bec商务英语 高级,2019年BEC商务英语高级听力资料:诺贝尔物理学奖


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【#BEC# 导语】所有的成功都来自于行动,只有付诸行动,才能一步步走向成功。所以想要考证书的亲们,快去了解一下吧,以下为“2019年BEC商务英语高级听力资料:诺贝尔物理学奖”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  Two scientists joining the prestigious Nobel club. Serge Haroche of France
and American David Wineland have won the 2012 Prize for Physics. The Swedish
Academy of Sciences announced Tuesday. They were chosen for their work in
Quantum physics, specifically finding ways to measure and manipulate quantum
particles without destroying them.

  -This is something that Physics have dreamed long since dawn of quantum
mechanics, and today it's a possibility.

  Their discovery of ways to manipulate the smallest particles of matter and
light could make it possible to build a new more powerful computer. Researchers
have long dreamed of building quantum computers able to conduct far more
complicated calculations and hold vastly more data than classical computers.

