表示伴随状况。例如:

  They sat there silently, (with) their eyes fixedon the lake。


  With him helping me, I felt lucky。


  5 . 容易混淆的现在分词和过去分词

  像 interesting 和 interested 一类的分词在意义和用法上很容易混淆,一般可作如下区分:

  ( 1 )一部分表示“情感;心情”等意义的动词的现在分词有“令人……的;具有……性质的”的意思,常用来说明人或事物的特征或性质。如:

  The president made an inspiring speech at the meeting yesterday。

  ( 2 )它们的过去分词有“感到……的”的意思,用来指人的感觉或所处的状态,因而它的主语一般不可能是指物的词。如:

  He was too excited to fall asleep。

  这类容易混淆的分词常见的有: encouraging, encouraged; disappointing, disappointed; exciting, excited; inspiring, inspired; interesting, interested; puzzling, puzzled; astonishing, astonished; surprising, surprised 等。


  1.The Olympic Games, ______ in 776 B.C,did’t include women players until 1919.

  A.first playing B.to be first played C.first played D.to be first playing

  析:根据题干,必须选表示被动的选项,故排除A、D;因B选项表“将要被举行”意,不合题干之用,只有C选项(相当于which was first played)才合用。

  2.European football is played in 80 countries, ______ it the most popular sport in the world。

  A.making B.makes C.made D.to make

  析:B、C是谓语动词,在此不可用。D项to make或表目的,或表“将要使得”,这都不合题干情景。只有A.making,可作状语,表结果。再举一现在分词作结果状语例: The bus was held up by the snowstorm,causing the delay。公共汽车被大风雪所阻,因而耽误了。

  3.Little Jim should love ______ to the theatre this evening。

  A.to be taken B.to take C.being taken D.taking

  析:根据this evening,应选表示将来义的选项,C、D应排除。Take后无宾语,必然要用被动式,故答案为A。

  4.John was made ______ the truck for a week as a punishment。

  A.to wash B.washing C.wash D.to be washing

  析:根据be made to do sth。句式,可定答案为A。

  5.The patient was warned ______ oily food after the operation。

  A.to eat not B.eating not C.not to eat D.not eating

  析:根据warn sb。(not)to do sth。句式,可排除B、D两项;又根据非谓语动词的否定式not总是在首位的规律,又可排除A,而定C。

  6.——I usually go there by train. ——Why not ______ by boat for a change?

  A.to try going B.trying to go C.to try and go D.try going

  析:此题可根据why not后直接跟原形动词规律而一举确定正确答案为D。若将B项改为try to go,则要根据其与try going意义之别来确定答案。依据题干对话内容,乙方是建议甲方尝试乘船变变花样,所以答案仍为D。

  7.______ a reply,he decided to write again。

  A.Not receiving B.Receiving not

  C.Not having received D.Having not received


  8.Charles Babbage is generally considered ______ the first computer。

  A.to invent B.inventing C.to have invented D.having mvented

  析:consider表“考虑”意时,其后动词用doing形式,此处不表“考虑”,而表“认为”,这时consider后作宾语补足语或主语补足语多为to do,to have done,to be等形式。据此可排除B、D两个选项。又因A表“要发明”意,不合题用,只有C表“发明了”意,才合题用,故选C。

